
Dawnguard: Male OC X Serana

after meeting at the Dimhollow crypt Khalid a vampire hunter along with Serana started a long journey to obtain Auril's bow. a lot of things will happen along this journey, you just need to read to find out. 1. in this story there is no cure for vamparism. 2. there is characters from mods. 3. the oc is based on my Palladian character.

the_reluctant_hero · Videospiele
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17 Chs

Awakening 1

The scene shows a the dark night sky that is beautified by the stars and the two moons Masser and Secunda.

A tall man walking alone he had a dark silver armor a hood that coved his head and darkened his face only his glowing gray eyes can be seen, He made his way further into the forest, Strange voices can be heard and a fire illuminating he stopped and looked at a group of witches and among them was a Hagraven.a young girl in a dark robe is approached by the Hagraven her long fingers touched the girl's face. 

Hagraven:"speaking gibberish"

The girl: I don't know about this...i'm scared

A witch: You don't have to be when you will be so strong that anyone will tremble in fear in front of you...you will be powerful nothing ca-

As she said that a bright glowing spear pierced the body of the Hagraven and pinned her into the stone wall before it disappeared into thin air, the young girl was covered in blood, She wiped the blood off her face and looked at it on her hands, The witches behind her readied their spells, Then the saw him coming from the shadows, His eyes glowed in the darkness as he was slowly walking toward them, Their hand were shaking in fear, The fire ball spell was fading and coming back as they were loosing concentration, Then one of them start throwing it in a blind rampage then the others joined her, Then their magica ran out their hand still shaking, Then one of them felt someone next to her but before she could look her head was cut soon the other too joined her in the same fate, He looked at the twitching bodies then at the teenage girl who is still in shock he knelled down and placed his hand on her shoulder, he took off the hood and revealed his face. He is a Redguard with a lighter skin, He had a beard that was nor too long or too short his hair was ( like this)

Khalid: You are too young for this...were are your parents.

His deep soothing fatherly voice made the girl ease and calm, she continued looking into his eyes as she spoke.

 They are in Markarth. 

Khalid: Come on i will take you there, what do you say about that?

(wiping her tears ) yes that...that will be good sir.

Khalid: (taking her hand) next time choose good friends, another path...

But i want to be powerful.

Khalid: You can but not like that...tell you what, i know a place where you can go. a place where you were not going to be sacrificed.

Really?! wait what?!

Khalid: Yes you can go there, but first what are you good at?

I always was found of archery.

Khalid: Lucky for you we have one of the best...so what is your name?


Khalid: Well Erika if work hard from now on, you will be a great archer, but first let's take you home.




Khalid: Let me guess you sold your daughter to that witch( sigh) i think she will be better off away from you two.( to the girl) we can go to that place i told you about.

300 gold and you can take her.

(elbowing him) 500 gold and you can take her.

Khalid: Really...listen...i can...(looking at the girl) you know that being involved with witches is punishable in my line of work...so...i will let you go and the girl come with me where she can have a good life away from you. or i do my job and the girl comes with me anyway. 

 Fine...what about...100?

 When he looked around he saw bottles of skooma and wine of the table and the floor, he looked into their eyes and their shaky hands.

Khalid: I don't think that i will do that,but i can cure that poison out of your body.

Then without waiting for their approval he casted cure disease spell and took the girl's hand and walked outside. 




Khalid: Auri i want you to meet Erika, she interested in learning archery so i want you to have her in your class with the rest of the kids.

Auri: Don't worry my friend she will be taken care of, oh before you go a currier brought this letter with your name.

Khalid: ( taking it and reading it)" Isran is bringing back the Dawnguard... vampires" i must go, Auri let the others know.( walking away)

Auri: Wait! where are you going?

Khalid: I need to do some business with an old friend i will be back when it's done.

 After 5 hours Khalid arrived at Dayspring Canyon, after walking through the entrance and making his way further he met a young man, the young lad then nervously approached him.

Oh, hey there! You here to join the Dawnguard, too? Truth is, I'm a little nervous. I've never done anything like this before. I hope you don't mind if I walk up with you.

Sure kid let go

Agmaer: My name is Agmaer by the way... Hey, uh, don't tell Isran I was afraid to meet him by myself. Not the best first impression for a new vampire hunter, I guess. You've probably killed lots of vampires, huh?


