
Dawn of an Empire

Waking up to a world entirely different from what he had lived before. Ethan Albrecht are given a second chance at life after his unfortunate accident which costed him his life. Thus, with the power given to him by God, Ethan set himself on the path of conqueror. --- The fanfic are based on the Game of Thrones world.

LokiFarsung · TV
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6 Chs

Prologue, Second Chance

Ethan watched in silence as a convoy of slaves went past him. He folded his hands before his chest and leaned on the wall. It's been around two weeks since he had been given a chance at life again. Never in his entire life that he thought he would meet God and be given a second chance by God himself.

Still, he willed for the System to appear before him. A System dedicated to him alone. Where using the points he had accumulated through quests and other things. Makes him able to summon any units the System have—whether it is a real military units or fictional one, as long as he has the points, then he would be able to get them all.

He then straightened himself and walked away. His face covered by the hood he's wearing. None find him suspicious, however, since nobody even bothered to even check his identity. That, or they just knew he's a dangerous person from one look.

Ethan kept walking until he finally exited Qohor and arrived before the Forest of Qohor. But then he keep walking for a considerable distance, and only stopped when he arrived in a small clearing, where a camp had been built with people in strange armour guarding it.

"My Lord," one of them greeted, clasping one fist to his chest before he went back to his guard duty when Ethan walked past him. Meanwhile Ethan only stopped when he entered a tent in the centre of the campsite. Where a group of people had been waiting for him.

"So," he started. Staring at the group of people one by one. "What is the current situation?"

"My Lord, if I may." Ethan looked at the woman, Noriel, if he remembered correctly. A captain of the Rangers of Ithilien he had summoned just two days after he had reincarnated here. "Following the command My Lord had issued four days ago, me and my men scoured the Forest of Qohor. In the third day of our scouting, we found some considerable amount of Dothraki scouting party. We did not engage them, however, as it could make them aware of our presence. But I sent some men to keep tracks of them, and with your permission we could set up ambush locations to get rid of them."

"While a good suggestion, we have no need of it for now." Ethan nodded at Noriel, showing his appreciation at the report she had given. "But keep track of them for now. The presence of Dothraki scouting party means that the Dothraki khalassar would soon come to Qohor to conduct their raid. Using that, we will use the opportunity given by the Dothraki to gain the good grace of the people of Qohor."

His plan are simple; help the people of Qohor defend themselves, gain their goodwill, and slowly—or forcefully if he had to—take over Qohor to make it as his own territory. Where he will continue his campaign of conquest from there.

After all, he had a quest currently telling him to take over Qohor, with the rewards being fifteen thousands points and two companies of Reiksguard and Empire Greatswords each. Both came from Warhammer Fantasy universe. Their help would greatly increase their chance of winning future battles that would soon come. With this, if he counted the units that he currently have—which currently are only comprised of Rangers of Ithilien and Spartans—then he would only have five hundred men. Not a lot, when compared to the likes of Golden Company, but Ethan makes sure that despite the small numbers—will only be consisted of the elites.

The meeting continued for a few hours. With each commanders giving their reports, and Ethan giving new commands to follow or commend them for their great work. When everything is said and done, Ethan dismissed them all. Ordering them to rest as they all need the energy to travel to Qohor early in the morning.

Ethan meanwhile stayed in the command tent for a while. Reviewing what resources he has and the strategy that they had planned. Due to the limited numbers of men he have. He has to be careful with how he manage them and where he place them in the battlefield. Considering that what they would face is a Dothraki khalassar, it is an easy guess that what they would face is a horde-like army of horse riders.

If Ethan has a big enough army, then he wouldn't be worried about them, unfortunately Ethan only have five hundred men. While all of them are elites, numbers still plays a big role, only fools would not believe that numbers too are quality in their own rights.

With that in mind, Ethan had ordered Noriel to set up traps around and inside the Forest of Qohor. Specifically on the Dothraki khalassar's route towards Qohor. The objective is a simple one—to hinder the khalassar as long as they can and reduce their number as much as they can. Though Ethan would not hope much considering they don't have much time to prepare and not a lot of materials to make traps to begin with. So, the Rangers of Ithilien had to make do with whatever they have and use their own wits.

As Ethan laid down on his bed. He thought back of what had happened in the last two weeks. Never in his entire life he would think that one day he would command an army. After all, the only real experience of him commanding armies are from games, and it is nothing alike when doing it himself like what he is doing right now. In the game, he doesn't need to worry much about the supplies sometimes—though it all depends on the game—but here is different.

He is now commanding an army in real life. Where every life matter and every decision counts. No options for him to pause, rewind, or fast forwards. He need to think carefully and act fast because his men are depending on him.

And without him realizing it. His eyelids grows heavier. Exhaustion soon took over him slowly before Ethan fall asleep completely. Tired after all the things he had done.