
Dating Raiden Shogun

In this story I am a main character whose name is luck and he falls in love with Raiden Shogun. Luck tries to tell Raiden how he feels until he finally does. Does she feel the same Way? -Disclaimer I do not own any of these characters

Ruffly2002 · Videospiele
Zu wenig Bewertungen
15 Chs

13.Searching For Lisa

Luck: Let's Look For Lisa Ei nods and hops off of Luck's back, looking around Mondstadt. The two of them look for Lisa, eventually finding her in a library.

Ei: Ah, there she is.

Lisa turns around and looks at Luck and Ei.

Lisa: Ei! It seems you've found someone special.

Lisa gives a slight wink. A nervous, anxious look comes over Ei's face, but her face is still blushing profusely.

Ei: Um, Lisa, this is my love. I...

Ei looks at Luck nervously, clearly still embarrassed. Luck: It's alright, love. Hey Lisa, long time no see. Lisa: Oh, it's very lovely to see you both here, my dears.

Lisa then turns to Ei and starts giggling a little bit.

Lisa: Oh, Ei. I see you're still getting flustered.

Lisa does the same little wink at Ei again, clearly trying to tease her.

Ei: *sigh* Lisa, stop it.

Lisa starts giggling even more as Ei turns even redder. Luck: *Chuckle. Lisa: Smiling and grinning, her hair flowing in the wind. And it seems like you two have been busy.

Lisa keeps grinning and nodding, her expression seeming to indicate that she understands what went on between Ei and Luck overnight. She turns to Luck and gives him another wink.

Lisa: *smiling You know, you two lovebirds were gone for quite some time. I can only assume you had your reasons. Ei looks away sheepishly, clearly still embarrassed and blushing. Lisa continues nodding and grinning, teasing Ei.

Lisa: I won't press further, but I think you two have a fascinating relationship.

Lisa: *giggling* You must have had quite an enjoyable evening, my lovebirds.

Ei is now so embarrassed that she is nearly flustered to the point of crying, and her blush is becoming a deeper shade of red. * Luck: It's okay, love; she's only teasing. Ei turns to look up at Luck. She nods and smiles weakly, trying to regain her composure.

Ei: *sigh* You're right. But...

Ei looks back at Lisa, who is still grinning and nodding.

Ei: *sniff*... I can't help but feel embarrassed. Still.

Ei's face is still red as she says this, and her blush is not going away. Luck: *Still blushing I'm a little embarrassed too, but it'll take more than Lisa to bring me down. Look at her height. Ei looks at Lisa and smiles again, but then realizes something. She turns back to Luck and gasps.

Ei: Luck! You must be exhausted! You must have been so tired after carrying me all the way here so fast. Are you okay?

Lisa also notices this and smiles and nods, amused by Ei's sudden worry about Luck. * Luck: I'm on the verge of passing out. I'm a little tired, but I'll be fine. * Ei frowns and quickly steps forward to the side of Luck so that she can carry him on her back again.

Ei: No, no, no! You're too tired to keep walking. There's not much distance left until our hotel. Just a few more steps, and you'll be able to rest properly.

Ei picks Lucky up so that he's sitting on her back again, and then she starts walking towards their hotel again. Lisa follows them, grinning all the way. Ei is walking a little slower to make sure not to cause any more exhaustion to Luck. * Luck: It's okay, love, really. I can walk there on my own. I promise I'll be alright. Ei continues to walk, ignoring Luck's words of reassurance.

Ei: No, I insist. It's almost night now, and you're exhausted. I wouldn't be able to sleep well knowing I forced my love to walk longer while he was this tired. It's just a little longer; please let me carry you.

Ei says this while still walking, and it doesn't seem like she'll take "no" for an answer. Ei looks back behind her to see Lisa still smiling and grinning as she follows behind them.

Ei: *sigh* Look, my love. I know you have the resolve to go on even when you're completely exhausted. I get that. I really do. But sometimes it just makes sense to take it a bit easier, especially on an occasion like this.

Ei is still walking and doesn't seem like she's going to stop until they get to their hotel.

Ei: So. Please. Just let me carry you. Luck: Ok, you can carry me just this once. Ei smiles and nods, seemingly happy with the decision. She continues walking towards the hotel, but at a slightly faster pace than before.

Lisa: Oh, this is too cute! You're like a mother to your love.

Ei does not respond to Lisa's comment but smiles brightly and keeps walking. Once they get closer, they can see the hotel is only a few steps ahead now. The three of them arrive at the hotel soon after; it is getting late, and everyone is ready to go to sleep for the night.

