

A teenager boy named Tamil is our Mc we gonna see how his beautiful life ended up in darkness, in this story we have lot more fabulous thing to see .This story contains gang war,drug trafficking,human trafficking,serial killer,crime,evil,romance,comedy,cop,school life,betrayal,anime and lot more darkness so stay tuned

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chapter 4 (My ordinary life)

My ordinary life !

Tamil had always been a troublemaker. Ever since he joined kindergarten, he had a knack for causing mischief and poking fun at everyone. He didn't care if he got scolded by the teachers or beaten up by the bigger kids. He enjoyed the thrill of living on the edge, and the other students admired him for his fearless attitude. He was the life of the party, and his peers liked him a lot.

Tamil also had a passion for fighting and martial arts. His father Abdul, who was a former boxer, trained him every weekend, and Tamil learned how to throw punches and kicks with ease. He didn't hesitate to use his skills on anyone who crossed him or disagreed with him. As he grew older, his mischievous streak only intensified, and he became more aggressive and rebellious.

But Tamil was not just a troublemaker. He was also a brilliant student. He aced every exam, no matter how hard the subject was. He was also a great sportsman. He excelled in every event, from cricket to chess. He was the pride of the school, and the envy of his classmates. He had everything going for him, and he knew it.

Tamil was an extrovert, and he loved to make friends. He wanted to have a huge circle of loyal followers who would do his bidding. He also loved to fight. He believed that fighting was the best way to make friends and enemies. He fought with someone almost every day, and he always emerged victorious. He became famous for his intelligence and his unbeatable strength.

Tamil had many friends when he was in the tenth grade, but only a few of them were his close friends. They were Shyam, Ajay, Jack, Leo, Oliver, Axel, and Asif. They were his partners in crime, and they supported him in everything he did.

Tamil was not only famous in school, but also in his neighborhood. Everyone in his locality called him "lucky charm", because he seemed to have good fortune in everything he did. One day, his friends were waiting for him outside his home and shouted his name. Tamil came out with a cricket bat and an apple in his mouth, and hopped on one of his friends' bicycles. He was ready to play cricket with them. But he didn't notice that someone was watching him from a nearby window. It was Emi, the daughter of his Japanese neighbors. She was one year younger than Tamil, and she had a crush on him. She had seen him for the first time that day, and she was smitten by his charm.

(Emi peeked through the door and felt her heart flutter as she saw Tamil.)

Two years later, in the convent (the school that Tamil was currently attending),

Tamil had a new goal. He wanted to become the biggest delinquent of the school. He wanted to challenge and defeat the current top thug of the school. That's when he met Daniel, "the bully of the convent school."

Daniel was sitting and relaxing with his friends at the back of the canteen. He was enjoying his status as the king of the school. He had bullied almost everyone in the school, and no one dared to stand up to him. He was feared and respected by all.

"Hey Daniel," said Tamil, as he approached Daniel. Daniel turned around and saw who was calling him by his name. He tilted his head and thought, Who is this punk?

"Oiiii!!! You are supposed to call him, sir! You little jerk!" said James, one of Daniel's friends. "Daniel is his name, right?" replied Tamil. "If I'm not wrong, you are Tamil, right?" said Daniel politely. "You aren't," replied Tamil, with a smile.

Daniel laughed wickedly. "I have bullied almost everyone in this school, and I want to bully you so bad right now," he said. Some of Daniel's friends surrounded Tamil. The news spread to Tamil's friends, and they started to ran to the place where it was happening.

"James: Eeeee!!! You know what, kid? This place is best for fighting and bullying trash cans like you. Do you know why?"

"Tamil: Because this place doesn't come under camera surveillance, right?"

"Daniel: No wonder they call you brilliant. Now strip yourself and beg for your mistake."

"Tamil: I want to fight you one-on-one."

He challenged, with a defiant glare. He was not intimidated by Daniel or his gang. He was eager to show them who was the boss.

Ethan, one of Daniel's cronies, sneered at him. "Are you serious? Haah Haa Haa," he cackled. "You want to fight with Daniel? You must have a death wish."

James, another of Daniel's lackeys, put his arm around Tamil's shoulder and mocked him. "Trash like you want to fight my king? You're so pathetic," he taunted.

Tamil reacted swiftly. He grabbed James's arm and twisted it, making him scream in pain. Then he kicked him in the neck, sending him tumbling to the ground. Tamil was quick and agile, thanks to his martial arts training. He faced Daniel with unbreakable confidence.

"Are you afraid, Daniel?" he asked.