 Agmaer: I'm sure Isran will sign you right up. Not sure he'll take me. I hope so.


Agmaer:That must be it. Fort Dawnguard... Wow. Bigger than I expected. Where is everybody? This place looks almost deserted. I guess this is it. Wish me luck."

When he reach the main door he found a man standing outside,when the man saw him he reached his hand and grabbed his shoulder.

Celann: Here to join the Dawngurad?

Khalid: That's why i'm here.

Celann: I'll tell you, the only thing more surprising than hearing from Isran after all these years was hearing that he wanted my help. I immediately realized things must be pretty bad. Looks like I was right."

Khalid: You've worked with Isran before? 

Celann:"I have. There was a time, years ago, when we were both members of the Vigilants, and both equally dissatisfied with them. Their hearts are in the right place, of course. But Isran and I were never comfortable. We left together, but that partnership didn't last very long. I didn't agree with some of his methods.( sigh) Go on inside. Isran'll want to talk to you."

Upon entering the fort he was greeted by a converstation between Isran and a Vigilant.

Isran: "Why are you here, Tolan? The Vigilants and I were finished long ago." 

Tolan: "You know why I'm here, the Vigilants are under attack everywhere. The vampires are much more dangerous than we believed." 

Isran: "And now you want to come running to safety with the Dawnguard, is that it? I remember Keeper Carcette telling me repeatedly that Dawnguard is a crumbling ruin, not worth the expense and manpower to repair. And now that you've stirred up the vampires against you, you come begging for my protection?"

Tolan: "Isran, Carcette is dead. The Hall of Vigilants... everyone... they're all dead. You were right, we were wrong. Isn't that enough for you?"

Isran: "Yes, well... I never wanted any of this to happen. I tried to warn all of you... I am sorry, you know."

Isran then looked at the two men who were standing in front of the door, Khalid walked closer while still covering himself with the hood and the cloak. when he removed the hood Isran relaxed. 

Isran: Khalid you are here.

Khalid: Isran i got your letter, vampires in skyrim is not an old thing, but they were rare to find here. you said that The Hall of Vigilants is down?! vampires are getting really brave, they tend to stay in the shadows, this means that they are planning to do something.

Isran: yes i think that this situation is deferent that's why i requested you to come, tell him about it what is called it Dimhollow.

Tolan: Yes Dimhollow Crypt, Vampires are looking for something there.

Khalid: I will be heading there.

Tolan:i will go too.

Isran: Tolan it's dangerous, you're not used to fighting vampires.

Tolan: Why? because you think that we are weak? The vigilantes are as strong as any of you, now if you excuse me i will be in my way. 

Khalid: So the vigilantes are nearly destroyed, i knew this will happen, chasing down daedra and daedra worshipers is different from from vampires, they need to do something...we will speak about it more when i get back. but first i need to put a travel point here if you don't mind.

A,N: (A set of Alteration spells that will allow you to teleport. Locations are assigned with the "Mark" spell (and nameable) and later teleported to using the "Recall" spell. Requirements and number of Marks are configurable).

Isran: Suit yourself.

After he made a mark and recall spell start walking away and passed by the nervous young Nord who was still in the shadow, he heard Isran call him out.

Isran: Good luck out there, you there stop hiding the shadows and come here.why are you here?

Agmaer: I want to join the Dawnguard.

Isran: And why you want that.

Agmaer: I want to help end the vampires.

Isran:oh We got a little hero here, so tell me what weapon you know how to use?

Agmaer: I always use my pa's axe.

Isran: Your pa's axe, Stand firmly boy!

Agmaer: Yes sir

Isran: I'm not a sir,this is not the army.

Agmaer: Yes si-

Isran: Come on grab that crossbow and show me what you've got."Watch the recoil. Takes some getting used to.""Take a deep breath and let it out as you fire."...."That's it.""You'll get the hang of it.""You need to concentrate, boy. Try it again."

Time skip:

After two hours Khalid arrived the the Dimhollow Crypt, Upon entering the Dimhollow Crypt, he remained in the shadow as he was listening to dialogue between two vampires.

Female vampire: That vigilant was a skilled fighter. 

