
Darkness: Book One

Sophie Ortiz has had to grow up much faster than most 18 year-old girls in New York City. With an alcoholic step- father and a mother in constant financial distress, Sophie carries a heavy burden that forces her to juggle school, work, family and friendships – leaving little time for herself.  So when a handsome stranger walks into her life one summer afternoon, she flushes, her heart skips a beat, and… she dismisses him, thinking she doesn’t have the time for a relationship. But her heart and his persistence convince her otherwise. Sophie is about to come of age, and in so doing will learn a painful, heartbreaking lesson – that monsters are indeed real, and the scariest ones are those with whom you share your heart."

Jacks_Morales · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter: Fall

As Halloween grows closer, I grow more and more anxious for the school's dance. Staying at Ella's after spending two weeks at the cottage I catch up rather quickly in my classes while still managing to spend time with Sebastian. Late nights at Saint Mathews with him, he formally gets to hear me sing in choir. Father Gregory enjoys having Sebastian at church as much as I do; having "discussions" as they call it about the Bible.


Strolling into my first class of the day I am immediately called up front by my math teacher Ms. Walker. "Yes, Ms. Walker?" I ask as I reach the front unsure of what I could have possibly done wrong in the point five seconds I was in the room.

"I am impressed with your work Ms. Ortiz. You are a fantastic mathematician; however, I am extremely disappointed in all of your absences. I went over to the main office yesterday and they told me that this behavior is usual for you and I just want you to know that it is inexcusable. I should not be expected to allow you to take tests at home or when you decide to grace us with your presence. Now, do you have a reason for your extended absence?" She tuts clearly not understanding as my other teachers do that this is something that has been going on since elementary school. That it is in my file to allow extended absences due to 'family emergencies'. I remember seeing it written there once when I was in the guidance counselors office back in third grade after a teacher caught me in a store after I had been out of school with small reddish black bruises decorating my face. She gasped and I ran away dropping everything I had been sent out to get. It was the last time I went out without covering or makeup when I became injured and I never told the counselor the truth of what happened. Just that I got beat up by some kids afterschool and my mom said it was okay to stay home until I was comfortable going back to school. Of course, no one believed me but they also couldn't get proof to start a CPS case started.

"Didn't my friends Ella and Mari give you my reasons when they picked up my assignments?" I asked knowing the answer already. We were all very well-rehearsed when it came to this predicament and knew to go with the flow.

"Yes, one told me that you had a family member who needed your assistance in Florida, then the other said you had to go to Puerto Rico because someone died." Ms. Walker sounds doubtful as she recounts the excuses that were told to her by my thoughtful friends.

"Its true. My aunt down in Florida had a major surgery and needed me to go down there with my mother to assist her. While we were there, we got word that my cousin passed away from a car accident and we all had to fly out for the funeral and preparations. It has been a very taxing few weeks, but I am glad I was still able to complete my work for my classes and stay up to date." I finish with a sad smile. She snorts back with some derision clearly not believing a word from my mouth. I am fine with that as long as I do not fail her class. As this is my senior year and I want to leave for college as soon as I am able to. I only have a few classes I need to take before I can leave. All of which I am taking this semester. I already have my acceptance to the college I want which is in Boston.

"You may return to your seat and Sophie. I do hope there will be no more absences." She warns. Not bothering to answer I make my way to my seat and take out my books.

Listening to her explain calculus I find myself engulfed in the lesson. Fully immersed in taking notes and watching the numbers come alive as Ms. Walker explains the equations. Before I know it the bell signaling the end of class rings making me jump slightly with a start. My thoughts become jumbled as my focus is ripped away from the math that was presented to me and is now being taken away. Shaking my head, I grab my belongings and shove them all into my bag ungracefully. Leaving the room behind me I find that for the rest of the day nothing else grabs my attention. At the end of my business class I quickly walk out looking down and racing my way through the quad knowing who is waiting for me in the usual spot. Finally spotting it through the throng of students I sprint towards it barely looking before crossing the street and climb in to find Ella in the back seat.

"You girls ready for the movies?" Sebastian asks before he pulls into traffic. We nod our heads vigorously with the excitement of two hyped up five-year-old.


Pulling into the parking lot Ella and I bolt out of the car first leaving poor Sebastian in our wake to actually shut the car off. As we reach the window teller, we look over the list of movies quickly before deciding on the right one.

"Three tickets to the Joker" We excitedly say in unison. Finally catching up Sebastian slides money for the movie tickets through the slot, collecting the tickets before walking us inside to get popcorn and drinks.

Once inside the theater we settle ourselves near the back as the lights dim. Ella sits to my left with her popcorn and coke while Sebastian sits to my right with his water. Bringing his hand around my shoulders he pulls me into his side. Peering up into his milk chocolate eyes that I crave roaming over my body I give him a peck on his very kissable lips before removing his hand and looking back at the screen. Holding onto Sebastian's hand to let him know that I still want to be close to him I give it a small squeeze. Looking over at Ella, I smile at her making sure she knows she isn't the third wheel here. Quietly we watch the pictures flicker on the big screen slowly being sucked into the movie as we are dragged along with the highs and lows. Every once in a while, Ella will lean into me asking a question or making a statement about the events of the movie. While on the other side of me it seems as though Sebastian has gone rigid and become much more intent on who is in the theater rather than the movie playing. As soon as the credits begin to roll and the lights blink on Sebastian ushers us to our feet and down the corridor to the exit. He doesn't let up the pace until we are safely ensconced in the car, peeling out like a wild demon. I barely have time to pull on my seat belt before we make it out of the parking lot. Looking back at Ella I see the same confusion marring her face. Shaking my head, we decide not to utter a word and instead sit in the car in awkward silence watching the streets blur past us. Before we know it we have arrived at Ella's house much sooner then we should have if he had followed the speed limits and traffic 'suggested' stop signs. Sebastian finds parking easily in front of her house, ushering us out just as quickly as the car is set into park. We leap out of the vehicle running into her house and into the kitchen. Standing behind us Sebastian stares out the front window at the street before turning around and placing his hand on my shoulder sending a panic through me.

