
Dawn Field

This story is going somewhere. Where it will end I do not know, might have an apocalypse happen or go to space, trust me I'm just as lost as you are. Will update weekly and I hope the plot stays consistent, guess I will find out!

Lovelylagging · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: Childhood Memories

Seashell Yamato woke up to the sound of waves crashing outside her window. She rubbed her eyes, trying to shake off the last remnants of sleep, and smiled as she remembered the day ahead. Today was the day she was finally going to see her dad again.

Seashell's dad, Aizen Yamato, died when she was only twelve years old. He had been one of the many victims of a devastating fire that had engulfed a high-rise tower in the heart of the city. Seashell still remembered the day vividly - the panic in her mother's voice as she received the news, the endless days spent waiting for any word on her father's fate, and the hollow feeling in her chest when they finally confirmed that he was gone.

But today was different. Today, Seashell was going to the ocean, the place where she and her dad had always gone to play and have fun together. She had been looking forward to this day for weeks, ever since her mom had suggested they take a family trip to the coast. Seashell couldn't wait to feel the sand between her toes, hear the seagulls cawing overhead, and maybe even catch a glimpse of a dolphin or two.

As Seashell got dressed, she put on the seashell necklace her dad had given her on their last trip to the beach. It was a simple necklace, made of a thin gold chain and a small, delicate seashell charm, but to Seashell, it was worth more than anything in the world. She wore it every day as a reminder of her dad, and she felt like a piece of him was always with her.

When Seashell got to the ocean, she ran towards the waves, feeling the sand shift beneath her feet. Her mom followed closely behind, a warm smile on her face as she watched her daughter's excitement. Seashell felt free and alive in a way that she hadn't since her dad's death, and she couldn't help but laugh and shout as she ran towards the water.

"Careful, sweetie," her mom called after her. "You don't want to get your new dress wet!"

Seashell stopped in her tracks and looked down. Her mom had bought her a new dress for the occasion, a flowy yellow sundress that made her feel like a princess. Seashell loved the way it swirled around her legs when she spun, but she knew that her mom would be upset if it got ruined.

"Sorry, Mom," Seashell said, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"It's okay, sweetie," her mom replied, placing a hand on Seashell's shoulder. "Why don't we take a walk along the beach and see what we can find?"

Seashell nodded, feeling a bit sheepish. As they walked, Seashell looked out towards the horizon, scanning for any signs of life. The ocean was calm today, with only a few sailboats in the distance. Seashell felt a pang of sadness as she thought about her dad, and how much he would have loved to be here with them.

As they walked, Seashell's mom began to tell her stories about her dad. She talked about how he had loved to fish, and how he always used to make Seashell laugh by telling terrible jokes. Seashell felt her heart swell with pride and sadness at the same time. She was proud of her dad, and how much he had meant to her, but she was also sad that he was gone.

"Mom," Seashell said suddenly, "do you think Dad would have liked this dress?"

Seashell's mom smiled sadly. "Of course, sweetie. Your dad always loved it when you looked pretty."

Seashell felt a lump in her throat. She missed her dad so much, and it seemed like everything around her reminded her of him. But she was determined to make the most of the day, to honor his memory by having fun and making new memories with her family.

As they walked, Seashell spotted a group of kids her age playing on the beach. She felt a pang of jealousy, wishing she could join in and forget about her worries for a while. But she knew that her mom wouldn't let her, not with the new dress and everything.

Instead, Seashell resolved to make the most of the day by spending time with her mom and soaking in the sights and sounds of the ocean. As they walked, Seashell couldn't help but feel like her dad was there with them, watching over them and guiding them. She felt a sense of peace and comfort that she hadn't felt in a long time, and she knew that no matter what happened in the future, she would always cherish this day as a special memory of her father.

When they got back to the car, Seashell felt tired but happy. She couldn't wait to go home and tell her best friend, Malaria, all about the day, and maybe even show her the seashells and rocks they had collected on the beach. As they drove home, Seashell leaned her head against the window and watched the world go by, feeling grateful for the time she had with her mom and the memories they had made together.

As they pulled into the driveway, Seashell's mom turned to her and said, "Seashell, I know today was hard for you. But I want you to know that your dad loved you very much, and he would be so proud of the young woman you're becoming. You have his strength and his spirit, and I know that you'll do great things in this world."

Seashell felt a tear roll down her cheek. She knew her mom was right, but it was still hard to hear sometimes. She missed her dad so much, and sometimes it felt like the pain would never go away. But she also knew that she had her family and her friends to support her, and that was something to be grateful for.

As Seashell went to bed that night, she thought about the day and all the memories they had made. She knew that life would never be the same without her dad, but she also knew that she had a future full of possibilities and adventures. And maybe, just maybe, she would find a way to see her dad again, whether it was in the virtual world of New Dawn or in some other form of magic and wonder.

With that thought in mind, Seashell closed her eyes and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep, feeling at peace with the world and the people in it. She knew that no matter what tomorrow brought, she would face it with courage and grace, just like her dad had always taught her.