
Dawnguard: Male OC X Serana

after meeting at the Dimhollow crypt Khalid a vampire hunter along with Serana started a long journey to obtain Auril's bow. a lot of things will happen along this journey, you just need to read to find out. 1. in this story there is no cure for vamparism. 2. there is characters from mods. 3. the oc is based on my Palladian character.

the_reluctant_hero · Videospiele
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17 Chs

Bloodline 2

Khalid: Any idea how to get out of here? 

Serana: "Your guess is as good as mine. This place looks pretty different from when I was locked away.

Khalid:"Tell me about your home. 

Serana:"It's on an island near Solitude. Hopefully we can find a boat to take us there. It's my family home. Not the most welcoming place, but depending on whose around, I'll be safe there."

Khalid:Someone you don't want to see? 

Serana:"My father and I don't really get along. Ugh, saying it out loud makes it sound so... common. "Little girl who doesn't get along with her father." Read that story a hundred times.

Khalid:How long were you in there?

Serana:"Good question. Hard to say. I... I can't really tell. I feel like it was a long time. Who is Skyrim's High King?

Khalid:"That's actually a matter of debate. "

Serana:Oh, wonderful. A war of succession. Good to know the world didn't get boring while I was gone. Who are the contenders?"

Khalid:The Empire supports Ellisif, but there are many in Skyrim loyal to Ulfric.

Serana:"Empire? What... what empire?"

Khalid:The... Empire. From Cyrodiil. 

Serana:"Cyrodiil is the seat of an empire? I must have been gone longer than I thought. Definitely longer than we planned. Please, let's hurry. I need to get home so I can figure out what's happened.

Khalid:"Why were you locked away? 

Serana:"I'd... rather not get into that with you. If that's all right. I'm sorry, it's not that... it's just that I don't know who I can trust yet. Let's get to my home, and I'll have a better sense of where we all stand.

Khalid: Wait i can sense something.

Serana: Yeah i feel it too, oh! look out!

Then two gargoyle statues shattered and came to life, Serana readied her spells while Khalid pulled his silver sword and and the Astral Spear spell. A spell that fires a spear of startlight, the spear penetrated the first gargoyle, then he sliced the other one's wings then Serana finished it off with her shock bolt spell making it head explode. Then they continued their search for the exit. 

Khalid :do you have any questions for me Serana?

Serana: Yeah, why are you helping me, I mean i get it you need information but why are you taking so much of your time and risking it all with your friend just to help me.

Khalid : Something tells me you're trust worthy, besides i need knowledge...and you're not the first vampire that convinced me to trust them.

Serana: Really! i hope the rest of your friends are like you then.

Khalid : You know the Dawnguard would want me to kill you.

Serana: Not fond of vampires, are they? Well, Look. Kill me, You've killed one vampire. But if people are after me, there's something bigger going on. I can help you find out what that is.

Khalid : Yeah i figured that out when your people attacked a vigilant hall and now they were here looking for you.

It was her first time seeing a man let alone someone as handsome as he is, she kept steeling glances from time to time and every time she dose it she feel herself lost in his aura.

Serana:" What are doing Serana?, He is a vampire hunter, You can't be attracted to him just like that and you only met him few minutes ago"

Khalid : You want something?

Serana: Oh thank you for asking but no i don't need anything.

Serana:" His aura is different, I feel like a moth attracted to a source of light" 

 Khalid:Stop looking at me get ready to fight!

When she took a glans at him as she pushed the draugr away she saw a bright sword that had the light of the sun summoned from his hand, he start striking the draugrs, His blade went through their gray bodies and when stabbed one through it chest a shock wave erupted from it body and send the others running away, He then pulled his autocross and shot them on the back killing them instantly. while he was fighting them off, Serana throw her dagger at one of the draugr that she was fighting she then start using her drain life and ice spear on them sending multiple spear at them killing some and weakening some she then walked to the draugr that she threw the dagger at and pulled it off his face then she used her drain life at the rest.

Khalid :(walking to her) You're skilled with the dagger, but i think you need a better one, that one looks dull and old,there is some crack there and there( pointing at the cracks) here use this

 Khalid: I will make you one when we get out of here...stay sharp we have a dragon priest up ahead. 

He then casted a spell that formed a blue shield bubble around him as the Dragon priest start casting his spell on him. then he stabbed the ground with his sunlight spear making a line on spears emerge from the ground toward the priest, the sunlight was burning him weakening his strength, Serana then took the chance and use her drain life spell on him eventualyl killing him.

Serana: What was that? The thing that you did?

I can't tell you everything...i need to trust you first.

After defeating the dragon priest they found the exit ,When they ere outside of the cave Serana closed her eyes as she breathed in and out.

Serana:"Ah, It's so good to breathe again! Even in this weather, it's better than the cave."

Khalid: I though that nords don't mind cold.

Serana: Yes i know, but i prefer spring over winter. 

Khalid: Let head to Dawnstar it's not far from here.

After a long walk they finally reached dawnstar, as they approached the docks they found an old man with a small boat.

