
Darkness began with her

The seven guardians of Ethen, wield the seven supernatural power, light, fire, storm, rain, wind, fertility, and darkness. They were to protect and guard the seven cities against dark magic and every other danger. But then was faced with a great danger when"Leia" the Guardian of darkness associated herself with dark magic and birth an immortal whose power was greater than the guardian. She would either destroy or build, the choice was in her hand.

Casey_Bae · Fantasie
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15 Chs


She was making a terrible decision, one that could bring a great disaster but there wasn't much time to think or have a second opinion, this was her only choice if she ever want her child to live just like every other human. She wants to own her child not for the world to own her…just then the tiny creature in her arms cried!

She looked down at her face but there wasn't enough time to stop and cuddle her, she just ran so that her cry wouldn't be heard in the middle of the night. Her hand was already bleeding badly and her leg has grown so cold and tired.

But she kept on running, kept pushing herself to stay upright, forcing herself to see in the dark, and finally when she sighted the black iron bar, she heaved a sigh of relief…just a few more steps and all this would be over a few more steps!

The child in her arms cried out again, this time she looked down at her face "I'm giving you a chance to live as a human, you should be an appreciative little creature" finally at the gate, she heard the child tightly on one arm while using the other to pull the gate open,

The gate was cold beneath her palm but that was not what she should be worried about, she needs to be fast, or else it was the end of her! This was when he saw him, standing there in the dark with a tattered hat that covers his face. She couldn't help but smile and instantly rush to his side, there wasn't much time she has to be fast.

She approached him and without saying a word, she handed him the baby, her hand grew cold instantly and tremble. "Go" she muttered silently into the night but the man stood there not attempting to do as she had said "She's going to bring danger to the world! There was fear in his voice as he said this and he could see him trembling in the dark.

"If she lives among humans, then there is nothing to be worried about" she watched him look down at the baby "Sell her on any amount you want, do whatever you wish to her so far that she lives, she could earn you a fortune and save you from poverty!

This time the man nodded briefly making her realized how much time she had spent here, she need to go back, it was dangerous out here and also for this child but she was sacrificing that for her to be able to live like a human "Now go! She ordered and without waiting anymore, she turn and hurried back. This would bring disaster but she was risking it all for this child!

Whatever was destined to happen would happen!