

As they arrived at the palace, Ife swiftly directed her maids to retrieve everything Meka had bought for her from the hands of the guards. Giving Meka a hasty hug, she whispered, "Thank you for all of this. Don't worry, Jelani will come around; he's just busy." With a tap on Meka's arm, she hurried off with her maids.

Meka pondered whether Ife's gesture was genuine or intended for attention. As she scanned the surroundings, her eyes locked with the king, who stood at a distance, smiling at her. Suddenly, Meka understood the true meaning behind Ife's hug and the insincere smile she had worn.

She gave the king a slight bow by bending her head and went inside. After a few seconds of walking, she suddenly walked into the second queen, who gave her a smile and held her hand.

"Come, I've been looking for you," the queen started walking towards a door at the far end of the corridor. Meka wondered where she was being taken.