Male vampire: Yeah those two didn't have a chance against him, He putted a courageous, yet doomed fight.

Female vampire: Are you sure that Lokil go this, I mean he was not successful in getting any information, and more of them will come

Male vampire: Do you want me to tell him about you entrust of him?

 Female vampire: No i didn't mean anything like that.

Male vampire: Sure...damn that fight made me feel thirsty maybe i will get-

 Female vampire: what the-

After defeating them, he proceeded to the second floor of the tower At the top of the stairs there was a chain that pulled it opened the large gate into the next chamber. After proceeding through, the tunnel will open up to a cavern with a vampire and some skeletons . after he also defeating them he Proceeded north down the steps where dargurs and few vampires are engaged in combat. 

Khalid:" this will be easy"

after conjuring his spear he threw it at the Dragur deathlord, the spear pierced his chest and his body exploded and released a shock wave of sun light weakening the vampires around him. then quietly finished the vampires and proceeded to the main room, Following the tunnel lead him to a large cavern with a lake. Several skeletons will emerge from the water along with a vampire.one of the skeletons attacked him he scattered as soon as the sword made contact with Khalid's body, the vampire jumped at him but he held her by the neck she was trying to scratch his face but he start putting pressure into her neck until it broke , then he Proceed to the room at the top of the ramp where more vampires and death hounds, he proceeded to kill his way until he found Dimhollow Cavern, then upon entering he heard a vampire killing another vigilant, then he saw the two vampire approaching a platform. 

Lokil: it's not working!

Female vampire :Maybe it needs stronger blood.

Lokil: Shut up! you worthless thing! you are beneath me! you are my slave you don't get to tell me what to do and what i need do that again and i will-

The female vampire was shocked after seeing the male's head fly off his body, when his body fell into the ground she saw a tall man with a glowing sword in his hand

Khalid: Damn he talks too much.

She then activated her drain life and shock spells she was about to shoot him with it when she didn't feel her hands, when she looked down she saw blood squirting and her hand on the floor, Then everything went dark for her as he cut off her head. He then proceeded to the circular platform with a pedestal located in the center he then pressed the button at the center, A spike came out and pierced his hand. he looked at the hole in his hand as it healed up the a purple glow outlined the circles on the platform after looking through it he

Started with the brazier that is in line with the purple flame, And proceed counterclockwise. He placed Each brazier where the purple flame ends, Then The floor lowered revealing an ancient sarcophagus then a the stone covered was lowered revealing a a woman.

When she fell into the floor, He felt something he clenched his hand on the sword handle ready for anything that she might do, when she looked up at him with her glowing red eyes, her tired expression, but then he noticed an elder scroll on her back.

Khalid:"She have an elder scroll, that's something to worry about i have to know more, killing her will get me nothing, Helping her will be a great way to get more information besides, i feel that i can trust her and this feeling always is on point"

Mysterious woman : Who? Where am i? Who sent you?

Khalid:(helping her up) I'm with the Dawnguard a group of vampire hunters.

Mysterious woman :(shocked) What?! Vampire hunters? I thought that someone like me will come and help me out...hey you're not thinking of killing me right?

Khalid: If i did we will not be having this conversation.

Mysterious woman : Oh you're right...thanks for getting me out of this thing, my name is Serana by the way. 

 Khalid: Why were you locked away like this? "

Serana :That's... complicated. And I'm not totally sure if I can trust you. But if you want to know the whole story, help me get back to my family's home.

Khalid:" Home?...that's mean there is more vampires, it was a good choice to keep her alive, after getting her home i will take care of thing from there" Where do you need to go? 

Serana :My family used to live on an island to the west of Solitude. I would guess they still do. 

Khalid: So Serana mind telling me how did you get the elders scroll that is on your back.

Serana: It's mine, listen i will tell you everything, but i need you to take me home.

Khalid: "If possible i will be able to all of them out" alright let's head to Morthal we will get a boat there.

Serana: Sorry but you haven't told me your name.

Khalid: The name is Khalid.

Serana:(smile) it's nice to meet you Khalid. 

Khalid: ( start walking) let's get out of here shall we.

AN: if you want to read it with images you can find it in wattpad, just search thereluctanthero2000. Enjoy

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