
Introducing the Heptad

"Let's head to the cafeteria. I'm starving here." Leonard proposed. Cody gave him a pointed look.

"You just had something," He pointed to the empty can on the table.

"That doesn't count. It was supposed to be your apology, remember?"

'I regret giving you that.' Cody wanted to say but he kept shut. Another can of blood sounded nice, though.

"I'm in, then. Ter?"

Terra thought for a while,

"I don't have anything else to do, so why not."

"It's settled then." Leo clapped his hands.

"Alex, you coming?"

"You guys go on ahead, I'll come later "

"Don't take too long." Terra waved at him. Alex nodded, watching as they left.


"I'll take one burger." Olive said to the man over the counter.

"Will that be all?" The man asked to which Olive nodded.

She took her tray and sat at a table on the far corner of the cafeteria. Tulip joined her after ordering hers.

"Can I join you?" Olive looked over to the boy who held a bottle of soda in one hand and in the other a sandwich. She recognized him from on of her classes.

"Why not." Olive nodded.

"Thanks." He said before seating opposite the girls.

He looked at Tulip, "So... You new here?"

' That's a dumb question. ' Tulip thought. The boy seemed to realize the same thing,

"Of course you are. I haven't seen you here before."

Tulip only nodded.

"By the way, I'm Gary." He stretched his hand first to Olive then to Tulip for a handshake.

The air become awkward afterwards.

"We have a class together, right?" Olive asked, breaking the awkward moment.

"We do. We have geography together." He smiled.

The two conversed as Tulip's mind drifted off. Her mind kept replaying that moment her eyes had met that guy's red ones. She had never expected to meet two half-vampires here.

Olive seemed to laugh at something Gary said but Tulip payed no attention. Just then three people entered the cafeteria. Their presence was so noticable. All three of them looked carefree, but for some reason they gave of the ' don't mess with us' vibe.

Gary noticed how Tulip's gaze was fixed on the trio,

"They are the Heptad." This caught Tulip's attention. She turned to him.

"Seven individuals all having very influential backgrounds or amazing skills." He paused, giving Tulip the time to absorb the information he was giving her.

"You are overreacting, Gary." stated Olive. She looked like she was avoiding someone. It was then that Tulip noticed the boy she was hiding from was the one that they had met at Rivera, Leonard.

"But I am not. Almost all of them are royalty" Gary said.

"Why are there three of them then?" Gary looked happy that Tulip voiced out her thoughts.

"The others might be away." He murmured.

Cody pulled a seat for Terra but she sat on another one. He grinned before taking his seat beside her.

"What ruined your mood, Leo?" Terra asked the frowning Leonard.

"So oblivious," Cody muttered.

Terra tuned to him,

"What do you mean by that!"

"Look." Cody pointed to the table at the corner of the cafeteria.

Terra's mouth formed an '0' on seeing Olive laughing to something the boy on their table said.

"Why not invite them over." Cody joked. Leo stood up,"That's sounds like a great idea."

"But I was only kidd~" He stopped when Leo continue to walk towards Olive's table.


"Oh look! The one that stood up is Leonard Wood. Last son of the king of the Woodlands Kingdom. He's also a half-vampire." Gary continued blabbering.

"Why is he heading here though?" Gary asked in confusion. What did a member of the Heptad have to do with any of them?

"Why not you and your friend come join us." Leonard said, throwing a glance at Tulip.

Gary noticed how Leo said 'friend' bad !not 'friends' , implying that he was being invited.

"We're good here. " Olive stated.

Gary leaned closer to Olive, whispering something into her ears. Leo's fist clenched but he kept a simple smile on his face.

"It would be rude to decline an invitation from him. He did walk all the way here." Gary whispered.

"I'll come only if all my friends can join too." Olive emphasized the word 'friends', implying that she meant Gary too.

Leonard's lips twitched in irritation,

"Fine." He breathed out.