Daniel's gang members stood up, ready to jump in. They sensed that this was not a joke. This was a serious challenge. Daniel was smoking a cigarette, trying to act cool. He flicked it away and said in a calm voice:

"I wanted to bully you with my friends; it's fine. I'm going to enjoy this all by myself."

He got up and walked towards Tamil, looking him up and down with contempt. He thought he could easily beat him. He thought he was invincible.

Just then, Tamil's friends arrived at the scene. They had heard about the fight and came to rescue him. They saw him standing bravely against Daniel and his gang. Their face was mixed with fear and hope .

Daniel looked at them and smirked. "It looks like your friends are here to save you," he said. "Ethan, after I beat the shit out of this guy, let's crush those ones too."

Ethan nodded eagerly. He was still angry about Tamil's attack. He wanted revenge. He said to Daniel: "Make it fast, Daniel. I can't wait to see him cry like a baby."

Daniel was the worst student in the school. He always bullied other students to the extreme. He had a powerful background, and he abused it in school. He never stopped bullying someone until they begged him with teary eyes. Sometimes, students even went unconscious from his treatment. Now, he was facing Tamil, who had dared to stand up to him. He was ready to teach him a lesson he would never forget.

Daniel grabbed Tamil's hair, but in an instant, Tamil gave Daniel a side kick on his ribs . Daniel coughed up blood and let go of Tamil.Daniel was furious. He had never expected Tamil to fight back, let alone land a powerful kick on his ribs. He felt a sharp pain in his chest and a metallic taste in his mouth. He spat out blood and glared at Tamil with hatred.

"You think you can beat me, you little worm?" he snarled. "You don't know who you're messing with. I'll make you pay for this."

He lunged at Tamil again, swinging his fists wildly. Tamil dodged his attacks and countered with swift punches and kicks. He had been training in martial arts for years, and he was not afraid of Daniel or his cronies. He knew he had to destroy Daniel and get his throne.

Daniel's friends watched the fight in shock. They had never seen Daniel lose a fight before. They had always followed him and helped him torment other students. They thought he was invincible and powerful. But now they saw him as a brute.

"Come on, Daniel, don't let him beat you!" Ethan shouted, trying to cheer him on.

"Shut up, Ethan!" Daniel snapped. "I don't need your help. I can handle this myself."

With a menacing grin, Daniel pulled out his pocket knife and sneered at Tamil. "I'm going to chop you into pieces, you bastard!" He lunged at Tamil, who tilted his head and smiled calmly. He was not afraid of Daniel's threat.

Daniel swinged his sharp knife aiming to cut Tamils throat .But before Daniel could reach Tamil, he felt a strong grip on both of his arms. He struggled to free himself, but it was useless. He turned his head and saw Tamil's friend, Shyam, holding him back. Shyam was the tallest guy in Tamil's friend circle, and also the strongest. He had a dark complexion and a golden heart. He was loyal to Tamil and would do anything to protect him.

Daniel looked around for his friends, hoping for some backup. But to his horror, he saw that they were all lying on the ground, bruised and battered. Tamil's friends had taken care of them while he was busy with Daniel. Daniel couldn't believe his eyes. How did they lose so easily?

"Leave him, Shyam. He is my prey," Tamil said, his voice cold and confident. Shyam nodded and pushed Daniel towards Tamil, who was ready to strike. Daniel felt a sharp pain in his chest as Tamil's foot connected with his ribs. He gasped for air and fell to the ground.

He tried to grab Tamil's leg, but Tamil kicked him in the face. Daniel fell to the ground, blood dripping from his nose and lips. He looked up at Tamil, who was standing over him with a calm and confident expression.

"Are you done, Daniel?" Tamil asked. "Or do you want more?"

Daniel felt a surge of fear and humiliation. He knew he had lost. He knew he had no chance against Tamil. He knew he had to admit defeat. But he was too proud and stubborn to do that. He tried to get up,

But Tamil kicked on Daniel's face .

"Stay down, Daniel," Tamil said. "It's over. Here is your defeat. now that I am the biggest delinquent in this high school, And you will never bully my friends or anyone in this school . Do you understand said Tamil

Daniel nodded weakly. He had no choice. He had to accept Tamil's terms. Tamil stomped on Daniel's face . Squeezing Daniel's face with one his boot Tamil said I will never lose nor I will never beg to anyone.

Tamil let go of Daniel and turned to his friends. They cheered and clapped for him. They were proud of him. They were grateful to him. They hugged him and congratulated him. They couldn't believe what they just saw. They thaught that they couldn't beat someone like Daniel but they forget they had Tamil with them all the time.

