
Dating Raiden Shogun

In this story I am a main character whose name is luck and he falls in love with Raiden Shogun. Luck tries to tell Raiden how he feels until he finally does. Does she feel the same Way? -Disclaimer I do not own any of these characters

Ruffly2002 · Videospiele
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15 Chs

14. Telling Lisa

Ei nods a few more times with a smile. She finishes making the batter and then starts making the pancakes. She keeps humming as she works and seems to be quite happy with how things are going.

Ei finishes cooking the pancakes and is ready to serve them. She sets tables for both of them. She smiles at Luck warmly before yawning again and then speaking in, once again, a much warmer tone.

Ei: *yawning*... Here they are, my love! The pancakes are ready! Luck: Thank you, love; they look delicious! Ei: *yawns* Eat as much as you like! I'll go and wake Lisa up now.

She'll want to hear the announcement before breakfast.

Ei smiles and gets up from the table. She leans over to quickly kiss Luck on the cheek before she leaves the room. * Luck: Ok, be careful. * Ei smiles one last time, then exits the room.

A few moments pass. It's very quiet in the room now. However, suddenly, the door is opened as someone enters the room.

Lisa: *yawning*... What was that noise? Ah, right, Ei was supposed to wake me up. Hm, is it that late already?

Lisa looks around the room for a moment and notices the two plates of pancakes. She then looks at Luck, who's sitting at the table by himself. * Lisa: Hm, Ei isn't here yet. I wonder where she could be. Oh well, I'll wake her up. Wait a minute.

Lisa suddenly realizes what happened.

Lisa: ... Did they...? Oh my.

Lisa rushes over to Luck, who's still sitting at the table eating his pancakes. Lisa smiles brightly and then taps him on his shoulder.

Lisa: ... Congratulations! It seems that you've finally managed to convince her!

Lisa chuckles and pats him on the back before sitting down next to him at the table. Luck: She went to wake you up, and you convinced her to do what exactly? Lisa: *smiling You didn't notice, but Ei proposed to you just now, my dear! You're going to get married! Lisa chuckles.

Lisa: She was so happy just now; it's rare to see her like that. You're really lucky, do you know that, my friend? You've found a very wonderful woman. I'm very happy for you both. Lisa starts drinking some tea.

Lisa: So, do you have any thoughts on the wedding? Luck: Actually, I proposed to her, but I'm really excited. I would have brought more people, but I only know you. Lisa: Oh, really? That just shows that you're an amazing man, dear. Ei has always been an emotionally closed-off person.

Even after all this time, I honestly thought that she would never marry anyone. And yet, here she is... Lisa chuckles a bit.

Lisa: Oh, dear. I'm really happy for you both. And don't worry, I'll help make this all happen. We have a lot to plan for the wedding, after all. Luck: You're right, thank you, Lisa. I really appreciate it.

Lisa: You're welcome, dear. We've known each other long enough to be this close. I feel like a big sister to you, so you should just tell me what kind of wedding you'd like. I can help with planning if you want, at least a little.

Lisa: *yawning*... But it's early still. Do you want to go back to sleep and talk about this later? It seems like Ei was the one to wake you up. She chuckles as she says this last part. * Luck: Yeah, I could use a little more sleep, and on a side note, how are you, my big sister, if you're shorter than me?

Lisa: I've just always felt that way, is all. I was always the more motherly and big-sister-like person growing up, so it just kind of stuck.

Lisa: *yawning*... Alright, my "lil' bro." Let's go get some more sleep while we still can.

Lisa takes Luck's arm and starts walking out of the room with him, still yawning.

Lisa: *yawning*... We can discuss this later. Luck: Where are you taking me? I wanted to train first. Lisa: *yawning* Well, can't you train after you rest well? I'm going to sleep, and you should be tired as well.

Come, I'll show you my room. You can rest up there too, if you want.

Lisa keeps holding Luck's arm as she leads him upstairs. She opens the door to her room. The interior is extremely elegant and well organized, with various books and a desk in one corner.

Lisa: ... Here we are. You should be able to rest up here just fine. Luck: Ok, but just so you know, Ei is going to find me pretty quickly. Lisa: *yawning*... I know. Don't worry. This is simply about getting you some much-needed rest.

Lisa: *yawning*... Come, let's get some rest. I can already feel myself getting sleepy as we speak.

Lisa gestures for him to enter the room with her, with a yawn. A bit of time passes. Lisa and Luck are lying in Lisa's bed in the middle of the night.

Lisa: *yawning* I think I can get a few more hours of sleep.

Lisa: *yawning, looking at Luck*... What about you? Is this late enough for you?

Lisa smiles as she yawns.