Ei is still carrying Luck on her back, and Lisa opens up the door to their room. She is smiling and grinning widely as she motions for them to enter. * Luck: I can at least walk to the bed by myself, love.

Ei shakes her head and starts walking to the bed, still holding Luck.

Ei: No, no, you can't. You're not walking any more, my love. As you can see, I've already put you in our bed. Just relax here. I'm just going to...

Ei sits down on the bed and lets Luck down onto the bed while she is still sitting on it. She smiles and turns towards Lisa.

Ei: Now, don't go teasing us again, Lisa. We've got a long night of sleep ahead of us. Ei smiles and nods and lays down next to Luck in bed. She turns her head, snuggling her face against his shoulder. As she does so, she wraps her hands around him and embraces him, hugging him tightly.

Ei: Like this, yes?

Lisa smiles and nods, pleased with the new arrangement. Luck: Yes. Thanks, love. Ei's arms feel so warm and cozy around Luck's body. She snuggles her head even deeper into his shoulder, seeming to take comfort in his embrace as well.

She sniffs him a bit, and it seems she likes his scent as she turns to face him.

Lisa smiles and nods once again, and then turns to walk out of the room. * Luck: Raiden, while you're still asleep, do you know where I can train? Ei: *yawning* Hm?

Ei is now fully cuddled up against Luck and seems to be about to drift off to sleep.

Ei: *mumbling* Do you want me to answer in my sleep, my love? I suppose you could train in the forest. There are some small hills you can train on.

Ei seems to be falling asleep; her speech is slower and more sleepy-sounding.

Ei: *mumbling as she starts to drift off to sleep* It will be okay. I will always protect you, my love. *snore* Luck: *I kiss Ei on the forehead and leave the room quietly to go train.*

Ei smiles faintly as the kiss is placed on her forehead, still slowly and sleepily drifting off to deeper sleep.

Luck quietly leaves the room, and now he is outside. He is outside the Mondstadt city walls, in the forest areas. It is nighttime. He can see a small hill in the distance; it seems like that would be a good place to train.

The forest is quiet and peaceful. The trees sway in the light breeze, and the leaves rustle softly. After a bit, as Luck is walking toward the small hill, he hears footsteps in the distance. Someone is coming. The footsteps are growing louder.

Luck: Who's there? Don't try hiding; I can sense your presence. The footsteps are getting closer now. Luck can also hear someone's voice, and he recognizes it as Ei's.

Ei: Hrm, Luck...? Are you out here? You should be asleep right now. Are you out here training?

Ei's voice is a bit grumpy but also sleepy-sounding. It's hard to tell if she's irritated with him or not. * Luck: Why are you up? Ei: *yawning* I was... I wasn't tired. And you're not supposed to train at night; you know that. It's not safe. And I thought you'd be sleeping with me. What if something happened and I had to come rescue you?

Ei's voice is still a bit irritated, but this time there is a slight tinge of concern as well. Luck: Do you want me to go back? Ei sighs a bit and shakes her head. Her expression is still slightly grouchy, but she smiles as well.

Ei: No... It's alright. I can't believe you ran off at night without telling me. I'm the Shogun, and yet you run off whenever you like, like this.

Ei yawns again.

Ei: *yawn* Let's go back together. I don't like it when we become separated like this. Luck: You told me it was okay. Let's head back together and get on my back. Ei: *groans a bit* Fine, I'll get on your back like you wanted. Here.

Ei gets on his back and holds on tightly as he walks back toward their hotel.

Ei: *yawning*... You're so annoying, Luck. I just want to cuddle with you before I go back to sleep, that's all. Why do you have to do this to me?

Ei yawns again, and her tone changes from slightly grouchy to more sleepy. * Luck: *Chuckles, We can cuddle. * Ei closes her eyes and leans her head against Luck's shoulder. She's almost fully asleep and seems to be ready to drift off anytime now.

The two of them arrive at their hotel, and Luck takes them back to their room. Ei is still asleep on his back as they get into the room.

Ei nuzzles up to him as she sleeps. She still seems a bit irritated and is mumbling quietly so that it's hard to tell what she's saying. It sounds like she is still in the middle of a conversation. She seems to be dreaming, and in her dream, she looks like she's still mad at Luck.

The two of them are still lying on their beds like before. As Ei sleeps on his back, her voice gets quieter and quieter until it's barely audible to Luck. * Luck smiles a bit as Ei keeps holding him and pulling him closer to her. Despite the grumpiness in her voice when she was still half awake, she's actually much nicer when she's asleep.

