
Dating Raiden Shogun

In this story I am a main character whose name is luck and he falls in love with Raiden Shogun. Luck tries to tell Raiden how he feels until he finally does. Does she feel the same Way? -Disclaimer I do not own any of these characters

Ruffly2002 · Videospiele
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15 Chs

6. Date Part 2 (Repost)

Ok so I was thinking. We could go to Watatsumi island, then we could watch a movie. Then we could go to the beach and then dinner? "That seems like a delightful way to spend our time together". "Shall I join you in picking the movie"?

"I think "The Tale of Genji" would be a fitting film, as I heard it is about a love that could never be, yet still endures". Of course, I'd be happy to watch any movie that you want to. "That's great to hear". "I also know a great little spot on the beach where we can have a romantic dinner afterwards". And then we can gaze at the moon while we're there, with the waves breaking softly in the background... and I could tell you stories about each of the stars in the sky above".

*The Shogun gently caresses the back of Luck's hand with her thumb, while blushing as she speaks*. "We have a lot of time to spend together, and I have a feeling this is going to be the best date ever..." *The Shogun stops caressing Luck's hand for a moment, before gently interlinking their fingers together, still smiling widely with her face flushed with color.* Are you ready to enjoy the view my love? I ask.

"That I am, my love". "Let us set off in search of a beautiful sunset". I heard Watatsumi Island is the place to be, so let's start there". "I think the island must be home to a gorgeous sunset". "I must see the horizon, the sun dipping slowly into the sea..."

*The Shogun motions to the horizon and the sun, as she then gently grabs Luck's hand again, caressing their fingers gently with their thumb*. *After some time passes after watching the sunset with Ei I ask*, Are you ready to watch "The Tale Of Genji" *nods* "I am ready to watch it, yes". "I hope you like the film". It is rather tragic, and I heard it is a wonderful tale of forbidden love".

"Although the lovers are separated by fate, as you may already know, it is a tale of love that endures". "I may cry, I warn you now". If you do cry you have my shoulder to lean on. "Thank you, love". "I will certainly cry".

"And I thank you again for taking me to such a beautiful place". *The Shogun smiles sweetly and affectionately at Luck while they head into the movie theater together, still holding their hands*. Of course I would do this for you anytime love. "I'm so happy to hear you say so, love". "I love spending time and experiencing new things with you".

*The Shogun and Luck enter the cinema now, picking a nice spot in the middle to watch the film together*. *As the movie plays, both the Shogun and Luck have their faces set in a look of concentration, but also with a warm feeling about them as they enjoy the film, and each other's faces are right side by side while they watch the film, the Shogun looking ever so tenderly at Luck.* *As the tale reaches its tearjerking conclusion. Both the Shogun and Luck have a few small drops of tears in their eyes, the Shogun leaning slightly closer as a result, even as she still stares at the screen with her tender gaze...*. Are you okay love? You look like your face is about to be drowning in tears.

"I... *sniff...* I am fine, really". *sniff.* "It is only a silly film, after all". *sniff sniff* This is but a minor matter in the pursuit of Eternity". *sniff*.

*The Shogun sniffles slightly, gently wiping under her eyes as she leans just a bit closer to Luck, still sniffling slightly*. *As Ei leans in closer to me I kiss her to make her feel happier*. I'm relieved that it helped you calm down love. *sniff* "Thank you". "A kiss from my love can erase all worries and all sorrows".

"I feel quite relieved, as if the weight of Eternity is off my shoulders". *The Shogun softly smiles through her sniffles as she continues to lean against Luck. Her face still a bit damp with tears*. After this film is over where do you want to eat so it can help you cheer up a little? "Oh, where do I want to eat..."?

*sniff* *The Shogun sniffles as she continues to lean her head onto Luck's shoulder, smiling a bit as she looks in front of her at the screen*. ...*sniff* "Let's get some sushi..." "I was thinking that I would like to celebrate my joy with you, my love". *sniff sniff* "Sushi sounds lovely". *sniff sniff*.

Of course love. *As the film comes to an end I ask*, Will a piggyback ride also help cheer you up? *sniff sniff* "You spoil me too much". "Yes, a piggyback ride would be nice". *sniff* *sniff sniff* "You always find ways to make me feel better, even when I am so... sad".

"And yes, a sushi dinner sounds lovely, my love..." *sniff sniff* Then shall we go? *As I say that I indicate that Ei should climb into my back so I can take her out for sushi*. *sniff* "Hm... alright, then..." *sniff sniff*.

*The Shogun climbs onto your back as you help her up, her sniffling having mostly subsided as she smiles gently while holding onto you*. *As I walk us to the sushi restaurant I will spot some jewelry I would like to buy for Ei*. "Oh"? "You spotted jewelry... for me, maybe"? "Thank you, my love".

*The Shogun gently squeezes your shoulder with her arms while you keep her perched up on your back*. "What a lovely purchase, yes". "Now if only you would let me spoil you once in a while..." *sniff sniff* "Then again, I cannot be selfish". *sniff*.

No it's alright please don't spend your money on me. You're my first priority. "But love..." *sniff* "There are times when..." *sniff* "I want to spoil you..." *sniff sniff*

"I want to reward you for being so good to me... and I want... *sniff* to make you happy... *sniff* like you always make me happy..." You do make me happy. You make me happy in your own ways in private. *sniff sniff* "Mm, that much is true..." *sniff* "I know you are happy just being with me..." *sniff* "I know I can make you happy by simply being with you..."

"But surely, it would be just as fair if you allowed me to spoil you at least once in a while, yes"? *sniff* "Even once..." *sniff* "I just want to tell you how thankful and happy I am for you..." "In my own way..." *sniff sniff*

*The Shogun continues to sniffle ever so slightly as you both arrive at the sushi restaurant*.

Ok you make a fair point. Now wipe your tears dear we're at the restaurant. Shogun: *sniff* Oh, my love...

*The Shogun wipes any residual tears from her face*

"Thank you, my love. You are so kind to me". *sniff sniff*

*The Shogun clings onto Luck more tightly as you both enter the restaurant and take a seat*.