All eyes followed as Leonard led Tulip, Olive and Gary to his table. Tulip wished Olive would have at least asked her if she wanted to join the most popular people of the university.

"I'm Cody, nice to meet you." As expected, Cody was the first to speak when the trio got settled down.

Tulip sat at Olive's left while Leonard sat at Olive's right. Gary was seating opposite Tulip.

Cody smiled as he observed the first half-vampiress he had ever seen. If he hadn't known that Tulip was a half-vampire, he would have assumed she was just like any other human female. Her aura was completely calm and almost unnoticeable. He had to give it to her, she was good at masking her true self.

"I'm Gary Welch. "

Cody only nodded absent-mindedly to the extra's words. He was more focused on the girl who sat at the other side of the table, minding her business.

"I'm Tulip Williams. I only came yesterday."

'That's all?' Cody couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"What are your hobbies." He continued to press Tulip into telling him more about herself.

Cody was yet to tell the Heptad what he had gotten to know from searching Tulip's room.

"I like reading and eating quietly." Everyone but Cody got the message.

The girl didn't want to be disturbed!

"No sports or anything of th~ ouch!" Cody grimaced.

"Don't mind Cody, he's a talkative." Terra said, trying to ease the tense atmosphere Cody had so easily created. She had kicked his leg under the table.

The cafeteria suddenly become quiet. So quiet, Tulip felt her heartbeat was making noise.

Alexander walked in, his footsteps echoed in the empty hall. A momentary look of confusion flashed on his face when he noticed the new additions to the table, but it disappeared before anyone could see it.

He took his seat like nothing had changed.

"You sure took your time, Alex!" Terra complained. When Alex wasn't around, being the most rational one, she had to make sure these troublemakers refrained from causing havoc.

"My apologies. I got caught up on my way here."

A man brought a tray of canned drinks. He looked surprise to see the new additions to the table.

"Drink as much as you like, my treat!" Leonard said.

Gary and Cody both reached out for the drink first. Tulip looked at the cans on the table. One was an orange flavoured drink while the other was a flavour she had never seen before.

The table went silent as she took hold of one of the cans. She was about to open it, but Alexander suddenly took it from her.

"Hey! Why don't you get your own. There are more on the table."

Alexander didn't look at her, he just opened the can before pouring its content on the ground. The red liquid stained the floor. The scent of iron suddenly filled the cafeteria.

It was blood!

The flavour Tulip had taken was canned blood for the vampires.

The last of the liquid dropped to the floor,

"I'm sorry." Tulip said realising he had only tried to help her.

Alexander ignored her, not even brother to make eye contact with her since he arrived.

Cody stared at everything going on with amusement written on his face. The surprise look she made when she realised she had almost drunk blood made Cody wonder if she had ever fed directly from a human before.

The blood had already been cleaned up by staff, but Tulip still couldn't help but feel embarrassed about how she had yelled at someone who was only trying to help her.


The huge gates appeared before Hiva. She had arrived in twenty five minutes. The security guards opened the gates for her without any questions. They wouldn't dare question the daughter of the Woodlands King's advisor.

She ignored the parking lot and rode ahead.

The sound of a motorcycle drew the attention of the people at the cafeteria. Hiva had parked at the entrance of the cafeteria.

She wore black jeans with a matching jacket. She entered the cafeteria, her hands still hidden in her gloves and the helmet between her left hand and her side.

"You missed so many lessons. It's frustrating how I am always second to you." Terra said once Hiva had gotten within earshot.

Hiva smiled at Terra's words, "You're exaggerating."

"I haven't gotten the chance to properly thank you for the gift." Hiva placed her helmet on the table.

She sat on Alexander's laps facing him, making him cradle her.

Alexander facial expression didn't change, neither did his heart rate increase nor decrease.

Hiva came so close to his face it was like the were about to kiss.

Tulip felt it again. That pain in her neck. It was only mild but she could feel its intensity increasing with every second she watched the duo.

What was this all about?