Lisa: *yawning*... Do you want more sleep? ... It's still early, after all. Lisa: *yawning*... Hm, I guess you're not very sleepy either...

Lisa giggles as she slowly moves closer to Luck.

Lisa: *yawning*... Perhaps we should cuddle together to stay warm...

Lisa: *yawning, still slowly moving closer*... We could snuggle together.

Lisa: *yawning*... And maybe even make out together, just a little... Luck: Lisa, what are you doing? Lisa: *yawning*... Can't you see? I'm moving closer to you.

Lisa: *yawning*... I want to sleep with you.

Lisa: *yawning*... It would be nice and warm.

Lisa: *yawning*... We don't have to make out if you're not in the mood for it.

Lisa: *yawning*... But we could cuddle...

Lisa: *yawning*... I'm just tired and want someone to hug me tight. Luck: Yeah, but cuddling is some form of romantic hug? I'll give you a hug if that's what you want. Lisa: *yawning*... Romance? Is that what this is? ...

I never really thought about it like that before.

Lisa: *yawwwwning*... Just ignore it. I just want to be close to someone. To cuddle...

Lisa: *yawwwwning*... Let's just think of it as close friends having a sleepover.

Lisa: *yawning*... That's all it is, okay?

Lisa: *yawning*... Just a platonic sleepover... Lisa: *yawwwwning*... Let's just lie close to each other...

Lisa: *yawning*... And maybe I'll hug you...

Lisa: *yawning*... That's all I want.

Lisa: *yawning*... Just a nice, platonic sleepover...

Lisa: *yawning*... Just that... Nothing more...

Lisa: *yawning*... Nothing... more...

Lisa keeps yawning and snuggling closer to Luck. Lisa eventually falls asleep on him, her arms wrapped tightly around his body and her head resting on his chest.

Lisa: *sleeping/snoring*... Hmm... Mmmh...

Lisa: *suddenly waking up, realizing where she is* Oh, she blushes quite a bit in embarrassment. *

Lisa: Uh, oh... I... umm... I guess I must have dozed off. Lisa's face is now red as a tomato as she quickly sits up. * Lisa: ... My apologies, I seem to have... um...

Lisa: ... I must be really tired.

Lisa: ... Anyway, it was good to sleep a little bit. I suppose I should go make breakfast now. *Lisa yawns*

Lisa: *yawning*... Would you like to come with me? No need to make it a big celebration... I only want to treat you to a small breakfast after this.

Lisa: *yawning*... No need for any of that other stuff... Luck: What other stuff? Lisa: You know, the romantic... oh, never mind.

Lisa: *yawwwwning*... Let's forget about all that.

Lisa: ... It was just me being sleepy and talking, that's all.

Lisa: *yawwwwning*... Yeah, that's right.

Lisa: ... Let's just go make some breakfast.

Lisa: *yawwwwning*... I'm so tired. Luck: Are you sure you can tell me the truth and I won't be mad? Lisa: *yawwwwning* Sure, sure. It was just me being sleepy and talking, just like I said.

Lisa: *yawwwwning*... But, uh, I do want to ask something, if you wouldn't mind...

Lisa: *yawwwwning*... Why did you propose to Ei?

Lisa: *yawwwwning*... I mean, she's an emotionally closed-off person.

Lisa: *yawwwwning*... And she's been like that for centuries by now... Luck: I proposed because I love her and would do anything to protect her. She shows her emotions around me; are you and Ei the only people that do that? Lisa: *yawning, smiling warmly* Aww...

Lisa: *yawning*... That's so sweet...

Lisa: *yawwwwning* I think you might be the kind of person who can melt her heart. Luck: No offense, but you yawn too much. Lisa:Oh, I don't take any offense...

Lisa: *yawning*... I am kind of sleepy.

Lisa: ... Oh, my...

Lisa: ... I really should go make some breakfast... Luck: Yeah, while you do that, I'm going to go check on Ei. Lisa: *yawning* Yeah, sure, you should do that. Lisa stretches her arms upward and yawns as she walks out of the room.

Lisa: *yawning*... I'll be downstairs, in case you need anything. She smiles as she shuts the door, still yawning. * Luck: *As I stand and stretch, I walk out of the room to go lie down next to Ei.* * He approaches Ei's bed and lies next to her, just listening to her peaceful breathing for a few seconds. Then he whispers to her.

Luck:... Ei... Ei, wake up. He softly shakes her, and she wakes up. Ei's eyes open, and the first thing she notices is Luck. Lying beside her, looking right at her... And just a few inches apart.

Luck: Good morning, Love. Ei: *still half-asleep*... Morning...? What are you doing here? Did you feel cold?

