
The seven gates

Behind the thick bars was another person that looked exactly like Leo, except he had black markings on his body. Seven chains binded him securely.

One chain acted like a blindfold, covering the person's eyes. The next chain tightly sealed off the ears while the third chain prevented even a sound from being made by the person.

The fourth chain wrapped around the left and right hands. The fifth were responsible for restraining the legs. The sixth chain wrapped around the torso. The seventh chain was the most bizarre of the seven.

It was the smallest but it gave of such an aura of restriction that Leo felt suffocated. It appeared to come out of the upper left side of the person's chest. Presumably, where the heart laid.

Leonard's VS gritted its teeth, it was too injured from the previous battle to stop Al from freeing Leonard's dark self.

"We have to free him. Then you'd be strong as I am." Al smile.

"But first, we need the keys."

"Keys?" Leo didn't know why Al was looking at him right now. He was so confused. He didn't know where they were so how would he know about the 'keys' Al was referring to.

"Yes Leo, the keys. We need them to free him." Al walked closer.

"Where are these keys that you talk abound?"

"They're right here." Al placed his index and middle fingers on Leonard's forehead.

A searing pain washed over him before everything went dark. Light slowly appeared before his eyes.

He looked around. He was at a familiar place, the long corridor of their palace dungeon stretched before him. The was no air but the flames on the candle began to sway.

He could hear rushed footsteps. It appeared someone was running, and towards him too.

Her long blonde hair reached hair waist, her bright blue eyes were filled with determination and fear. She was determined to escape from the person chasing behind her.

Leo recognized her easily. Those long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. How could he not recognize his own mother's face. But why was she running and from whom?

She dashed passed Leo without looking at him. Leo saw someone running after her. The person also passed by.

The person had a mask over their face, but from the person's physique, Leo knew he was male.

Leo ran after them, his steps were light against the dirty floor. When Leo arrived, the man had already cornered his mother. Leo's mother struggled against the man. He was stronger than her but she still resisted. The man eventually tore her dress off.

Leonard's eyes widened in horror. What was going on here?

The man pushed her to the ground before prying her legs opened. Leonard's mother removed the mask from the man's face. His face made Leo take a step back.

"Father?" Leo said but no one heard what he said.

"Your bloodline is the closest to my kind. You are the only one who could give birth to a half-vampire. Don't resist." Leonard's father said, his voice hoarse and rushed.

The woman couldn't even speak, her mouth was tightly covered with his big hands. She could only shake her head as tears flowed out of her eyes. When Leonard's father trusted himself in, blood flowed from under her.

Leo's father looked surprised,

"You're a virgin?"

Leonard's eyes darkened, anger filling his heart. He wanted to tear his father into pieces, but he couldn't. He couldn't touch any of them here. He was just a spectator.


Back at the Al's side, the chains on Leonard's dark self began to rattle, creating a clanking sound.

"What are you doing to him?!" Leonard's VS gritted his teeth.his injuries were still not healed and the was nothing he could do to help Leo right now.

The sound of a chain breaking filled the silent dungeon. Al smiled seeing that the chains that covered Leo's dark self's mouth break.

Outside, in the real world, Leonard was still on his knees with Al's hand still on his forehead. His eyes flickered a pitch black before it disappeared.

The second chain also broke.

Al removed his hands from Leonard's head.

"Oh? Seems like that's all that seen can do." Leonard fell to his knees panting. Al had replayed the scene of his mother getting raped over and over untill he couldn't stand it anymore. His mother's cries were still ringing in his ears.

Al placed his hand on his chain deep in thought. His dark eyes lit up. He placed his hand on Leonard's forehead again,

"That girl should help. What was her name again? Ah, yes, Olive."

The scene quickly changed. This time it wasn't his mother getting raped it was Olive. He fair skin were covered in whip wounds and she seemed to be in he last breath.

Another chain fell to the ground.

Leonard's VS gathered all the strength it could, it pushed Al away and stood between Leo and Al.

"Don't believe anything you saw. They were all just illusions. The key he spoke about are dark emotions he was building in your heart. "

It was too late, Leonard stared at him to reveal one pitch black eye.

At the same time, Leo's dark side let out a puff of warm air. It instantly formed a cloud of fog before his mouth. He slowly opened his eyes, a pair of pitch black eye came to view.


"We have to stop Al before he unlocks anymore gates." VS said I a rushed tone.


"Yes the seven gates of the Darkside. Every vampire has seven gates that show themselves as chains. They hold one's Darkside. You guys refer to it as the stages of a darkened heart." VS explained hurriedly. He bit his hand and let the blood drip to the floor.

The blood seemed to have come alive, it moved on the floor like a snake, drawing a pattern on the white floor. The blood stopped, but the pattern looked incomplete.

"We both have to work together for this to work." VS said.

Alexander bit his palm without any hesitation. His blood dropped on the floor before completing the pattern on the floor.

He couldn't help but ask, "What are we coming to do?"

"" We are summoning Al back."

Alexander finally noticed the pattern on the floor. It had two circles at both ends with one circle in the middle.

"Stand there." VS pointed to one of the circles at the end of the pattern.

"Now let's open the fourth." Al said. He was about to touch Leo again when he felt his heart thud against his chest. Chains suddenly erupted from the floor and the walls, binding him.

Al's expression immediately frowned. This was a summoning.

The chains pulled him into an abyss that come from no where.

Al suddenly appeared in the circle in the middle of the pattern. The chains were still wrapped around him.

"That's enough for you!" VS said angrily. His hands were folded in front of his chest.

Alexander stared at the third 'him' that had appeared. The markings on Al's body looked familiar but Alexander couldn't remember where he saw it at.

"Let go of me! I was only trying to help!"

Alexander was at a loss of words. Was that thing really a part of him?


"Calm down it's all over." Leo's VS said. The presence of a foreign entity had weakened him, but now that the intrusion was over, his wounds were healing. He was almost healed up.

"What is happening?" Leonard's voice sounded broken. VS looked calmly at him,

"I'll explain."