
Dating a doctor

Born a twin's both Nikita and Niharika and Niharika were treated separately in their own house. Niharika's cunningness always kept Nikita in check and same times even if she opposed. Nikita had to bear all of the action . One day megha was made homeless due to an accident at home which she had to some rich man for money. Megha's life took a new turn, when she was adopted by her family rivalry son . . who gave her to Somerules follow. Chance to study, pursue life and take revenge from her own sister and family

ileeilee · Teenager
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - help me please

Nikita why did you kill your own grandmother angrily sound yelling at Nikita

No I didn't kill grandmother ".Nikita said and she was pleading for it..

". Just shutup Nikita you killed your own grandmother. get out from My house Nikita. And didn't come to me again otherwise I will killl you." Nikita father's said her.

The servant of the house had thrown Nikita out from her own House.

".Father that was not me .please believe me that was not me that niharika father please trust me . I have done anything. Nikita said

Nikita life was shattered because of this.. And she was pleading again and again. And her life changed. She was abandoned from her house and family.

Nikita don't cry come with me a simple middle age lady told . She was wearing simple clothes. Your mother had given you to us. From. Now on will stay with us.. She was pulling Nikita. Nikita family doesn't have anything to do with her . Nikita has to bear all the pain of niharika action and every things. And niharika was the real culprit and niharika just have say little things that Nikita sister had kill our grandmother and she one who gave her medicines. Hear this story she thought that hear life was over . Even their twin Nikita bear all pain of niharika. Their was short reason Nikita didn't know how to do acting. Or things time she was abandoned by her family. Whenever she think leave this family but this was not right things to leave this house

Nikita managed her self and she went to her auntie house and she started crying by seeing Nikita was crying aunty was also crying and she thinking how can they give genius daughter to me . I am so poor. You are not eighteen years aslo and your uncle who is gambler and drinker and he had sell all the things . Who sell his all things. When he will see you of course he will sell you. Nikita you should stay in my friend house. His house is near the town . And he had clinic. And i will talked to your uncle about you.

You both are twins but why your family treat you both different. This is not the first. Always Nikita had to taken blame of niharika mistakes. Nikita was not cunning as niharika and she doesn't know to do acting. Nikita used to think that she had to marry the boy from their rivalry family. Which Nikita family used to hate. And from that they family will start taking tension and because of that they will die... But she didn't think this will happened. This fast.

Nikita went to her aunt Friend clinic. She used to help him in some little things. Because the clinic was main road. They used have many accident . Many patients have external injury. Nikita also doesn't need many thing she only need three times food and place for staying. That was her requirements. Nikita used think that that her family will not abandoned her. But From 3 months she never heared one work from never . They never sent anyone to search for her. Forget this things why they will send people on search of nikita. Nikita you resting her. Get up Nikita their had been one more accident . Come with me Nikita. The night had just started but the owner of clinic had just waked her up. Nikita start following him. Because to taken the patient in the clinic. They were three people. One driver who made this accident. And two boys from the two boy one boy was very hot 🥵 and one who had little bit of injury and he had fainted. Nikita help when the boss called her. And she went fast their . And the boy was in stretcher and she just realised that was Aditya dangerous person and son of Rajesh. Nikita used to study with him in the school and aslo shared his name on noticed board but the different is his name was for achievement and her name for bulling students.

And Aditya was bad boy who never followed rules in school and he is very dangerous and used to bully students.

Nikita fast take out his all clothes. Nikita was shock by listening this things. Nikita What are you thinking this is about life and dead. And other people are trying to save the driver. Do it fast . I had to stop the bleeding on his thighs. Because nikita was just 17 teen. For doing this kind of things it was very awkward for her. But this was for a life . And she collect some power and she had taken all his cloth from his body..

First time Nikita boss asked with a smile on his face. Nikita said with hesitating and she told no...

When he will wake up you can ask him for a special gift for yourself... But the boys was little bit conscious And he heard everything what they were taking about. And he was feeling that some one is taking out his clothes. And the girl name was Nikita and he was dam sure he will remember her name .

Nikita what is your blood type? Nikita boss asked while he was stopping the blood of the boy. He had lost many blood and he need some blood but there was not any store near clinic.

My blood type O that what I need.

Nikita doesn't hesitate to give her blood to Aditya. She had confidence to give her blood to him.

Aditya had asleep fast . And he was looking smart Near the soft light. Nikita was thinking that how can he become so smart and Nikita was watching him while he was slepping and his assistiant was resting in another ward. Nikita's boss was trying to contact police while doing this the night was over. Next morning Nikita went outside from his ward to bring some water for Aditya. And her Aunty was searching her and she told her I am her to take you with me. Your uncle had told yes to me. For keeping you with me. But Nikita want to stay in clinic but their was no family . And she had to continue her studies. And she told her boss bye and she went with her . But she doesn't know that was a trapped by her uncle. Aditya was okay after resting over a night. When he opened his eyes he saw his assistant .

".sir you wake up".let me help you to wakeup but sir your pants are teared. When Aditya had pant he remember a girl and she watched every things tell me where is girl name Nikita he asked in slowly tone.

Her aunty had taken her I don't know you know her ".the boss of the clinic told him. "

Poor girl her family had abandoned her and I don't what will happened with her


Her uncle is a animal and he is a mental for drink and money I know that he will surely sell her and she is very beautiful and he will get good money by selling her.

She touched my lower body. She thought see will be spare my touching my lower body.....

Not even one girl had touched my lower body .

". Sir we had go fast mumbai".his assistant suddenly said him

No we will go to that girl. When he slowly locked up . His intense and dark eyes we're starling like a star