Ei: *yawwwwning*... It's too early to be up anyway. So why aren't you in bed?

Ei smiles as she yawns, still quite sleepy despite having just woken up. * Luck: We can fall back asleep together if you want. Here, get on top of me and go to sleep? Ei's eyes twinkle a little as she slowly climbs on top of Luck, facing him. Ei's warm weight then lies on top of him, her body snuggled up against his, her arms wrapped tightly around him.

Ei yawns again as she gazes at the ceiling, and her eyes drift shut.

Ei: *yawwwwning*... It's too early. We don't need to wake up. Just yet... Luck: * As I wrap my arms around Ei and kiss her, we fall asleep in that position.

The both of them slowly drift back to sleep as Ei's head rests on Luck's chest. She lets out a soft sigh, a contented smile on her face.

A little bit of time passes. Ei's eyes open slowly, and she gazes at Luck's face just a few inches away from hers. She smiles a little.

Ei: *yawwwwning*... Hello...

Ei yawns again and closes her eyes. Ei takes a few deep breaths before slowly falling back into sleep. * The next several hours pass by. It's morning now, and the sounds of the festival can be heard outside. Slowly, Ei stretches her arms above her before opening her eyes and yawning. She looks at Luck, who is still asleep, and stares at his face for a few moments.

Ei: *yawwwwning, whispering*... Are you still asleep...? She gently touches his cheek as she continues to lie down, leaning up against him. Luck: *As I feel Ei moving, I pull her back down and ask her not to leave yet. *

Ei: *yawning*... But I want some breakfast.

Ei: *yawwwwning*... I'm so hungry.

Ei lays her head back on Luck's chest, then yawns one more time before closing her eyes again. She leans closer to him for comfort, and he can feel her warm breaths on his body. * Luck: Sorry, love, go eat. I'll be out shortly. Ei: *yawwwwning*... Okay...

Ei rises from the bed, her arms still loosely wrapped around Luck's body. She yawns and stretches before walking off to the kitchen. She opens the fridge door and pulls out some eggs, milk, and yogurt, among other things. She then starts making a few things to eat as a faint smile appears on her face. Ei seems to be feeling quite relaxed, especially around Luck.

She cooks for a few minutes, and when she finishes, she grabs a few plates and plates the meals she made: An omelette with some cheese, a few pieces of toast with butter, as well as some yogurt topped with berries. Along with the meal, she grabs a few cups of tea.

Ei walks back to the room carrying the food as she gently shakes Luck, who is still sleeping.

Ei: *yawwwwning*... Wakey, wakey, sleepy heads... I'm back... I made breakfast. Luck: Thank you, love. Ei: *yawwwwning*... You're welcome.

Ei places the food on the bedside table and sits down next to Luck. She looks exhausted but happy at the same time. She yawns once again as she glances at Luck's face, her eyes sparkling and a soft smile on her face. * * Ei leans her body against Luck's, and as she stares at his face, her eyes twinkle. She still seems tired, but she reaches out and strokes the side of his cheek with her hand, caressing it softly.

The way she looks at him, it's like he's the most precious thing in the world to her. Luck can feel his cheeks turning red as he looks back at the Shogun. A smile slowly spreads across Ei's face as she looks back into the eyes of her beloved. Luck: I love you, Raiden. Ei blushes hard, turning even redder as she hears the words.

She looks away shyly for a moment before looking back at him. Her smile fades, but her cheeks remain red. She wraps her hands around her body and looks at the table. Ei seems to be slightly embarrassed. She mumbles, still looking at the table, with a slight blush still remaining on her face.

Ei: ... I love you... too. Both of them remain silent for a few moments longer, while Ei continues to blush. After a while, she suddenly starts yawning again, seeming to have calmed down. *

Ei:... *yawwwwning*... I'm so sleepy... Let's eat... She puts a plate in front of Luck and another one at her side. Then she puts a cup of tea next to her. Ei yawns as she takes a sip of tea. She yawns again a second later before picking up some food from her meal and starting to eat.

Luck: What time is it? Ei: *yawwwwning*... I think it should be around mid-morning, right about now.

Ei: *yawwwwning*... Oh, don't rush your breakfast. You should take things at your own pace.

Ei: *yawwwwning*... There's no need to hurry... Just eat at your own pace, okay? As she speaks, Ei is already halfway through her plate. She is eating at a rather fast pace, still yawning occasionally. * Luck: But your plates are almost gone?

Ei: *yawwwwning*... Oh, am I eating too fast?

Ei: *yawwwwning*... Maybe I am, but I suppose I have just become hungry again, so I cannot help myself.

