
The Cross-section

Alexander couldn't feel anything apart from the cold that had enveloped him. He seemed to be floating in a lake that had no light in it. Everything was pitch black.

"Where am I?" Surprisingly, he could talk. He had no sense of direction at the moment. But he could hear voices. The voices sounded familiar. It was the voice of Leo and Cody.

"Who are you and what do you intend to do to Alexander's body." he heard Leo say. It appeared the were fighting someone.

"You insult me. You couldn't even use allum bullets." an unfamiliar person said. Alex didn't know who the person was, but he felt nostalgic.

"Enough with all this!" Cody suddenly yelled. The voices got fainter and fainter untill Alex couldn't hear anything anymore.

His surrounding was still dark and cold. But then a part suddenly lit up. Alexander walked to it. He say a pool of crystal clear water. The pool was the source of light he had seen.

He could see his reflection in the pool but something was off about the reflect.

Right now he had his normal human black eyes, but his reflection had blood red eyes.

His reflection suddenly moved. Alexander frowned. He hadn't moved an inch, yet his reflection was moving.

Alex's reflection stretched out its hand. Alexander found himself drawn to it. Like the voice he could faintly hear, it was nostalgic.

Alexander was surprised when a solid hand grabbed hold of his before pulling him into the pool. Water dripping from his body. He was suddenly at a vast space that had a white background. There was nothing in sight, except for the person who stood with his hand still holding Alexander's.

The person looked exactly like him, the only difference being their eye color.

"We need to talk!" The person said. He sounded just like Alexander.

"Who are you?" Alexander questioned.

"I'll tell you later, right now there's something more urgent." The man snapped his fingers and the pool disappeared. When Alexander was at the other side, the pool looked like a clear pool, but on this side it looked like a Black abyss, ready to swallow anything unfortunate to fall into it.

Alexander followed the man that look exactly like him. It was when he took a step that he noticed his clothes weren't sticking to his skin. They were dry.

"You shouldn't have lost so much blood. Especially when you hadn't had some the entire day." The man's word made Alexander look at him suspiciously. How did the man know that he hadn't drunk blood all day? Something was definitely wrong here.

"Who are you?" Alexander asked again. The man sighed, realisation finally hitting him. Alexander wouldn't corporate until he explained who he was.

"I'm you."

Alexander stared at him, hi face expressionless.

"I'm a part of you. A state to be exact."

"What do you mean." Alexander had a frown on his face.

"I'm you vampire state." Seeing the look of confusion on Alexander's face, the man continued to explain,

"When ever you enter your half-vampire state, your consciousness merges with mine. In other words, my ability and your memories become one. I am a part of your persona. I am you, Alexander."

Alexander nodded in understanding, he looked around him. The white space was endless.

"Where are we then? Are we still in my body?"

"Exactly." Alexander's Vampire state said. He followed Alexander gaze,

"We are still in you body. This place is our cross-section. Though it seems endless, it has a limit. If you were to run in that direction," The VS point to his left

"You will enter my consciousness. My space. This is were all the three parts of you can meet." The VS explained.

"Three of us?"Alexander looked confused. He could only see one person, plus himself making two. Where was the third 'him' then?

"The third person is currently fighting Leonard and Cody." A screen appeared in front of the two, it showed what Al could see.

Alexander looked thoughtful for a while. That explained why he could hear voices but something didn't add up,

"If I merge consciousness with you guys, why don't I have any control over my bodies actions?"

"Right now you aren't merged with Al, he has taken over your body. Al is what people call your darkness. He is meant to protect you. His methods might be extreme but all he wants is to protect the person Alexander and all he hold dear."

Alexander didn't think so. Al was beating the crap out of Leo and Cody. He wasn't protecting them in anyway. If this continued, both Leo and Cody would end up dead!

Alexander stayed silent. His eyes were fixed on what Al, Cody and Leo were doing. When Al use Black abyss, Alexander turned to VS waiting for an explanation.

"Like me, he has his own array o abilities. Dark compulsion is one of his abilities. You must know that by now."

Alexander didn't know why Cody bent in pain after Al touched his head. He saw as black vein patterns crawled onto Cody's skin.

"What did he do to Cody?!"

Even the VS didn't know. He was as clueless as Alexander. He slowly shook his head,

"I don't know, but remember, everything Al does is to protect you and the ones you hold dear. Cody and Leo are both dear to you so he wouldn't harm them."

It was even a minute after VS said that before Cody laid in a pool of black blood. At this point VS was visibly shaking. That was so unexpected!

Alexander wasn't calm either. An intense emotion filled his heart. His previously dead heart couldn't understand the emotion that filled it. He was at a loss of words. He stared on blankly.

"What is he doing?! This shouldn't have happens!"

VS had to sit still. As long as Al was out there, there was very little he could do.

"He's using blood control." Alexander pursed his lips. Leo was very angry then. He never used Blood Control even if he was in danger. Alexander knew how powerful Leonard's Blood Control was.

VS was shocked when Leo suddenly got the upper hand. He was so fast Al's eyes couldn't follow.

Al suddenly brought his hands together, his fingers entangling each other.

VS eyes widened when he recognized the sign Al had made with his hands.

"He's going to kill Leonard if this continues." At first he wouldn't have worried, but after what Al did to Cody, VS could no longer believe he had no I'll intent against Leonard.

He bit into his palm, letting the blood drip. He slammed his hand to the Whit floor.

The blood immediately took shape, forming binding patterns that also appeared on Al's body.

Al clicked his tongue, "It's seems I can't use that just yet. Are they ones?"

Alexander stared at the floor. The red patterns that had suddenly appeared on white floor were slowly fading. From VS laboured breathing, Alexander could tell it had taken a lot out of VS to stop Al.

They both continued to watch until Al said,

"Let me help you get stronger."

Before everything went white.


Leonard eye slowly adjusted to the bright light. His eyes were back to their human form.

The place he was at was white, without anything in sight.

"You have to stop him. Don't let him do as he pleases." Leonard suddenly noticed the person on the floor. He was cover in all the wounds Leonard suffered when he entered his Half-vampire state. It was then that he realized that he wasn't hurt, except for the injuries Al caused before he entered his half vampire-state.

"Who are you talking about?" Leo asked.

Leo's VS was about to speak but before it could, it was interrupted by a voice they both knew all too well.

"I think it's me he is talking about." Al suddenly said. He was floating in the white space.

He came closer to the wounded VS,

"How very selfish of you. You tried to protect him, bit look at the state you're in. You know Leo needs him to become stronger."

The VS shook his head, he was wounded but he wasn't ready to compromise,

"Leo doesn't need him!"

Al stood up,

"In the end, it doesn't matter what you think. I'll do as I please."

The VS turned to Leo,

"Stop him at all cost! Don't let him free him!"

Leo was confused as hell! He didn't know hey the was a person that looked exactly like him. Neither did he know where he was or what they were talking about. He was lost.

Al walked casually, he swipeped his hands and the seen change. It turned to a very dark and gloomy place. One that Leo knew all too well. This was the dungeon his mother had died in.

"Why are we here?" Leo couldn't help but ask. This was the last place he wanted to be. He had tried his best to forgot all the bad things that he experienced here.

"You'll see."

Al walked along the dark corridor, candle light was the only source of light. He still in front of one of the cell.

"We're here." He announced,

"You can finally become stronger!"

Behind the thick bars was another person that looked exactly like Leo, except he had several dark markings on his skin. Seven chains binded him securely.

"What are you planning to do?" Once the question was out, even Leonard realised how stupid it sounded. The answers was obvious. Yet Al explained,

"I'm planning to make you stronger."