
Darkness began with her

The seven guardians of Ethen, wield the seven supernatural power, light, fire, storm, rain, wind, fertility, and darkness. They were to protect and guard the seven cities against dark magic and every other danger. But then was faced with a great danger when"Leia" the Guardian of darkness associated herself with dark magic and birth an immortal whose power was greater than the guardian. She would either destroy or build, the choice was in her hand.

Casey_Bae · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter one

Ares made her way through the thick crowd filled with sweaty workers, market women, and a few teenagers who were all standing around the café with a tray of food in her hand, today had been a busy day and all she needed now was some rest but she still has some work to do despite her aching hand and leg she still have to carry on.

She finally succeeded in making her way through the crowd and headed to the third table beside the window "You ordered some rice and curry" she said while dropping the food on their table, the old man there scoff "It took forever! She couldn't help but roll her eyes, did he think it was so easy to prepare the food and also make it across the room without it taking time but she ignored him and smile "Enjoy your meal" she said before walking out, she was stressed out to argue with anyone…God have mercy if she didn't faint here!

Just when she looked up, she sighted Madam Dinah across the counter staring at her in anger, what happen this time? She wasn't ready to get scolded or shouted at, she was sure that she have done everything according, did she see her roll her eyes at this man? Maybe that was the reason, she wouldn't wonder how, she had grown to know that Madam Dinah sees everything that's why she and Jesse have always called her "the eyes of god" it was very funny now thinking about the name, she has to fight hard not to laugh out.

She hesitated for a moment before walking her to the counter with her finger pressed together,, it was hard walking through the crowd of people who were all here to buy some food since there was the only stall that always opened open this time of the night.

Finally walking up to her, the only thing she felt was a sharp pain in her ear as she pulled it hard from her head "I told you countless times never to disrespect a customer! Ares fought not to roll her eyes again at her "I'm not being disrespectful! "Don't you talk back at me unless you want your mouth to leave your body! Of course, she was being angry for no just reason, she was always like this when theirs a lot of customers around and she thinks she needed some rest.

"That man was being so ungrateful, he should be at least appreciative! Dinah glared at her "The man paid to eat and all you have to do is to serve him, Ares! That's what I paid you for! "I didn't get paid to be disrespected! Everyone who shares here is equal! Ares said to her face and with that look on Dinah's face, she knows what was coming for her! And through the corner of her eyes she could see Jesse's panicked look, he always panic unnecessarily.

"You know what deserve! Being put off from this shit! You heard me right, go and find where you'll be respected tonight because a girl like you doesn't need to be respected! Of course, that was the worst thing to do to her despite needing a rest so badly, it meant that there was no pay for her tonight, she watched her walk away in anger and she was left standing there with Jesses who was restacking the plate into the basket.

"You should at least not say anything" "Yeah, that's what I should have done" she smile sarcastically at him before making her inside the kitchen where a passage leads to both her and Jesse's sleeping area, it was more like a packing store than a place to sleep. The workers there stared at her, of course, they all heard the punishment given to her they would have been used to it now!

She followed the tiny stairs down to a closed door which was the room she shared with Jesse, there was nothing like privacy here and she shouldn't wish for that because she was only a servant here and only the rich wish or have that kind of privacy that she had sometimes Imagine. She pulled the door open just to see the scalped wall and dirty carpet on the floor with the two bunk beds laying opposite each other.

There was nothing more to see again other than the two bags at the far end of the room, the broken shady mirror that was hung beside the bathroom door, and one window beside her bed, she sighed and shut the door behind her and walked to her bed and lay down. She couldn't help but moan in relief, a night like this was sad for her but also stress-free because she has the opportunity to rest all she wants…

She shut her eyes and without knowing it she doze off after a few minutes, it wasn't her fault that this man decided to be mean…

Jesse walked into the room after three hours of working both his job and that of Ares, it wasn't like he was going to be paid for doing her job.

it was like additional stress and suffering anything that she got kicked out from her shift because he knows that he was going to be the one that was going to suffer without getting paid but what could he do? If he decide not to do it, it would only result in not getting paid at all and it was not like Ares was going to shut her mouth when getting scolded. It just annoys him even more as he walked in to see her sleeping peacefully on her bed, he also needed to rest!

He just stood for a while and watched her without saying a word, he fought the urge to wake her up and scold her badly but instead he proceeded into the washing room to q1 his body working for hours, walking in to see that the two buckets of water were still untouched. Of course, she didn't bother about bathing when she came in…why can't she act like a lady for once… he scoffed, maybe he'll try to talk to her tomorrow to stop leaving her job for him to do.