Khalid: Hey there old timer, i need you to take to a place.

boat man : Sure young lad, where to?

Khalid: To a castle near Solitude.

boat man :What?! don't you know that the place is cursed.

Khalid: That's my business so are you taking me or not.

boat man : Okay i will take you, but that will cost you extra gold and i'm not gonna drop you there i will just drop you closer to it, I can't risk getting cursed. 

Khalid: Sure how much?

boat man :500 gold.

Serana: Woha! that so much!

Khalid: Here and let keep moving.

Serana: Now you're losing gold to get me home...i must repay you for your kindness somehow.

When he sat on the boat Serana sat next to him, the man then start sailing away, waves moved the small boat and so is them Serana was constantly bumping into him as he was sitting with his hood down looking to the horizon. 

Serana: sorry(bumping into him) sorry again(bumping into him)sorry(bumping into him).sorry(bumping into him)sorry...




Boat man :Okay this is as far as i can get you, it look like there's boat here there is a boat here use t to get there.

Serana:We're here, oh the sun is about to rise we better hurry

At the Icewater Jetty:

Serana:"Umm... this is the part where we usually get in the boat. You with me?"

Khalid:(nod) Just thinking about something.

Serana: Oh, and what is that?

Khalid: You actually.

Serana:M-me?! what made you think about me?

Khalid: I've never met a vampire like you before, usually they are not so calm when they are faced with a vampire hunter.

Serana: I can say the same thing to you, You had the chance to end me when i was weak but you didn't, And for that i thank you.

In front of the castle:

Khalid: This is your home? 

Serana:"This is it. Home sweet... castle."

Khalid: Why didn't you tell me it was so huge?

Serana:"I didn't want you to think I was one of those... you know, the women who just sit in their castle all day? I don't know. Coming from a place like this, well... it's not really me. I hope you can believe that."

Khalid: It's impressive. 

Serana:"It's something all right."

Upon approaching the castle gate:

Serana:"Hey, so... before we go in there..."

Khalid: Are you all right?

Serana: I think so. And thanks for asking.( tucking a thread of her hair behind her ear) I wanted to thank you for getting me this far.(smiles)... But after we get in there, I'm going to go my own way for a while. I think... I know your friends would probably want to kill everything in here. I'm hoping you can show some more control than that. Once we're inside, just keep quiet for a bit. Let me take the lead.

Khalid: Sure but if i feel threatened i will act on my own.

Serana: Let's hope that dose not happen.

As they approached the castle gate, the gate keeper walked closer he was ready to attack and so dose the hunter but when he saw Serana with him he stopped.

Gate keeper: Lady Serana?! i can believe it, i will open the gate right away.

After the gate was open he walked inside uppon entering he was met with a vampire high elf.

Elven Vampire : You how dare you trespass into our castle wait Serana is that you? i can believe it ( walking away) everyone lady Serana is back. 

Serana: Will i didn't expect that welcoming, listen sorry about them, come on now let go down they are waiting for me.

Mysterious man: My long-lost daughter returns at last. I trust you have my Elder Scroll?

Serana: After all these years, that's the first thing you ask me? Yes, I have the scroll.

A Female Vampire: She have the scroll.

A Male Vampire: We are closer to our goal.

Mysterious man : "Of course I'm delighted to see you, my daughter. Must I really say the words aloud? Ah, if only your traitor mother were here, I would let her watch this reunion before putting her head on a spike. Now tell me, who is this stranger you have brought into our hall? 

Serana: This is my savior, the one who freed me.

Mysterious man : For my daughter's safe return, you have my gratitude. Tell me, what is your name?

Mysterious man :I am Harkon, lord of this court. By now, my daughter will have told you what we are.

Khalid: You're vampires: 

Harkon: Not just vampires. We are among the oldest and most powerful vampires in Skyrim. For centuries we lived here, far from the cares of the world. All that ended when my wife betrayed me and stole away that which I valued most."

Khalid:What happens now? 

Harkon:You have done me a great service, and now you must be rewarded. There is but one gift I can give that is equal in value to the Elder Scroll and my daughter. I offer you my blood. Take it, and you will walk as a lion among sheep. Men will tremble at your approach, and you will never fear death again.

Khalid: And if I refuse your gift? 

Harkon:"Then you will be prey, like all mortals. I will spare your life this once, but you will be banished from this hall. Perhaps you still need convincing? Behold the power! This is the power that I offer! Now, make your choice!"

Khalid: I don't want to become a vampire. I refuse. 

Harkon:So be it! You are prey, like all mortals. I banish you!

Before he could us the spell Khalid summoned a spear and threw it at Harkon but he dogged it, but the spear has hit another vampire who was feeding on one of the humans there, the spear pierced his chest and his body exploded with sunlight,in that moment Harkon has already banished him from the castle. Khalid will appeared outside the castle with no other option but to report back to Isran.

AN: if you want to read it with images you can find it in wattpad, serach thereluctanthero2000, enjoy.

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