
Dawn of Mystical Era

Like the surge that subsides after it's time, the era of Gods and Devils is returning, how far will a person go for his ideals in this mystical epoch? Please post review and vote support me at ko-fi.com/krishnayadav https://www.patreon.com/krisna97 There would be 5 chps updated weekly If there are 50 stones it would go to 7 chps Each review means 1 extra chi on the already 5 chps

Krishna9u · Fantasie
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77 Chs

10: Surprising Changes

The next day Ved went to his lectures on time in the morning and came back to the dorm in the afternoon after completing his lectures.

After entering his room he checked around to see if anything was missing or has changed with the help of Abby's scanning, seeing that no changes have been made he sighed in relief.

Even though he knew that nobody would mind or investigate an orphan like him based on the actions he took in the past few days, he was always a highly cautious person.

Seeing no problems he took out all the herbs from the fridge and started the procedure for NS10 like yesterday, but this time the quantity had been increased.

As yesterday Abby's scanning had told him that's this solution, after being made can be kept in the fridge and be stored for two to three weeks without any problem.

So he thought that he would make the NS10 solution in a bulk and keep it in the fridge and drink whenever the effects were over from the previous drink.

While he was preparing his mind was on the screen which was shown by Abby as the energy from yesterday's solution had finally been absorbed.

"Abby, display my body's statistics!" Ved ordered.

[Ved. Strength: 0.7 Agility: 0.6 Vitality: 0.7 State: Normal]

Ved remained impassive: "Change the method of display, and move the data back by 10 decimal points. Also make comparisons with the data before the intake."

With Ved's orders, the image flickered, and the body statistics had shown 10 more decimal points. The last three numbers had not stop changing.

[Beep! After comparison, the intake of NS10 increases the Host's Strength by 0.004, Agility by 0.004, and Vitality by 0.005]

Abby faithfully relayed the message.

"Mn! Because this was the first intake, the figures are still climbing up!" Ved analyzed and said.

"Well!! the results shown by the solution are incredible and with the help of the training session designed by Abby, I should be able to increase the absorption by 10 to 20%.

With this my body will be able to have some rest for at least four hours every day, with this speed I should be able to reach, the maximum strength provided by the solution in next two to three months as preplanned.

Now within that time, there are various matters I have to do. First Somehow get a promotion and increase the income so that I can, buy some information in the dark about the person living adjacent to me.

To make proper preparations to subdue him so that I can get all the secrets he is hiding.

Third to start learning self-defence from my previous world's memory and to make my body adjusted to it so that, when I ambush him I won't have any problem." making his plans Ved continued his preparation of the NS 10 solution.


Time went by at a steady pace on the West District of Ghazi in one of the local gyms a boy could be seen doing sit-ups while holding a barbell above his head.

Even though his body could not be said to be bulky but his muscles were streamlined showing the strength hidden within them, his height for a person his age was good and his face has some mature style to it.

The person working out was obviously Ved. After three months of continuous training, his body has taken a good shape and he has even surpassed his peers by many times.

Today was the last day of his training because today, was the final time he would intake the NS 10 solution, as Abby had already reminded him yesterday that after today the solution would play no more role on the increase of his strength, it may still be taken so as to recover his stamina and also to increase his rate of recovery on injuries in the future but this news didn't upset him but made his desire for power stronger.

After completing his training, he put the barbell from where he had found it and went to the shower of the gym.

After taking a shower he took the NS10 solution prepared in the bottle for him, drinking till the last drop was in his stomach, he went back to his dorm.

After reaching his dorm room, he sat on his bed while looking at the screen shown by Abby,

[Ved. Strength: 1.9 Agility: 1.9 Vitality: 2.0 State: Healthy]

Seeing the changes in his attributes made Ved quite happy, with his rigorous training and systematic use of the solution he had made the best of what he could and reach the current limit.

In reality, his attributes had stopped increasing around one week ago, but to stabilize his condition at the current levels, he had to continue taking the solution for the refinement of his foundation.

What truly surprised him was the Breakthrough in his vitality. Even though the rest of his attributes had stopped increasing, his Vitality had broke through.

Because of some kind of beast meat that he had eaten which was sent by the warden.

He didn't know what kind of Beast it was, and from where the warden had gotten it but he had planned to go back to his orphanage to ask her after the success of his plan, which he had been going about for the last three months.

In the last three months with the help of various means, he had been able to find the information about the person living adjacent to him.

From what he knew the person living adjacent to him was a guy named Larry Shine.

From what he had heard about this guy was that he was a total shut-in, never truly being able to fit in with anyone and the reason he was never able to meet him in the class was that he was from the arts major and one year ahead of him, but if anybody believed that this guy was a shut-in with no strength, then they would be in for a surprise.

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