

Jumping up Rufus rushes to open the door. 'I can't believe they found a compatible partner for Carlos so quickly.' Hearing Carlos saying, "Hello, little brother, I see you are working hard."

"Where are Mom and the others?"

"We are here Son, and your sisters will be home by the weekend."

"Has your trip been successful Mom?"

"We will know when the girls return weekend, the fools are greedy but Carlos and the young lady seem to have the same idea."

"Idea, what do you mean?"

"Rufus honey, I am tired and hungry, I need some home cook food, I wonder if Oliver has any leftovers?"

"Mom, the meal Oliver prepared for me is in the kitchen, but how did you all manage to come with all the rain?"

"Strange," Carlos replies, "The other side of the Island is dry not a single drop of rain, won't you say that's favor on our path?

Now I must get some rest, in the morning I have to update Grandmother that my wedding will be taking place in two weeks and you know grandmother?"

"Yes, I know Grandmother very well big brother, I must say things are stepping up for the family.

Another addition to this full house, but there's no need to bother about me. Soon I will be leaving and moving in with my grandmother.

She was not well these few days, and yesterday I had to take her to the Doctor again, and I had to hire a young lady as a companion to stay with her just in case she gets sick during the night."

"You did well little brother."

"I supposed so, with you not being here, I had to make the decision because managing the business, and attending to grandmother was a bit too much for me alone."

"Rufus, did I hear you right."

"What's that Mom?"

"Did I hear you hire someone to keep Mother Gracious company?"

"Yes Mom, Grandmother was not keeping well these few days, so I had to take her to Doc Conrad."

"Well she should have gone with us, but she insisted to remain home, the stubborn old fool just doesn't listen and because of that, you had to stay behind.

Who knows you might have met one of the young ladies as your companion, instead of you having to get her one."

"Mom, grandmother was not feeling well and didn't need the hassle, and she was not being stubborn as you declared, but then everyone has to do as you wish."

"Not everyone, you, your father and your grandparents and that old fool of a grandfather, where is he anyhow?".

"He should be home tomorrow. And Mom I haven't seen Dad, where is he?"

"Your Father, I believe he has already gone to bed."

Seeing how relieved she was looking, when she said, "He should have stayed home like his mother, and by now the wedding would already be arranged."

Realizing that Dad must be responsible for the delay, recalling the conversation he overheard between Grandmother and Dad a few days before they leave for the mainland.

'When Grandmother suggested that I hurry and get a pretty young lady to confuse the mind of Carlos, the wedding will be delayed for a few more months.

I had already put my plans in place with Tamara, only the fool didn't show up as we had already planned and come to an understanding, which no one was aware of.'

Hearing what Carlos said, 'Rufus knows he must inform Grandmother before Carlos reach her, so she will agree with his plan.

Thinking as he visualized the plan, 'There are so many petty things that could foul up his plan, which he cannot afford to let happen.'

Closing the front door saying good night to his Mom, "I will see you all in the morning." Embracing her, "What is this mom, you complain about their food, and you put on weight?"

"My home food is what satisfies my taste bud, so lay off will you, one week of exercise will get me back on track.

Oh Rufus, I get you a suit for the wedding already, the girls will bring it when they return, if your father was not so stubborn.

He insisted that the work must be piling up home and wanted to return, or I would have made all the arrangement one time."

"Mom, you still have a week to finish up your preparations."

"Yes, but thank God I had made arrangements with the hairstylist and cosmetologist to come from Friday to take care of Carlos and the girls."

Stroking his face, "You look so tired, why don't you go and rest, and tomorrow we will discuss the other details."

Giving her a peck on her cheeks, "See you in the morning mom."


Turning around, "Yes Mom."

"How is your grandmother feeling now son?"

"She is slightly better after taking Doc Conrad's medication."

"Good, I can't have her dying on me now, because the wedding will be held back."

"I can't believe you, Mom, hearing you ask I thought you were a bit concern." Walking away as she calls after him, Rufus, just raise his hand, then went to his room and close his door.

Kneeling down by his bed, "I know you will not hear my prayer because of the vast sin I have committed by hurting Courtney.

My Lord, I know you understand the blunder Carlos will make, if he gets to take control of this beautiful Island of yours.

Did I have a choice after hearing their plans? Lord, You provided a virgin to send your Son to redeem mankind. You also know I need a son to save this family.

Lord, I am not asking too much, and didn't you blessed Jacob although his father loved Esau, I ask you please to help me.

Jacob had his mother's support, You knows, I only have my Grandmother and maybe my Father to support me, but Oh God if I could only have your support and favor, I will be successful in this venture, I ask this in Jesus name amen."

Setting the alarm for six, thinking that he have to be at Grandmother first.