
Dawn Of Outstanding Mages(DOOM)

Derrick and friends who just wants to be normal cultivators but stumbled against an orb which they didn't know would changed their destiny forever. Novel by Canis.

AlexaandCanis · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 9: The Hall of Sounds

Meanwhile at Derrick's dorm a similar scenerio was happening when Derrick entered his room he found out he was paired up with the bandaged guy who hit Conor earlier and he already made the other guys he's minions. He gazed at them then lay in his sofa to rest,the one of the two minions said;can't you pay some respect to us or do you think we're on the same level. Derrick ignored them which drove them mad and they rushed towards him with their first, Derrick pointed out two fingers which released two tiny bolt of lightning~Bzzt~ ~Bzzt~ this electrocuted the minions heads and they got knocked out. The bandaged guy gnashed his teeth in anger and then cursed at his useless minions. Few minutes later they heard a knock on the door Derrick stood up to unlock the door as he opened it, he found a senior disciple standing there,the senior then confirmed;are you Derrick white.

Yes I am. Derrick replied.

Well the head of elders asked me to bring you too him. The senior disciple announced and walked away, leading Derrick towards the head of elders courtyard. When they got to the head of elders courtyard the senior disciple announced their arrival the elder then gave permission for Derrick too enter, after entering the elder motioned Derrick to come with him. Few minutes later Derrick found himself in front of a hall at that moment the head of elders said;this is where your sound element would be trained.

Thank you elder. Derrick appreciated.

• • • •

The next morning the group regrouped, Derrick told them about the hall of sound, Allison then adviced since you got the hall of sound try modify your sound skill of shouting high and low it seems weird too me assuming you were a girl I wouldn't mind but you a boy and a boy shouting seems funny.

Okay,ermmm guys meet me at my hall of sound later, I got something to tell you guys.They arrived at their fitness grounds did their routine of running up down the mountain,trained with wooden swords,went too their respective halls,came together again at the cultivation hall and after about three disciples told the cultivation elder abou their progress of reaching the beginners stage did they announce their breakthrough meanwhile they were at the peak,after their meal they assembled at Derrick's hall of sound.


Okay so I want us too join a guild, in about two days we breakthrough to elemental essence gathering stage which no one in the school is aware of so we could use that during our registration. Derrick elaborated.

But what about our face. Klaus asked.

My plan is to communicate with someone on the outside who would give us something for disguise. Derrick explained.

How are you going too communicate with the person and how are we supposed too be leaving when freshmen aren't allowed too leave. Klaus questioned.

During our morning routine of running up down the mountain I discovered a route for sneaking out of the school. Derrick smiled.

Well if this route is so open what makes you think the school doesn't know about it. Conor asked.

Hmm well it's in an enclosed area I found when I went too pea,I'm not sure if it actually lead outside but I'm sure it leads somewhere and I'm gonna find out today. Derrick answered.

Ok so which guil would we be joining. Allison butted in.

Well my father's guild of course. Conor said.

Nope nope nope, joining your father's guild will get us exposed,the guild we're joining is... Derrick gave a short pause; The Dragons guild. He continued.

Nice choice. Allison commended.

Okay so you guys may leave need to train my sound element and remember don't slack off we must all be at elemental essence gathering stage in the next two days. Derrick reminded them as they walked out the he started his training.

• • • •

Later into the night Derrick snuck of his dorm.....

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