
Dawn of Heroes

Powered heroes have become the ultimate celebrities, and Travis dream of joining the A-List–but to get there, he'll first have to take down evil Powered gangs, compete with deadly rivals, choose a worthy sidekick, team up with famous champions, and prove to all of Hoshi City that he's a true hero.

Rizen_Felizardo · Fantasie
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71 Chs

Chapter 32: Hero Project

"I swear, I didn't mean to do that."

"That's not making me feel any better," Jenny says. "Until you get a better grip on these new Unique Powers, you're flying me like this the rest of the way."

Unfortunately, this isn't the first time these new Powers of his have flared out of control. It looks like there's going to be a bit of a learning curve when it comes to being an Unique Powered….

But this thought vanishes from his mind as Jenny points across the sky.

"Well, that's certainly a bloody thing," she says.

Travis eyes widen as he look down at a line of several thousand heroes snaking across the ground. They're all waiting for entrance into a sprawling, massive complex.

It's a lot to look at the colors and types, the fangs and wings and weapons. He is wrong to think all of Hoshi City's heroes would be trolling the tracks—they're not. Because they're here.

And not just HC's heroes—he recognizes a few faces of heroes he know operate in Manhattan, some who moved down south to LA, and he even see some kids from that famous teen team in Denver. He knew this was going to be big, but…

His eyes then settle on a giant, holographic sign that floats above the compound. In bold red letters, it reads:


Looking at the massive sign, he can't help but feel a tingle of excitement. And as he prepares himself, he try to remember the perfect storm of events that led to the creation of The Hero Project.

After the rise in anti-Powered sentiment, the American government decided it was time to create the first-ever American Protectors, a confederation of heroes meant to guard sectors of the nation and come together for big missions regarding national security.

America has never had a national-level Powered team before—a venture of that scale always proved to be too expensive or was out of step with the government. But this will be the first national team backed with near-limitless government funds and coordinated with a mission control linked to the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the DRPR.

America saved itself from a fate as a declining world power once by harnessing Powered resources, so it's clear that keeping Powered heroes at the cultural forefront is crucial for maintaining the nation's relevance.

To populate The American Protectors, the government then green-lit The Hero Project, a reality show intended to conduct a national search to find the right heroes for the job.

It may be unconventional, but there's no denying the power of reality 3V (the common term for now-standard 3D-TV). Plus, forming this team on 3V is a sure way to guarantee the public's support, since they'll eventually have a hand in choosing which heroes make The American Protectors.

If The Hero Project has its way, the show will be the next ratings smash. And even if it isn't, the winners are slated to become a part of a hero venture that will make The Hoshi Group look like a pre-school playdate.

So as he was looking for the next big move in his career, Jenny told him about The Hero Project—which will base its national headquarters in Hoshi City, the Powered capital of the nation, if not the world.

Not to mention that this show will give him the platform to do some amazing hero work.

For better or worse, this is the next big thing in Powered heroics—and he aim to stay on the cutting edge, no matter what.

He became infamous in Hoshi City, but this is a chance to take his career to the national level, a feat very few heroes have ever accomplished.

Staring under the sign, he can't believe his eyes. The Hero Project has built a sprawling complex the size of a mall, intended to be a stadium, headquarters, and living space all in one. This compound certainly gives the Hoshi Group Tower a run for its money.

Floating to the ground with Jenny, he finds himself unable to stop staring at another hero in the general casting line.

Who happens to be a very cute girl, wearing a skintight red costume. Something about her looks so familiar…

"Stop drooling, Travis," Jenny says. "And follow me. There's a separate signup for established names."

"And how do you know that?" Travis asks, thinking that some of the faces he recognize in the general casting line are pretty established themselves.

"I have a client enrolling, she's in that category. Or did you think I just came here to support little old you?"

Before he can respond, Jenny spots something across the lot.

"Actually—gotta run, darling. Knock 'em dead!"

"Wait! You were supposed to—"

But Jenny is already gone. She was supposed to walk him through the signup process, but it looks like he'll have to handle it himself.

"Hi, I'm wondering where I should go to signup?"