"Sophie its okay. Its just me. I'm sorry if I scared you. I just thought we should get here as soon as we should so we can see Ricky." He says soothingly rubbing circles around the back of my neck.

"Okay, well after we say Hi to Ricky, we can be off to church." Turning around I give him a small peck on his stunned lips. Pulling me back into him, I turn to look up into his gorgeous face to see its laced with worry.

"Please Soph, let us skip church tonight and go another day." His eyes plead with me as his hands hold onto mine squeezing them gently; asking for reassure. Torn between my responsibility and the adorably vulnerable look on my boyfriend's face, I can feel myself relenting.

"Why?" my question is simple but seem to hurt him that he has to explain himself. However, if I am going to give up something so important to me it should be for a good reason. I watch as he tries to mask the hurt and scared expressions that have marred his features.

"I have this feeling of unease, that something dangerous is outside and I would feel better if we stood inside tonight." Sebastian's words hit me; he was trying to protect me. From what the LORD only knew but, he was trying to do the right thing. My heart melted and I gave him a small smile a reassuring squeeze and nodded my head. Leading him back to Ella's room we lay down, my head cradled on his chest listening to him breathe. Closing my eyes, enjoying the closeness of him I pretend to rest until I am sure he is asleep. Picking my head up slowly I look back at his beautiful feature wondering how in the world a man like this ended up with me. Quickly I rise to my feet before I forget my resolve, and stay in bed with him, to change for church. Heading back through the house I stop off in the living room looking for Ella. Only to find her with Ricky watching TV.

"I am going to church" I announce with clear determination to the room. Shocked she jumps up slightly in her seat looking at me to see how serious I am.

"Sophie" she says using my full first name, I guess to show the gravity of her words "he said you should stay inside tonight." Her voice slightly wavering as if she too is worried something out there is going to magically swallow me whole.

"Yes, well I have to go to church. I am reading tonight and plus I am sure everything is fine. Don't worry so." I smile back at her hoping it is as reassuring as I intend it to be.

"Okay just be careful" she smiled back.

"I will" leaving the house I walk quickly and quietly through the streets to my way to the church. Walking into the house of God I bow down in front of his tattered body hanging above the alter. Moving my way up to the pulpit I organize my reading places. Making it easier to move between the two places for later. Opening the bookmark to the first reading I hear a pair of feet stop before me.

"Sophie how are you? Where is Sebastian?" Looking up I see the Father standing before me blocking my view of the church.

"I am fine Father" I say before being cut off by a very gruff voice replying, "I am behind you father." Both me and the priest look behind him to see Sebastian standing very tall, looking very charismatic, and staring at me with anger in his eyes. Leaving the men to talk I walk over to the perish book of intentions but unable to shake the feel of Sebastian's eyes on me. Wanting to leave his scrutinizing gave I go through the back door into one of the offices. Seconds later I feel a hand on my shoulder causing me to jump once again, screaming. A hand slaps itself over my mouth as a pair of lips close in on my ear.

"Principessa you must stop panicking every time I touch you. It hurts my feelings." His honey tone calms me. He removes his hand from my lips, turning to face each other I retort, "If you did not sneak up on me, I wouldn't have to scream. Why are you following me anyway?" I stare at him a bit upset, a bit embarrassed.

"Since you decided not to listen and come here. I figured I should follow you and make sure no harm came your way." Anger fortified his words and ran across his features. However, I was not going to let that bring me down. Diverting from the fact that I lead him to believe I would stay at Ella's I say, "I mean why did you follow me in here" crossing my arms over my chest.

"I do not want to leave you alone at the moment. For some reason you have become a flight risk." He states as if I constantly go off or as if I need his permission to go off.

"What are you scared of?" I ask sarcastically not expecting his face to soften or for him to reach out for me.

"I am scared of losing you, Principessa" Holding me tight to his chest I let myself relax once more into his embrace.

"You're not going to lose me. Ever." I mumble into his chest. Wrapping my arms around him as I squeeze him hard into me.

"You say that but, I never want to take that chance. Please just stay with me and listen to me." He looks down into my eyes kissing me gently on the forehead. Something inside starts to awaken just a little bit. Like the first rousing of long-ago sleeping entity, that was buried deep inside. Shaking the feeling I grab Sebastian's hand and walk him back into the church where mass is about to begin.


Leaving the safety of the God's house we drive back to Ella's house. Parking just across the street, a lucky break. We walk to the darken house, making our way inside and to the living room. Where we lay down on the comfy couch, curled up half on top of Sebastian while he is pushed into the cushions, softly we drift into the silence of our own minds.