
Darrell awake

When a whole community of magical beings which had previously kept their abilities a secret start to become apparent at a glance, Darrell wishes she could return to her early years when she was just a collection of childhood scales. Because her half Dragon is a precious resource, the circle is now after it. Living with the other supernaturals who are in society presents a daily challenge for Darrell.

Miss_joy · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Power harnessing room

"So what is this place?"

"Ahh, what fun when you can not even guess Callahan.

But you seriously don't know huh?"

When the other male kept mute on kalahari's jokes, he immediately gets to work explaining how the strange-looking machine is designed to harness Darrell's rare dragon abilities

"You see this one here, it will flash a red light each time Aniphet discovers a new ability, so far it's been flashing."

"How many times in totality?".

"The totality of her growing powers is manually recorded, in time there shall be an automated recorder as well as a decoder."

"The blue implant attached to her skull detects the times she attempts to use any of her abilities even the tiniest."

"How is that even possible?"

"Possible? How about, welcoming technology sophistication where many beat records to bring added solutions to worldly variables?"

"The silver wire is…."

"I get that all these wires are meant to monitor and to suck this rare dragon strength of Aniphet,, but I fail to understand why, why do this to your stepdaughter?.

"Stepdaughter ha, You a powerful Seth can not feign ignorance of how much such power could accomplish in the hands of our likes.

Marrying the mother to get close to her daughter was a small extent needed to get me this close."

"So, what is that my motive again?"

"Great question Callahann. Please follow me to my chambers and have me give you all that you need to succeed bringing Aniphet back to this Era."

As Callahann and Kalahari start moving out of the room through its exit, Kalahari continues his enlightenment speech even as they are strolling out.

"You see, this journey is of paramount. Over the past hundred years, during my time travels, I have tried waking her up using all elements except love.

You are a fine specimen of a male, your piercing blue eyes are alluringly attractive even to the same sex."

"Kalahari, are you by chance suggesting that I charm your step daughter Aniphet even with a fake promise of love?"

Yes Callahann, but before you can lament out your concerns against such, how about you and i wait till we are at my chambers, eh?"


While these two well built males continued well on their way out the strange looking room, one that's been designed to harness Darrell Aniphet's rare abilities, In another setting and at a 100 transmigrated years away from this other world, Aniphet, who is known to Drek as Darrell, holds her aching head whilst waking up from the fainted state Cent's fist had sent her to.

"Aww, by the gods Drek, what happened to my head, and who is this strange man with you?"

"Well, I would say that easy does it Darrell, you've been out for three hours, so how about you clutch your head and allow the drugs to take effect?"

"Say you what? Three whole hours?"


"No, my grandmother is going to be very mad at…. Ouch, now my head hurts like a band."

"Told ya to relax first."

"Well that's because your parents are less strick with you. By the way, where are they?."

"You and I have spent the greater part of today together, of course, I will have no idea of their way abouts, but then, I do know that your Nana would be greatly troubled looking for you by now."

"Ahem… Before the lady leaves, may I request an audience?

The strange physician said pointedly looking at Darrell.

"Well, I would be right outside"

"Drek, are you by chance leaving me all to myself?"

"Don't you worry girl, the man might look scary, but he's definitely a good friend".

Drek said last in a consoling affirmation to Darrell before leaving his room.


"You must have a lot of questions concerning the way you look, dearest Aniphet" .

(This must be a strange day, I have been addressed by two different names from people who claim to know me.)

Darrell inwardly thinks to herself.

"You worry too much about your scales, when you should be more concerned about the great responsibility that is."


"It is quite a tempting offer to wish to be the first to reveal to you whom and what that you are Aniphet.

However, the jungle animals ever the wise, asked I speak lightly and to also invite you to your awakening ceremony, one that will be happening tonight".

"My what?"

"I speak not in parables my lady, and please do come alone."


Darrell asked once again, more confused than prior to now. However, before she could begin to make sense of this strange man's speech, the man stood up heading out straight the door with his tall self.

(Alright, today is definitely going down in writing as the most unusual day. First, the jungle animals called me Scale, and now the strange Doctor not only addressed me as Aniphet, but also invites me to my awakening ceremony? Hmm, maybe I…)

"Earth to you Darrell, girl I have been standing here for a long time calling you"

"Sorry for that, I must have skipped".

"Not to me you don't have to apologize, but then I guess you owe one to an unhappy at the moment grandmother".

"What, you mean that my Nana is here?"


"How unhappy are we talking about, Drek?"

"Well, from a scale of one to ten, I would say nine".

"Oh shoot, Drek that does sound scary, now move aside would ya".

"Were are you rushing out to?".

"Like seriously? After telling me how very up set my granny is, you would still ask where I am rushing to?"

"Is there a reason why I shouldn't have asked?"

"None at all, but then I am beginning to think that the name dumbbells does fit you like a cloth Drek".

Darrell shouted at her childhood best friend before exiting the room as well.

"Now, what did I do this time?"

Few seconds later.

"Drek you old fool, I will so much kill you, how dare you lie to me?"

"Oh no you don't call me a liar Darrell. I only forgot to tell you that your grandmother also left as fast as she had been here. But then, I tried to stop you from rushing out, didn't I?"

"Oh, well now I am even more convinced that the name dumbbells is a perfect fit, Drek dumbbells, and boy I am going to trip you to the floor when I set my eyes on you come tomorrow."

Darrell shouted back at Drek, furious as heck.