
Chapter 1: New World

My name is... what is it again?

Ah. Right. My name is Lucifer...16 or 18 years old... at least that is the name I chose and what my body's appearance looks as I stared at the cracked glass panes right on my side.

So, what should I say? Where should I start my introduction erm yeah...

Hmm... Ah!

Well, let's start with some recap about my previous life.

I was in a different world before my life before I "came" to this world. In short, I was a transmigrated or reincarnated individual if you may say just like those tropes you see on novels and animes.

My previous name was Lucifer Zwei Arkanghel, half-japanese, quarter of this, and quarter of that if you are curious...

I lived my previous life in a shitty hell hole and I miraculously survived for a total of 20 years despite the harsh shit I've been living through.

My parents died in a plane crash when I was four which led me to be taken care off by my shitty uncle who hates my father to the guts proclaiming that my mother would've been his wife if not for my father, his brother, stole her from him.

How did I know? That bastard was yelling that all out while beating the shit out off my small body of a child in his 5th year in the world.

He was complaining all the time as for why he should take responsibility of taking care of a trash like me, or so he says. I couldn't care less anymore at that time since I was drowned in physical abuse and I even wondered why our damn neighbors at that place couldn't notice my pleas and the shouts of anger coming from my bastard uncle.

That continued all up to when I was 16 where I finally ended that asshole's miserable life.

That moment was refreshing to be honest. Finally ending my tormentor all over my childhood brought me the feelings of relief and comfort.

How did I kill him? That is simple. Just shove a kitchen knife on his disgusting throat when he was vulnerable then boom, you get a corpse after a few seconds!

Easy right? Hmm. I sound like a crazy psychopath who experiences pleasure on killing people, ain't I?

Sorry to say but no I don't. I admit that killing him brought me joy but killing a person brought me some complications. After I killed him, I threw up like hell and felt like my guts was literally trying to get out through my mouth.

But if I may say, I like a bit of... chaos you see. Did I sound like a chuuni? Don't misunderstand. I am not! If I may rephrase it, I like it when everything is in disarray or confusion.

An example for that is like...um, when I was in elementary, I kinda like developed this trait in a result of a experiment. You see, I was kind of a frail looking person back then and a weak looking person so I ended up being the bullies target when I was a child.

As a child who wasn't ignorant about the term violence, I beat the shit out of them so hard and it turned out like I was the bully and they were the victims. Of course, we were kids so we were left out with some mild warnings which brought my bastard uncle a headache which resulted me to get beaten by a pulp on that certain day.

After that, I decided to steal the cellphone of my damned teacher at that time whose attitude was so biased to those kids with rich families. Disgusting right? So I decided to pull a prank and stole her phone without anyone noticing and kept it on one of the haughty kids bag.

When the damned teacher found out that her phone was missing, she immediately accused us students, and to remind, elementary students that we stole her phone! How despicable could she be if her guess was incorrect, but unfortunately or fortunately, she was right.

It was messy at that point! Classmates of mine tried to accuse each other and began to form delusional theories as for who stole the phone. Some were tearing up and started to sob. Some began to get angry as for what is happening and many more~

Okay. What am I doing at that point?

Hell, I was sitting there meekly observing how this shit is going to turn out in the end. I couldn't help but smile widely at that moment which made my seatmate suspicious about my behavior and hell, she said out loud that I am the culprit of stealing damned teacher's phone!

She wasn't wrong though, I commend her for that.

I found her method to be inefficient because she could have checked our bags in the first place to get done with it., I said at that time.

So, the teacher then interrogated me in the middle of the class which I successfully showed her that my pockets and bags were empty.

In the end, she believed it. How foolish, what if I had hidden it under my desk clumsily, she would've discovered it was me! But that wasn't going to happen since she didn't even chack my desk nor got suspicious at my actions!

To think that my seatmate of mine has more brains compare to this teacher. Sigh. I'm so so disappointed at her.

It proceeded with the process whereas we show our pockets to her one by one to check.

When she found nothing, she then forced us to show the contents of our bags and there you get it, the culprit was caught!

In the end, the problem was resolved when the turn of the haughty kid came up. He was repeatedly saying that it wasn't him who stolen it which gave a dead giveaway that he was the one.

My prank ended like that and I was satisfied. Starting from that, my pranks began to turn more jesting and malicious day by day to the point that I was even reported in my junior highschool for doing that excessive pranks not just to the students, but to the teachers and faculty as well! Haha sucks to be you people then!



I sounded like a crazy man back then ain't I? Sorry for that... you could say that my adrenaline rush was at its peak at that moment and to add, the stress of adapting to this new life is piling up.

Keheum. Moving on, after I killed the bastard, I was then accused by murder but I was left the hook off when they found that I am still a minor and when they discovered the past between me and that bastard.

I was left off with some suspension in the school and some warnings on strictly treasuring human lives.

Well, fuck it. Say that to my blasted morals when I was still a child!



