
Darrell awake

When a whole community of magical beings which had previously kept their abilities a secret start to become apparent at a glance, Darrell wishes she could return to her early years when she was just a collection of childhood scales. Because her half Dragon is a precious resource, the circle is now after it. Living with the other supernaturals who are in society presents a daily challenge for Darrell.

Miss_joy · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Darrell in the Woods

"Hello, good little mantis, I am up in here, where are you, friend?"

(Darrell asks the woods, wondering where her new friend the mantis, could have rolled out to)

"It's a big forest you know? I might probably get lost up here."


(Yet, no response could be heard, except for croaking sounds, and noises from chipping birds, followed by the creaking woods)

"Oh well, I guess my scale-filled plates are now depressed too."

"I must look different with these scales covering half my face."

"I wish there was someone who can explain the scales to me."

"A mantis couldn't have possibly talked now."

(Hm Darrell heaves to herself, She takes a moment to look around, before turning to exit as she came)


(Some long moments later, Darrell was still in the woods, and lost too.)

"Since I can't find my feet's trail, let me rest my tired self with this fruit I found".

"But I wish I had clean water to wash it first.

Wait for a minute though, that does sound like hilly water, and not so far from here too."

The nineteen-year-old beauty said, immediately sprinting towards the waterfall's sounding source

But upon reaching the waterfall, the first thing to come out of Darrell's voice becomes a;


as in like wow in big capitals since the beauty of this waterfall deserves its splendour

Wow she repeats, Darrell's' happiness visibly radiate at the sight before her.

Green waterfall, surrounded by animals of different types, some were drinking while others busily flew around, flapping their wings together in united melodic songs of joy.

Even the grasslands looked healthy, with its leaves adding to the green little waterfall, the sight is set to a magical beautiful world.

Wow, she said, what is this place, Darrell asks even as she began to shake her head to the ongoing comforting melodic songs in total bliss.

Oh, I am so loving this place, she said, all memories of washing the fruit forgotten.

Her stomach rumbles with hungry sounds, a kind reminder that she's yet to feed. Without thinking, Darrell brings the fruit first up to her face, before taking a mouth-filling bit of the fruit.

"Noooo", every being jointly chorused out to Darrell

For the first time, Darrell saw and heard many kinds of creatures all speak in one understandable voice.

And even more so to her?

"What in eck…" Those were to become the last words Darrell speaks before hitting the ground with a thud and fainting it out by the beautiful waterfalls.

She had just ingested a black peach fruit, one of the fruits that quickly brings dream hallucinations.

laid there passed out in a faint, Darrell's world will awake to a new understanding.


"is she dead? She did bite a mouthful of them peach fruits, asked the concerned mantis.

"Shhhh, she sleeps," said the antelope to the mantis.

"Ahh well, we didn't intend to scare her with that no. She probably hasn't spoken to an ant before, talkless of a bunch of us, speaking her language all at once."

"What are you blabbing about, it's in her wish to know." Said the lion.

"Yeah, times right." The tortoise itself affirms.

"So now, what do we do? The poor girl must have some questions once she wakes."

"We will do nothing now, replied the aged wise tortoise, she wasn't led in here for no course. Ripe and ready, it's time her dragon awakens. Gosh knows how long our world has been in turmoil."

"As exciting as that does sound, what if she awakes a monster?" The elephant asked none in particular.

"Then another would be raised to destroy her." Replied the wise old tortoise.

The elephant was indeed right to ask, some dragons awake with scales of their past life turning them into angry dragons.

Seeing as how Darrell had been concerned about her scales, well"…."

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