
Episode 3

(The episode opens with Soarah walking out of the red car)

Soarah: Too bad, Helilah went to the park and didn't come to the mall with me.

(Soarah locks the car and looks up to see A 15-year-old chinchilla girl with blonde hair, white skin, wearing a white shirt, blue skirt, and white shoes crying by a doorstep)

Soarah (looking surprised): Oh my gosh!

(Soarah runs to the girl)

Soarah: Are you okay? (Holds out her hand) (the girl takes itt) Come on (unlocks her door) let's go inside and see what's wrong. I have a first aid kit.

(The girl walks into the house after Soarah, while holding her hand)

(Soarah leads the girl to the living room)

(Once the girl gets on the couch Soarah sees the girl's foot is scratched up)

Soarah: Oh! I will help you, hang on, stay here, okay?

(The girl nodded with small tears in her eyes)

Soarah: Good, I'll be back

(Soarah runs to the back)

(The girl looks around and sees some antiques, a clock, a giant TV, a ballerina statue, and a mirror)

(Soarah comes out of the bathroom with a first aid kit)

Soarah: I have the kit.

(The screen shows Soarah spraying The girl's foot and wraps her foot with bandages)

Soarah: There, how are you?

(The girl gently put her foot on the floor)

(The girl smiles softly and shakes Soarah's hand)

Soarah: You are welcome, and you can stay here until your foot heals, okay

(The girl blushes and shakes her head)

Soarah: Why?

(The girl finally gets up and walks off)

Soarah: Wait, hold on

(The girl comes back with a notebook with the words 'I couldn't let you go through that much trouble')

Soarah: Trouble, no, it's no trouble at all, plus I live here alone.

(The girl still shakes her head)

Soarah: So nothing will change your mind.

(The girl gives Soarah the notebook and heads to the door)

(The girl goes through the door and closes it behind her)

Soarah (by her door): Well, if you need help, my door is always open

(The girl smiles)

The girl: my name is Swirl, and I hope we meet again.

(The episode ends with Swirl disappearing out of Soarah's sight)