Moving to highschool, I became a target for bullies... just like in the old days but the scale is different since I am dealing with numbers and teenagers compared to the brats back then.

Oh, if you are wondering whether they found I killed that bastard, then no. I asked internet-sensei all about it on how I could dispose a corpse without getting find out.

The credibility isn't that much accurate in my opinion but it worked! So no problems.

After graduating from highschool, I decided to do some part-time jobs rather than enter college or a UNI.

I worked in a mini-market store in the city and the business was blooming. The pay was high so I don't really care how hard the work is as long as my body could handle it so I gave my best. I also made friends with my colleagues back there, and honestly, I could say that this moments are the happiest ones in my life.

Everything was fine when a sudden news reported in the tv said that a plane has some engines that malfunctioned and was going to crash somewhere in Tokyo, which was also the place where I am working at.

At first, I didn't give it too much concern since out of many coincidences, why should it crash at this place? Oh did I know how shitty my luck was when I saw a silhouette outside the window getting larger and larger which resembled a burning plane.

Realizing that, I quickly ran out of the store as swift as possible and that goes the same for the people outside and inside the store.

And by some damned coincidence, as I ran swiftly, a truck in high speeds was apparently going to crash at me.

Did I die?


I forcefully moved my body to the side which left me alive but not unscathed. I just have a broken leg, that's all.

Celebrating my victory, I then noticed a second truck coming right at me! And it doesn't have a driver for Godsake!

And just like that, as a typical novel-like cliche setting, I died and was brought to an unknown place by Truck-kun.



What happened after that was the meeting with that random God as I arrived in that place where my soul could only shiver in fright.

That random God was benevolent enough to grant me some of my wishes which at that time I thought that it was only a dream.

Alas, I picked some of my wishes but I know for sure that they aren't the best. If I knew that was totally real, then I would've chose better wishes than that.

Still, I shouldn't cry on spilled milk. What is done is done. No regrets. At least, I got transported in another world and got to live a second chance in life.

"Sigh. Now now, where am I?"

With a flamboyant tone, I muttered to myself.

Quickly moving my gaze to my surroundings, I found my self floating in a crater-like area where the buildings and structures all around me was ruined or rather obliterated.

As for my appearance, I then made a broken glass pane levitate and brought to my side. As for how I did that, it seems that I could use psychokinesis by some sort.

"Well, this could be my special ability as a privilege of meeting that God, haha!" I said as I observed the features of my new body which that God described to be a random nobody aimlessly wandering in that space.

Though I feel sorry for this guy, I can't help but also feel somewhat graateful for it.

My appearance is that of a handsome young man in his teens. He has long glossy silver hair which ran straight down up to his legs. Black sclera with glowing amethyst eyes which somehow embodies domination and destruction. He has the attire similar to a latex suit for males but was made with some advance technology with a purple crystal located at his chest on top paired with some advanced looking slick black leggings on the bottom added with a pair of also pitch-black knee high boots. He also wears a classy advanced pitch black robe which has four tails made out of connected diamond-shaped metals hanging in the air. He was surrounded with gigantic shards of light with has crackles of electricity and flames emanating around it. Overall, he somewhat gives off the aura of dread to those around him. Probably just my imagination, but oh well, what else could it be?

Finishing the rundown description of my appearance, I realized one thing.

"Oh my? Quite a decent—or rather, magnificent look I have here?" I exclaimed in slight surprise as I placed my hand under my chin.

As I was still admiring my new appearance, it was then, it happened.


Following the siren, a mechanical voice that paused after each word. I don't know where the siren really came from.

"—This is not, a drill. This is not, a drill. The foreshock, has been observed. The occurrence, of a spacequake, is predicted. Persons in the vicinity, please move to the nearest shelter, immediately. I repeat—"

In that instant, I snapped out of my thoughts and gasped as I realized that somehow, I knew what world I was transported into.

"What just happened was a Spacequake alert if I'm correct, then..."

What happened next was that few people with Mecha suits flew around surrounding me with guns and weapons pointed at me.

"Spirit Confirmed. Commencing extermination of the target," she declared.

A slim girl with white hair in a bob hairstyle said as she began to prepare her gun to shoot at me. Of course, I dodged and the shot miss.

She then glared at me as for why I dodged it.

'Seriously, do you want me to just get shot by you?' I muttered in a very low voice.

Only with that information, I remembered one of the novels that I used to read. If I am correct then this world is...

"Date a Live"

Edited: 6/19/2022

1.) I will remind that this MC of ours has some loose screws in his head in his past life due to experiencing extreme violence and complications in his early childhood.

It's weird, I know but I really intended it to be like that!

2.) Edited some sentences to make it less *Cringe*. Yes, I admit. It is cringe. I made this chap last year and this novel for just an entire whim. I can't help but feel mortified on how it turned out now that I am reading it.

Wryyyyyyyycreators' thoughts
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