Tamil smiled and thanked them. He felt a sense of satisfaction. He had done it. He had stood up to Daniel. He had won the fight. He had entered the era of delinquency .

It was a fine day, with a clear blue sky and a gentle breeze. Tamil and his gang members were on their way to school, but they did not care about the beauty of nature. They only cared about having fun at the expense of others. They bullied the elders on the streets, mocking their age and appearance. They harassed the seniors in their school, challenging their authority and respect. They scratched people's cars for fun, leaving behind ugly marks. They knocked on houses and ran away, laughing at the confusion and anger of the residents. They felt no guilt or remorse for their actions. They thought they were invincible and unstoppable.

They reached their school and took their seats in the classroom. The first hour began, but Tamil was not interested in learning anything. He was bored and restless. He started throwing paper balls at the girls, hoping to get their attention and reaction. He pretended to be innocent and clueless when they looked around, trying to find the culprit. He enjoyed their frustration and annoyance.

Suddenly, the school principal entered the classroom. Everyone stood up and greeted him with respect, except for Tamil. He remained seated and indifferent. The principal scanned the room with his sharp eyes, looking for any signs of mischief or disobedience. He spotted Tamil, who was still throwing paper balls at the girls. He frowned and said, "Tamil, stand up."

Tamil reluctantly stood up, wondering what the principal wanted from him. The principal said to the rest of the class, "Sit down." He then said to Tamil, "Come here."

Tamil walked towards the principal, knowing for sure he is going to punish him. He did not like the tone of the principal's voice. He sensed that he was in trouble.

The principal said, "Show me your hands."

Tamil showed his hands, which were dirty and rough from his misdeeds. The principal took out a slim bamboo stick from his pocket and said, "You have been a very bad boy, Tamil. You have been causing trouble for everyone. You have been disrespecting your teachers and classmates. You have been wasting your time and potential. You need to be taught a lesson."

He raised the bamboo stick and hit it hard on Tamil's hands. Tamil felt a sharp pain but he stayed cool. The principal held his hands firmly. He hit them again and again, until they were red and swollen. Tamil had so much anger and hatred his eyes, but he did not show them. He felt humiliated and angry. He hated the principal and everyone who was laughing at him. He swore to himself that he would get his revenge

The principal asked Tamil, "Do you know why I beat you?"

Tamil replied with a cool voice, "Because I was sitting down and throwing paper balls at the girls, right?"

The principal hit Tamil's hand even harder and said, "No. That's not the only reason."

He then called the class leader, Jeffry, to come forward. Jeffry was a nerd and a teacher's pet. He always complained about anyone who disobeyed the school rules. He came forward and stood near the principal.

The principal asked Jeffry, "Tell me what happened."

Jeffry said, "Tamil never does his homework. He always threatens me to do it for him. I warned him that I would tell the teacher, but he said he would tear all my notebooks if I did. That's why I went to you, sir."

The principal hit Tamil's hand again, but Tamil showed no reaction. He turned his head towards Jeffry and nodded his head, as if he was smiling. He was not smiling. He was plotting.

The principal hit his hand harder and harder, until it started to bleed. Tamil did not flinch or cry. He just stared at Jeffry with a cold and menacing look.

Jeffry was terrified and said, "Sir, he is looking at me with an evil look. He is going to hurt me."

The principal said, "Show me your knuckles."

Tamil looked at the principal and turned his arms. His knuckles were bruised and swollen from his previous fights.

The principal gave a hard hit on Tamil's knuckles, and the stick broke. Tamil's hands were dripping blood, but his face was expressionless. He was still staring at Jeffry, as if he was saying, "You are next."

The principal pinched Tamil's ear and dragged him downstairs to his office room. He was going to punish him more, but he did not know that he was making a big mistake. He was making Tamil more angry and vengeful. He was creating a monster.

Tamil was forced to kneel in front of the office, where everyone could see him and mock him. The principal thought that this would make him repent and apologize, but he was wrong. Tamil was not sorry. He was calm and cunning. He was planning his next move.

The break bell rang. Tamil got up and wiped the dirt off his knee. He stretched himself and felt a surge of energy. He was ready to take action.

The assistant principal came to Tamil and said, "Who told you to stand up?"

Tamil said with a cool voice, while he was still stretching, "This is break hour, so I guess all the punishments are suspended during this time."

The assistant principal said, "Come again? I didn't hear that."

Tamil quoted the words from the school rules, where it clearly stated that no student should be punished during the break hour and lunch hour.

The assistant principal was speechless. He did not expect Tamil to know the rules so well.

Tamil smiled and said, "Follow the rules." He winked at the vice principal and ran upstairs to the corridor toilet, where he heard Jeffry's screams.

