

Leo's head throbbed. He could feel a headache coming.

"I'll explain." The person identical to him said. He observed that the wound on the man was almost healed.

"Who are you and where am I?"

Leo's VS was patient as he spoke, "I am your vampire state and you're..."

It took about half a minute for Leo's VS to explain everything he knew about the cross-section and all Leonard's personalities.

Leo nodded slowly, the information sinking into his head. He didn't entirely understand but he got the basics.

"Where am I?" Leonard's dark form suddenly spoke causing Leo's VS to stare at him in disbelief. During the time Leonard's VS had taken to explain all he knew to Leonard, his dark form hadn't spoken a word, even though the restrictions to his mouth were broken. Leonard's VS even began to think that their dark form wasn't complete.

Leo observed quietly how his two selves were conversing.

'He isn't as violent as Al. ' leo concluded. Unlike Al, is dark form behave like a child. He was clueless, but he still had this intense urge to protect the person, Leonard Wood.

Leonard thought for a while, he had to make sure that his dark form never became like Al. He had to begin with giving the names.

"I don't think I'd like to call you both Vampire state and Dark form. It's too lengthy."

VS looked at him with one of his brows raised in question,

"What do you propose then?"

Leonard seemed to think,"Since I am the main personality, why don't I call you Bee," He pointed at his VS," And Cee."This time he pointed at his dark form.

Leo's VS, now Bee, slowly nodded in approval. Leonard was using the alphabets. He would be A, and they would be B and C.

Cee frowned," Why can't I be Bee?"

Bee was relieved that Cee wasn't as violent as Al. Things wouldn't be so easy if that was the case. But doubt rose in his heart.

Alexander would just become a blood sucking monster at the first three stages of his darkened heart, but after he reached the fourth stage, Al's personality took complete control of his body. So at some point, Cee would also become like Al.

Bee wasn't looking forward to this. He would stall for time as long as he could. He couldn't help but smile when he saw Leo patiently explain why he named his dark form, Cee. They were bickering like kids.

"You have to go back now. Someone has to take control of our body."

Leonard in understanding, he had to send Cody's body back. His heart squeezed at the thought of it. What would he tell Terra and the others. Cody was his responsibility.

When Leonard opened his eyes, he noticed that he was back at the forest. He saw Alexander crouching next to Cody's body. He couldn't help but look at Alexander's back warily. The lingering fear Al had left still remained deep down I Leo's heart.

"You're finally awake."

Leo heaved a sigh when he heard Alexander's voice. It seemed the real Alexander was the one in control.

Alexander stood up slowly, his natural black eyes stared at Leo.

"You seem different."

"I could say the same thing about you. "

Alexander pursed his lips at Leo's reply. Only hi aura had changed, but the person before him was still the Leo he knew.

"How is he?" Leo's voice was soft. He was afraid to hear the answer.

"He's okay."

Leonard's eyes widened before he ran to where Cody was. Cody's body was still. His chest wasn't moving. Leo looked at Alexander, confusion marred his face,

"Why isn't he breathing then? I thought you said he was okay."

"He can't die untill the transformation is over. You can't die once you are between being a vampire and a dark vampire. When he will wake up is still a mystery though."

After Alexander and VS had summoned Al back, they had gotten him to explain everything he knew. To their relief, Cody wasn't dead, but in as state that was beyond life and death.

Alexander's conclusion was accurate, but he missed the fact that Cody was only alive because Al was the one who turned him. Any other dark vampire would have died after ripping their hearts out. No matter how powerful a being was, they were still only mortals.

Alexander leaned on Leo's car.

"Here," Leo handed Alex a can of blood he had in his car. He had brought a lot with in hopes that they would be enough to quench Alexander's thirst after he came by.

Alexander took hold of the can. He opened it before taking a sip. The cold blood sliding down his throat.

He observed the damage Al had made and couldn't help but wince. Almost a quarter of the forest had been reduced to nothing.

The sun slowly descended. The good thing about the destruction of the forest was that the trees didn't hinder their view of the sunset. The sun looked huge at the horizon. Without the warmth the sun provided, the temperature was steadily dropping.

Alexander raised his chin, his gaze focused on the color filled sky. He let out a breath of air from his mouth. The warm air turned to fog almost immediately after it left his mouth. The cloud of fog slowly disappeared.

Leonard was tired, the fight had taken a lot out of him. Another gift with Al was in this lifetime of his was too early.

"I need you to do something for me." Leonard turned to Alexander, wondering what he needed from him. Certainly it wasn't for him to have another death match with Al. He would pass if that was the case.


Water dripped from Tulip's hair. She didn't know how a simple task like waterings the gardens in front of Rivera had made her wet.

The water slid down her forehead before it dropped from Olive's nose to the ground. She was in the same predicament as Tulip. They were just waterings the flowers when the hose went crazy. It was still going crazy, chasing the other girls like it had a mind of its own.

"You guys seem to be having fun." Gary said. All five girl glared at him. He took a step back before raising his hands in defeat,

"I'm sorry."

The girls didn't accept his apology, the successfully caught hold of the crazy hose before turning it on Gary.

Not longer after, he was just as wet as any of them.

"Serves you right!" The girls said before they went to change.

Only Olive and Tulip stayed behind. Olive looked at him with an apologetic expression on her face,

"You should go and Chang before you Catch a cold."

Gary nodded, "You guys should too." He waved at them before he left.

"Let's go inside." Olive proposed.

After they had a change of clothes, the girls went down the lounge downstairs. As was the custom at Rivera, the girls would all gather in the lounge and gossip.

The place was lively. The girl formed groups among themselves, talking about only God knows what.

Olive pulled her along to one of the groups. Four girls sat in a small circle they had made with their seats. They all stopped talking when they noticed Tulip.

Olive took the silence as her chance to introduce Tulip to the girls.

"Girls please introduce yourselves."