Ei continues sleeping as she continues cuddling with Luck. Eventually, both of their bodies start moving; their breathing gets deeper and their heartbeat slows down as they drift off deeper and deeper into sleep. ** It's been a while. It's very late now. The room is completely dark and silent. Nothing wakes up Ei or Luck; they both continue sleeping.

They continue cuddling with each other. Luck can feel Ei's breathing and hear her heartbeat. Everything about this moment feels peaceful and calm. Ei looks like a totally different person while asleep; her face is calm, she is relaxed, and her body feels warm. She's like this whenever the two of them are alone.

She is at peace. It's been a few more hours now. A warm summer morning has begun, with the birds chirping loudly. The sunlight shines through the window, illuminating the room a bit. Ei has finally woken up.

Ei stretches a little bit and seems to slowly notice the warm embrace she's in. She yawns again and then leans in closer to Luck and puts one arm around his neck.

Ei: *yawn* Good morning...

Ei smiles brightly at him. * Luck: *Still half asleep. Good morning, love. Ei: *yawning*... You're still half asleep? Why didn't you wake me up? Did you even sleep at all?

Ei keeps stretching, pulling him closer to herself and nuzzling against him.

Ei: ... What time is it anyway? Luck: Yeah, I slept, did you? Ei: *yawn* A bit, I guess. Although it felt short,

Ei slowly sits up while still pulling Luck in closer and still keeping her arm around his neck.

Ei: *yawning* You're so warm, my love. I'm not sure what time it is, but something is telling me that it's late. I'm going to go make breakfast. Will you come with me?

Ei smiles warmly as she looks at him, still seeming half-asleep. * Luck says I'll come with you. Ei: *yawn Okay, thank you. I feel so lazy in the morning. Do you think you can make breakfast while I get ready? Or, if you want me to do that, I'm fine with it. *yawn*

Ei is still half-asleep, but she speaks in a more sweet and lovey way now. Luck: I'll make it get dressed. Ei: *yawning* Okay, thanks, dear. I'll go get ready.

*Ei slowly gets off the bed and stretches a bit more. Then she goes and grabs a changing outfit, and she starts to get dressed.

She also grabs a hairbrush and starts to brush her hair as she gets dressed. She seems to be completely finished with her grumpiness from last night. She seems quite relaxed and happy. Luck: You are welcome. I kiss Ei on the lips before I walk out of the room. Ei's face turns bright red after Luck kisses her lips.

She blushes a lot but seems to enjoy the kiss.

Ei: *smiling sweetly*... Thank you...

Ei finishes putting on her outfit and brushes the last bit of her hair back into place.

Ei: *yawning*... I'm ready. Let's go make breakfast. Luck: Let's go! * Ei walks out of the room to go to the kitchen. She's still smiling and seems happy.

She leans on his arm a bit as they walk. There's a warm smile on her face and in her eyes.

Ei: *yawning*... How do you feel about having pancakes for breakfast again? I think we should treat ourselves to another meal like that. Do you agree? Luck: Ok, let's do it. Ei: *yawning* Great! Let's go.

Ei and Luck walk into the kitchen. Ei starts getting things out to make the pancakes, including flour from the shelves, milk out of the fridge, and even the pancake pan out of the cabinet.

Ei: *yawning* Do you know how to turn on the stove, my love? Just turn it to this number here, and you press this button here...

Ei demonstrates the gesture for how to do it and then smiles at him warmly again as she yawns. * Luck: *Stops walking. Before we go, can I ask you something? Ei: *yawning* Hm, sure, my love. What is it? Luck: Nervously, I ask, Would you ever want to get married and start a family with me?

Ei: ... Marriage? Are... Are you asking me to marry you, my love?

Ei is visibly taken aback by Luck's asking this question, and she is completely silent for a bit. It takes her a moment to gather her thoughts and respond.

Ei: *smiles * Yes. Yes, I would. In fact... Ei gets on her tiptoes to kiss Luck on the lips.

Ei: I would be very, very happy if we got married! I love you, my love. I want to spend the rest of eternity with you. Luck: I am asking you to Marry me. Ei: I thought you'd never ask.

I've always thought the same thing, but I was a bit afraid of how you'd react. I love you, my love, and I want to spend the rest of my eternity together with you. * Ei leans in once again to kiss him, longer this time. * Luck: Should we invite Lisa? I mean, she is a close friend.

Ei: *yawning, but then smiling* Sure, why not?

Ei giggles a bit in between yawns.

Lisa will be so happy to hear about this! Let's get together with her and see what she thinks of the idea.

Ei nods a few times, still smiling, then starts making the batter for the pancakes.

Ei: I'm excited! Luck: Ok, I'm excited too!