Tamil entered the toilet and saw that his friends were already beating Jeffry. He said, "Guys, guys, leave some for me. Don't take all the joy by yourself."

Blood dripped from Jeffry's mouth as he lay on the floor, his glasses shattered and his hair disheveled. Tamil delivered a vicious kick to his chest and leaned over him, hissing in a malicious tone. "You're not getting out of here alive, you piece of shit." Jeffry felt a surge of fear and sobbed uncontrollably. Tamil glanced at the toilet door, making sure no teachers were around, and then gestured to his cronies to continue the assault. Jeffry's screams were muffled by Axel's shoe, which pressed hard against his mouth. "Shut up, you're making too much noise," Axel snapped. Jeffry whimpered in silence, praying to God for a way out of this nightmare. But Tamil was far from done with him.

As Tamil continued his torment, an unexpected interruption unfolded. A mysterious figure, unknown to the mischievous crowd, tapped on Tamil's shoulder. As Tamil turned, a peculiar newcomer revealed himself with a mischievous grin. He tried to jump-scare Tamil

"I'm David," he declared, cutting through the tension with an air of confidence. Tamil, reactionless and perplexed, faced the enigma that stood before him. David wasted no time delving into the heart of the matter, questioning Tamil's character.

"Are you a chicken? so that you are manipulating your friends to inflict harm?" David's words echoed in the restroom , causing a momentary pause in the ongoing torment. Tamil's friends, momentarily taken aback, ceased their actions, creating a brief respite for Jeffry, who seized the opportunity to flee the scene.

Oliver, one of Tamil's loyal companions, confronted David with an angry tone, challenging his audacity. Haaa I can't hear you dummy! Said Oliver.However, David, undeterred, for god's sake when was the time you brushed your teeth responded David with a unique brand of taunting, commenting on Oliver's dental hygiene with a smirk. The exchange of words heightened the tension in the alley.

Tamil, regaining his composure, questioned the appropriateness of such banter in their current setting. David, maintaining a straight face, dismissed the notion of jest and revealed his true intention – a one-on-one confrontation with Tamil.

A wave of anger swept through Tamil's friends, their loyalty to him flaring up. Undaunted, Tamil responded with a cool voice, accepting the challenge. A smile played on Tamil's lips, hinting at an underlying confidence that intrigued David.

As laughter echoed through the restroom , David proposed an immediate showdown, prompting Tamil to inquire about the timing. "How about now?" David retorted, his laughter continuing. A smile crept onto Tamil's face, the unexpected turn of events intriguing him.

In a surprising twist, David tapped on Tamil's shoulder again, this time adopting a serious tone. "Don't be afraid. I was just kidding. I'll meet you behind the canteen after school, but with one condition," David declared. Tamil, asked, "What's the condition?"

"Come alone," David replied, leaving the place as quickly as he had appeared. The challenge had been issued, setting the stage for a mysterious encounter that would unfold after the school day concluded. As David disappeared into the shadows, Tamil was left to contemplate the enigmatic figure and the impending confrontation that awaited him behind the canteen.

In the heart of the schoolyard, where reputations were often tested and egos clashed, a confrontation unfolded. Tamil, renowned and surrounded by a loyal following of 20 friends, faced off against the enigmatic newcomer, David, who stood alone, hands held casually behind his back.

Tamil's friends, confident in their numerical advantage, taunted David, suggesting he retreat. "This is your final chance," they jeered. Unfazed, David responded with a subtle smile, calmly asserting, "You brought quite a lot of guys with you. I will take all of you by myself."

A surge of anger gripped Tamil, impelling him to launch a punch at David. However, the outcome was unforeseen – David simply held his ground, casually restraining Tamil's advancing fist. Tamil's friends, witnessing this unexpected display of strength, stood in shock.

Undeterred, Tamil attempted a high cross kick, aiming to catch David off guard. Yet, David, with a swift dodge, turned the tables, landing a precise punch straight on Tamil's face. The impact left Tamil with a bleeding nose, a sight that stunned both him and his entourage.

As David withdrew, he nonchalantly remarked, "Did I tell you I could take all of you by myself?" The schoolyard, typically bustling with commotion, fell silent. Tamil and his friends, accustomed to his undefeated status, were left in disbelief.

The unexpected turn of events had altered the dynamics of the schoolyard, leaving everyone pondering the question: What happens next? The anticipation hung in the air, promising a sequel to this clash of titans. Until then, the schoolyard echoed with whispers of the unforeseen defeat, marking a momentous chapter in the ongoing saga of high school confrontations.