
Daughter of the Rare White Werewolf

While growing up young orphan Rena Harper wanted to be like everyone else except she was a hybrid. Now in college she thought this would be a little bit of a change for her by making friends and discovered a little bit more about the world around her. Until her whole world is turned upside down when she discovers she is the daughter of the rare white shadow wolf! Now with race against time to defeat the evil dark shadow alpha wolf, Rena must learn how to handle her newly founded self and protect the ones she cares the most while handling her college life and unveiled hidden secrets about her past and before she was born. Even she will tell you her story from her point of view. (Copyright)

LadyTheHybridGirl · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Werewolf Part 2

It was Werewolf, but what happened to him? He pushed harder pinning me straight into the floor which it hurts and could hear some of my bones about to break. Suddenly I heard barking and I looked over, it was Zaroff. Werewolf was about to eat him, but stopped when he felt me pushing his claw off of me. He tried to push me down again and tried to eat Z. Soon after I pushed his claw fully out of the way, I rushed over to Z before Werewolf can even eat him.

I rushed Z to a hiding spot and hid him there. After I did that I slowly apporach the corrupted Werewolf. Someone yelled at me to get inside the classroom, but I didn't listen to them. I stood in front of Werewolf and said in a gentle voice, "Werewolf!! It's ok it's me Rena." He roared into my face very angrily and he didn't listen to what I just said. So I went up to his chest and I hugged him, while he just looked at me.

I slowly began to cry then I said, "I know you're hurting on the inside Werewolf. Being in pain is not funny for me either and.... sometimes I just wish I can turned back time... to save my parents. For now the pain I feel is right now is your pain..." I couldn't complete my sentence, I just cried. "Werewolf don't forget who.... you are!" I screamed, and I tried to breathe again between each sobbed I cried.

I slowly felt something moved on my back which kind of calmed me down a little. "Shh... it's ok Rena, I'm here," said a voice. I looked up and saw Werewolf back in his wolf-dragon human form, mostly I'm glad he wore pants when he transformed back. I hugged him a little bit tighter because somehow I missed him deeply. All of a sudden we heard police me behind us and I quickly let go and Werewolf quickly got away, but I knew I was in trouble.

I was in the head dean's office waiting for my turn, luckily Z went back to the dorm with Carly. The dean came out and invited me into her office and I sat in one of the chairs. "You were supposed to follow the directions of what was instructed to you, Miss Harper and what did you do... you went up to that creature and nearly gotten yourself killed in the process," the dean said in a serious calm voice. "You're suspended until you understand what we expect from you and how your supposed to behave. Do you understand Miss Harper?" she said in an almost spooky voice and she was about to touch my head. I stood up and bang the desk before I said, "NO!" then I swatted her hand away.

"What was that Miss Harper..." she said very angrliy and she tried to hit me, but began to choked plus she wasn't able to move. "You're the one who sent the black snakes after her," Werewolf said stepping to the side of her and his hand was holding tightly onto her throat. "Did you think that you could kill her without anyone else being around to save her?" Werewolf said in an angry tone. She was about to call me a brat, but I said, "Tell me why are you dark creatures are after me and why me alone?" She started laughing at me then she said, "You're just like you're some excuse of a father who put a spell on a weapon that supposed to belong to..." I froze when Werewolf crushed her neck with some help from darkness and he licked the dark blood from his fingers.

I yelled at him in complete horror, "Werewolf you're one of them?" Werewolf stopped and looked away from me. "Were you planning to gain my trust then kill me?! WEREWOLF?!" I yelled and tried to get away. He grabbed me by the back of my jacket and threw me into the closet which he locked me in. "Hey Werewolf what's the big idea? Why did you put me in the closet?" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I heard him moving the funiture against the door which began to annoyed me. "I swear Werewolf once I tell... where's my phone?" I yelled trying to find my phone. I was going to get out one way or another no matter what.