
Daughter of the Rare White Werewolf

While growing up young orphan Rena Harper wanted to be like everyone else except she was a hybrid. Now in college she thought this would be a little bit of a change for her by making friends and discovered a little bit more about the world around her. Until her whole world is turned upside down when she discovers she is the daughter of the rare white shadow wolf! Now with race against time to defeat the evil dark shadow alpha wolf, Rena must learn how to handle her newly founded self and protect the ones she cares the most while handling her college life and unveiled hidden secrets about her past and before she was born. Even she will tell you her story from her point of view. (Copyright)

LadyTheHybridGirl · Fantasie
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27 Chs

The Hybrid Eye and the Training Begins

It was lunch period of the next day and I still thought about that kiss. My friends kept looking at each other wondering what's up with me. "HEY RENA SNAP OUT OF IT!!" Carly screamed, while she threw water at me. I got spooked really that I fell out of my chair and hit my head on the floor. Everyone started to crowd around me to see what the commotion was about. I looked up and people gasped at me.

"Looked at that freak, she doesn't even belong here in the first place because of her left eye. You're better go to a lab and become a test rat," Chloe said laughing so meanly, while she took a picture of me and sending it to everyone. I felt alone and lost because of this stupid hybrid eye. Then everyone started to clear a path for someone. I couldn't see their face because there was a hood and a mask over it. All of a sudden the cloaked person and I were surrounded by darkness. I began to scream in fear of this and began wishing that I could just hide away from this nightmare.

When the darkness cleared, I saw that I wasn't dead and I could feel the warmth of the sun, while the grass moved slowly against my hands and some of the snow began to melt away. I looked at the cloaked figure and they slowly removed their hood. It was Werewolf and his cloaked wasn't a cloak at all, it was his wings wrapped like a cloak. I quickly looked away trying to not let him look at my hybrid eye. Out of nowhere I felt his gentle hand touch my chin and I was forced to look at him.

"Don't looked away from me, especially with your beautiful red and black eye," Werewolf said starring into my eyes. I softly blushed at the comment he said to me. He gently smiled back when he saw me blushed which I never seen him smiled before until now. He stood up and held his clawed hand out to me and I placed my hand into his. Soon enough he helped me off of the ground and I nearly caused us to fall onto the ground together. I asked, "Werewolf why haven't I see you smile before until now?"

He's smile disappeared, he looked away from me and let go of my hand. Then he said, "I haven't smiled like this ever since my mom passed away after my brother was born. I'm the only one in my family who is like this, while they're just humans." I saw tears formed and a tear started to slowly moved down his cheek. I reach up and slowly started to stroke his cheek trying to calm him down.

Werewolf looked at me before he placed his hand onto mine and he softly smiled again. "Um... Werewolf is it ok we start training please?" I asked. He nodded in understandment that the sooner I trained, the quicker I learned to how to defeat the alpha shadow wolf.

I tried my best to block each and every attack Werewolf threw at me with his sword. Well, there was two good things I was able to see Werewolf and the training is keeping me warm. At one point, Werewolf decided to stop to take his shirt off which revealed his abs and a patch of dragon scales on part of his arm. My nose bleed a little and I covered my eyes in complete flustered from seeing how hot he is... he was smoking hot!! I didn't see where he was at so, I just walked forward.

Then I tripped on something and landed on something warm. I opened my eyes and Werewolf was morphed into a black dragon. I quickly tried to get off, but he took off flying with me on him. I was terrified by this and I just held on for dear life that I closed my eyes and tried not to scream. I thought to myself, 'What is going on? Where is he taking me?'