
Darkness began with her

The seven guardians of Ethen, wield the seven supernatural power, light, fire, storm, rain, wind, fertility, and darkness. They were to protect and guard the seven cities against dark magic and every other danger. But then was faced with a great danger when"Leia" the Guardian of darkness associated herself with dark magic and birth an immortal whose power was greater than the guardian. She would either destroy or build, the choice was in her hand.

Casey_Bae · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter Nine

Ares felt as if her head was going to be torn apart the next morning, she couldn't bring herself to sleep all through the next, anytime she attempted to shut he eyes she found herself thinking how today was going to end, if her plan was going to turn out well or if it will backfire and the evening with Mr. Greece kept flashing through her eyes all through the night.

And this morning she wasn't feeling any better than yesterday, she got up quietly from her bed while avoiding not to wake Jesse as she packed her few rumpled dresses, this wasn't the plan she had wanted to go with earlier but this one was better despite being risky. And when Jesse finally got up for work he didn't bother speaking to her and likewise, did she bother saying any word to him?

She could see how disappointed he was in her but that wouldn't make her change her mind, this was the only way for her to ever get things done, she packed her hair with the torn piece of cloth that she had ripped out and when it was time for her to leave she walked out the inn without looking back, she would have wanted to hug Jesse just this once before leaving and curse Dinah for all the suffering that she had made her pass through but she didn't do any of those.

Instead, she walked out to Greece grinning face, it was as if had succeeded in winning a lottery, disgust clutching to her stomach remembering his words to those men last night and how he had looked at her, nausea came back again and she have to force herself stay calm and breath.

"We'll be at the border soon to leave" Ares could hear the happiness in his voice "Yes, Mr. Greece," she said and tried not to focus her gaze on him "Oh, quit calling me that" he laughed and pushed his weight close to her "Call me Greece, you're now my wife, you know that" he leaned toward her and she shifted trying to create enough space between them but that didn't help and since the carriage was too small for just the both of them.

She have to sit stiffly and tried hard not to breathe in his sweaty scents, the thought that he said married was irritating to her as if he didn't just buy her off like a piece of good in the market and when she started feeling his hand on her thigh, she could resist but slapped his hand off in anger. "Get off! But instead of him getting angry, he just laugh "I can remember clearly that you made a promise to me that I should wait till I marry you"

"And you didn't marry me. Mr. Greece! You just bought me off like you'll buy an item from the market, that isn't called marriage! This time she was rewarded by a sharp pain on her wrist as he grasp "Do you want to know what Dinah warn me about? Well, she warned me about your shape mouth and I told you that I was going to handle you, so be careful with what you say and mind you, I'm now your husband because I bought you with my money and you owe me a great deal including your life, Ares…

And any of your behavior that does go well with my needs to be cut off, do you understand" I watched his dark eyes and pretend not to answer "I'm I understood! He asked more fiercely this time and I could swear that I could hear my bone crack as he tighten his grip on my wrist, I have no other choice but to nod my head in affirmation "Yes, I understand"

He smiled and Ares sucked in her breath and tried to fight the pain while waiting for him to release his grip and when he finally does, he settled his hand on her thigh ignoring her pale expression, all through the ride to the border, Ares tried to control her rage with her hand clench to a fist in her laps, this was going to be her worst day ever.

Aryanna made it to the lake, just to clear her mind, her mother had told her not to worry about the summon yesterday but she still couldn't bring herself to stop thinking about it, she had been finally summoned to one of the great chambers room only to be turned away at the end without any word. "You told me that you were summoned by Adeera yesterday and this morning I've only noticed that you're disturbed instead of being happy, did she call you in for bad news?

"I wish she had spoken to me when I arrived at her chamber, Mira" "What do you mean by that, my lady" Aryanna smiled and focused her gaze on the water when they finally arrived at the lake, she channeled her rage to the water while using her power to ripple the water. "I mean that she summoned me to her chamber but all I got was silent…" she looked up with her at her maid as if she hold the answer to her question

"Mother told me not to worry and I'm trying my best to do just that" She turned back to the water and with full rage made the water drop back to the lake "I wish I have an answer on the reason I was summoned instead of questioning myself this way! She clenched her fist and tried to control the burning rage only to be interrupted by the Adeera personal guard.

And without saying anything, he offered her a letter with a castle loyal seal just like the one that was sent to her yesterday by Adeera, she looked at the guard who was now waiting for her to unfold the letter, what was it this time? Aryanna took a deep breath and unseal the letter only to see to find out that she had been invited to her chamber again!