
Dawn of Eternal

"My life is a mess after you were born" One of the words that his mother used to tell him when he was still a little boy "Let's call it off, some people don't get a clue when we don't want him here" One of the words that his neighbor and classmates used to tell him when he tries to join and socialize with them "Why don't you become a tree or something? at least it is not useless like you" One of the words that his boss used to tell him when he make slight mistakes in his works "Well I know some places where you can die without getting hurt too much" One of the words that his colleague used to tell him when he lost his jobs Being disdained from the people around him, Bobby died in this world but he transmigrated into another world In another world, it seems the suffering he had before seems not enough as he needs to deal with suffering in this new world too Can he survive in the world that is filled with many mysteries of a variety of races, magic power, the politic, and wars with only using his martial arts knowledge from his past Author's note: Btw the cover photo is just something that i made using prequel and canva

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36 Chs


"Ahhhh! " Bobby suddenly sat up from the bed and screamed from the top of his lungs because he dreamed of the fire that crawled into his body as he succumbed to death. As he looks at his surrounding, he feels strange as he had never been in this room before.

'Where the hell am I? It's not a hospital, as it looks like a room. This room also looks very old and looks like an abandoned room, as there are cobwebs in the corner.'

'Is it hell… but there is no fire or demon that welcomed me for coming here? Hmm, maybe it's the new style of hell, I guess. Modern Hell I would say.'

The door suddenly opens and there is an old woman with the maid outfit and a tall old guy with glasses at the door

"Finally, you woke up. I would like to ask you some questions. Are you able to speak right now?" said the tall old guy.

'What is this language and why did I can understand them? And are they the ones who save me or kidnap me?'

"He… Hel… Hello" stutter Bobby as he doesn't know what happens to him. He just starts talking if he knows English, but to his surprise, he speaks in the same language as them too.

'Probably I transmigrate into some place after I'm dead from the fire, like some novels that I read before. Maybe I have some cheat-like superpower too. That explained the reason for now and I think I'm becoming a little boy as I feel light at the moment.

'Yes, there is no better explanation aside from that one. I guess I become the main character in this world. Hehehe I wonder what is my cheat like a superpower.'

The tall old guy seems to be annoyed with his question answered and the grinning little boy, he asked sternly "Who are you and why do you end up in front of the castle of Lord Luther?". "Don't even think about lying through your teeth and answer the question honestly, I have the means to know whether you are lying," He added.

The tall old guy touch his glasses as he finished his question and there are brimming light suddenly arose surrounding the glasses.

'Shit, what do I supposed to do now? Can I bluff my way through this and say I'm lost and suddenly end up here from my house so that I can organize my thought clearly with this world?'

'His glasses seem to have some sort of special power around it to know if I'm lying or not. The light surrounding the glasses seems to be the sign that my thought is true. Well, can't help it. I just died before, but let's try my luck with this.'

"T… To be honest Sir, I don't know what happens to me, I… I can't seem to remember what happened with me before this," grabbing his head, Bobby said it with a grave and solemn face.

'Please work, please work, please work. I don't want to be dead so quickly again after being alive in this world. Maybe I can change my luck in this world.'

"Hmm… there is nothing wrong with the light from his body when he talks about it. These glasses will become blurry if the people are lying."

"I try to ask about it with Lord Luther. Tend to him in the meantime. Tell me if anything was amiss," the tall old guy whispered slowly to the maid beside him.

"Ok Sir Don, I will tell you if I get any information from him," replied the maid.

After a few seconds, the tall old guy, Don, walks out of the room and goes to meet Lord Luther and talk to him about his finding.

After Don left the room, Bobby asks the maid that coming beside him, "Mrs, can I know where can I look for the mirror? There is some tingling feeling around my cheek and I don't know what it is"

The maid took out her mirror that has a shape like a pocket mirror and give it to Bobby and she said, "There is a scar on your left cheek and your chest, it seems like it is a burn mark. Are you sure you don't remember what happened? And do you remember your name at least?."

Bobby took the pocket mirror that was given to him by the maid and look at his face.

'There are burn marks on my left cheek and my chest. It seems I turned into a boy in this world around twelve years old. I have short black hair too in this world, it's good as I can remain low key in this world without standing up too much. I can organize my thought and look for the mysteries of this world and the difference between it from my world and why I end up coming here after I'm dead.'

'Hmm…do I tell her my real name or give her made-up name? No one knows me in this world anyway. It's not bad to tell her my real name. At least I will remember my roots in this way.'

Bobby remains silent for a second and says with a stutter to the maid beside him, "I…I… I just remember my name, but not what happened to me. It seems very blurry to me for now. I think my name is Bobby Wan"