

A girl named Enya struggles between the traumatic events of the past and fearsome thoughts of future. Constantly being looked down by the society, she decides to make some choices regardless of their consequences.

Feeling_22 · Teenager
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1 Chs

What's Wrong With Me??

It was a rainy winter night, the sound of sirens and yelling of people could be faintly heard. Dizziness took over her body and breathing felt harder than everything she ever went through. The faint and blurry lights, the sharp and needling pain in her lower limbs and the unexplained fear felt suffocating. Looking to her side, she saw a strong, now miserable figure whom she tried to reach out but failed due the numbness of her body. She tried to speak but her throat gave up. She heard a slight groan and rolled her eyeballs to the left seeing the only person she ever loved struggling to break free from the chains of suffocating seat belt. That's when she heard a squeaky whistle inside her head and everything went black.

"Sir ! please calm down and don't worry , we're trying our best" She heard a strange voice, still feeling dizzy. Opening her eyes she saw a well-built figure standing in front of her, being all messy . "HEY ! it's me ! I'm here. Don't worry I'll protect you. We're going to be just fine." said a tall , badly injured and messed up yet so good looking man. She tried to reach out to his hand only to be held firmly whom she loved the most.

"ENYA! MY LOVE ! ARE YOU OK?? OH MY GOD!!" she looked to her left to see her mother all soaked because of the heavy down pour. She felt a little scared when she felt her mother hovering over her and kissing her as if her daughter came back alive from a never ending war. "Enya my love what happened to you? You must be in pain? Don't worry , everything will be OK ." she seemed concerned but on the other hand, Enya had no idea about what was going on and who were these humble people and why were they so concerned about her.

"Ma'am ! She needs to rest well since her condition is still sensitive." the doctor said as Enya let out a sigh of relief. After what doctor said her mother and that tall guy left the room leaving only Enya inside so she could rest. She blankly stared at the roof for a couple of minutes trying to process everything . But it gave her nothing but a stinging pain inside her head. She wanted to know what happened to her and why was she in such an unbearable pain but she was too dizzy and hurt to think about anything but some rest.

"They're there! HURRY! Call the ambulance! HURRY UP!!" "OH MY GOD! Are you OK??" "BRO! Why'd you care if she's hurt or pretending to be hurt" "After all she's an attention seeker" "HAHAHA! Oh my god! look at her skirt. Did you get it from trash?" Her eyes flashed open wide. She was a panting mess. She was sweating as if she'd run a hundred miles. She tried to figure it out but failed to do so. She could remember nothing even after so many tries. She looked at herself and wondered "WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME??"