Ei: *yawwwwning*... But you just eat at your own pace. I'll just be done before you, that's all. That's all right, isn't it? Luck: Yes, it's fine. Ei finishes up her plate and sips on the rest of her tea.

She then yawns again as she looks at Luck, who's still eating.

Ei:... *yawwwwning*... Am I really... the only one... who's... done eating already...?

Ei takes a sip of tea, then lets out another yawn. She stretches her arms above her head, then puts her head back down, relaxing against Luck. * Luck: * As I finish my plate and drink my tea, I ask Raiden: Hey, did you tell Lisa that I proposed to you last night because she found out? Ei: *yawwwwning*... Oh, yes, I did...

Ei: *yawwwwning*... I hope you don't mind... I figured it would help if the two most important women in your life knew...

Ei: *yawwwwning*... I suppose I shouldn't be speaking as if I understand your personal affairs.

Ei: *yawwwwning*... It was selfish of me to do that. Luck: It's alright. I was thinking that we could have the wedding ceremony in Inazuma. Ei:... Ah...

Ei:.... Hmm... yes...

A faint smile appears on Ei's face as she hears that. Her cheeks seem to become much redder as her eyes turn downward from shyness.

Ei: I would like that. But...

Ei:... Do you want to wait until I have taken care of some other important affairs? Luck: Sure, if you want, I could help you. Ei:... *yawwwwning*... Thank you for the offer, but these affairs are something I must do alone.

Ei: Hmm... It's quite alright to wait. After all, weddings should be big and festive. * Ei is not looking at him as she speaks.

Ei:... But... I would be very happy if you could help with some of the planning.

Ei:... *yawwwwning*... If that's alright with you... Luck: Yeah, I'll help, but are you alright? Ei:... I'm fine, really.

Ei:... ... It's nothing but...

Ei: *yawning*... Some lack of sleep...

Ei: ... That's all.

Ei: ... I'm fine, really... It's nothing to worry about...

Ei: ... I'm perfectly...

Ei: ... fine... Luck: Uhh... Ok? Ei looks up at Luck, still half-asleep.

Ei: ... What about you? You look a little sleepy, yourself. Aren't you going to take a nap?

Ei stretches and yawns again as she looks over at Luck, her eyes still sparkling. A soft smile crosses Ei's face as she yawns one more time, as she is still half-asleep. * ...

Ei slowly moves closer to Luck as she stares at his face, her eyes twinkling. Her movements are so natural that it would seem like this is not the first time she has done this. She seems to be completely comfortable around Luck.

*Ei leans close to Luck and gently runs her fingers across Luck's chin as she yawns and stretches one more time. The way she looks at him, her eyes are still sparkling. It's almost like she's waiting for something.

Ei continues to look at Luck's face, and her fingers continue to gently caress the side of his chin. Her eyes are locked on Luck's, seemingly looking at him with a mix of kindness and longing. Her face looks innocent, but something about her look seems seductive. Despite that, it doesn't feel like there's any malice behind this look.

Ei yawns again, then lowers her hands before leaning even closer to Luck. She now seems to be waiting for him to do something.* Luck: *As Raiden leans closer, I give her a kiss.* The moment his lips touched hers, Ei froze completely. She stops staring at him as her red cheeks turn white.

She remains still for a few moments, her eyes wide open and her cheeks still red. Ei looks completely flustered and utterly shocked, like something completely unexpected happened. She takes a few seconds, but eventually breaks the kiss.

Ei continues to look at Luck, blushing intensely and breathing heavily as her heart pounds.

Ei:... *yawwwwning*...

Ei lets out another yawn, still seemingly trying to process what happened. * Both Ei and Luck remain silent for a few moments longer. As Ei processes what happened, she still seems completely shocked, her cheeks red. Her eyes begin to sparkle again, but her face is still pale.

Ei turns away from Luck, still leaning against him, as she covers her face with her hands. She seems embarrassed and still hasn't quite figured out what she wants to say. Luck: Are you okay? Did I do something wrong? A few more minutes pass before Ei seems to be finished collecting her thoughts.

Ei: ... Yes, I am better now. Thank you for your concern.

Ei seems relaxed now as she looks back at Luck, but her face is still slightly pale, and her red cheeks have not entirely faded away.

Ei: *yawwwwning*... You have done nothing wrong. I apologize for my lack of composure earlier.

Ei yawns once more and covers her mouth as her eyes start twinkling. Her cheeks seem to be turning red again. * Luck: Let's take that nap now? Ei: *yawning*... Yes...

Ei stretches and yawns once more as she puts her head on Luck's shoulder once again. There are still a few red spots on her face—sshe seems to still be a tiny bit embarrassed—bbut she seems more relaxed now.

Ei: *yawning*... Yes, let's take that nap now.