The Casting Producer glances up at Travis.

"I'm sorry, I don't know who you are," she says. "But there's a separate signup for Gene Hazards."

"What did you just—"

"Fade, you saucy minx!"

Travis hear the voice and have no idea where to place it. He spin around, but don't see anyone.

"Tally-ho, down below!"

He look down to find an enormous man in a hot pink people-mover. He has to weigh at least 500 pounds and Travis immediately wonder if it's a side effect of some bizarre Power set. His second thought is that he never met this man and he's calling him by his last name.

"I must say, I'm a huge fan," he says, spinning his chair. "I've been following the whole salacious story like an aged soap addict. Scurry along now, scurry along!"

The man motors away at a surprising clip, people clearing out of his way as he rolls.

"Sorry if any of our folk weren't treating you spickedy as spam, can't expect everyone to love the new you. But you've come to the right man—I'm GG, but you can call me Executive Producer GG. I simply j'adore the new costume, by the way. Now, while we're traversing, what's your angle going to be?"

"Excuse me?"

"What's your strategy, going into the show, my lucky charm? Are you going to be a hero or a villain? Loyal or a floater? A leader or under the radar? Best decide now before the tough get going, chicken little."

It's a good question…once he spent some time working out before he came here. He thinks his best bet is to be a floater, staying under the radar by befriending everyone.

Travis know that competition shows like these usually run on alliances. And the ones who can ride the middle the longest, staying friends with everyone, tend to get the furthest. He's hoping that can be his plan, so he's going to cozy up to everyone he possibly can.

"Oh, I haven't really decided," Travis says to GG, not sure who he can trust yet—especially when it comes to the producers. Plus, he has to see how he really want to behave when the time comes. He know what they say about the best-laid plans….

Whatever he decides, he knows that remaining consistent with his strategy is important—he will probably be rewarded for making choices that reinforce the same strategic direction.

"Well, there's plenty of time to sort it all out. And you'll know if it's working or not—if you make it onto the show, we'll add stats to your H-Chip Show Stats screen regarding your archetypes, how Hated or Loved you are and all that jazz. You just have to thumb here on the dotted line."

Still moving, GG holds a holo-contract over his shoulder—a contract the size of a novel.

"The contract is non-negotiable and quite standard. Save us all the time of pretending to read it and let's get on with it, shall we?"

Travis looks down at the holo-contract, knowing he should review it. But he also knows that, whatever might be in there, he's going to end up thumbing it anyway.

This better be worth it, he thinks as he reaches out his thumb.

He follows GG behind a roped-off section, which two hippo-bouncers lift as he approaches.

"So…what does GG stand for?" Travis ask, wanting to keep GG interested in him as long as possible.

"That's for me to know and you to salivate over, my dear dumpling," GG says. "Now I'm afraid I mustn't dally—there's much to be done. But fret not, you're on the VIP casting list, so wait here until you're called. I've got my eye on you, don't prove me wrong!"

With that, GG spins away and rolls up to a giant teenage turtle with pigtails.

Travis turn to look around the room and find it's already packed. He has no idea what this casting process is going to be like, but he definitely know that the competition is going to be insane. He recognized some of HC's most famous faces…including a few he know personally.

He scan the room and notice there are also several camera orbs floating, capturing footage. He's already on the record—which means everything he says and does will be subject to eventual public scrutiny (if he's lucky, that is—he notices that none of the cameras seem to be clamoring to film him just yet). Still, every decision he make from here on out is going to be carefully judged and weighed….

Basically, he needs to start playing this game from the moment he walks in the door.

Also, his girlfriend Black Magic, she's supposed to be out of the country right now on a Hoshi Group mission. And she was supposed to call him the moment she got back.

He walks towards Black Magic and she does a double take, spotting him. Her eyes flicker to a camera orb floating nearby, then back to Travis. She smiles and pulls him over to the side of the room.

"I'm so sorry I didn't call, I literally got off the Jet and walked right in here. Welcome to the VIP room, rookie," Black Magic says, nudging Travis on the shoulder and hitting him with that devastating smile. Travis try not to melt—she really couldn't look more like Lady L.