
Hair's breadth

Rivera was quite some distance from the library but Cody took his time. The path was mostly deserted. Most of the students were already in class.

'I should have been in class as well.' he sighed before he broke into a smile. He didn't mind much. He was glad he was chosen for this task.

He activated his cloak. He brought his hand to his face but he could see nothing. Even his senses were distorted.

His scent and sounds were also non-existent. He could keep this up for thirty minute before he would have to show himself.

The cloak also consumed a lot of blood and stamina, but Cody had stopped by at the cafeteria for a few cans of blood. It would suffice, at least for the time he needed.

Cody stopped, Rivera right in front of him.

"Dang it! I forgot to ask which room."

He took his phone from his pocket, with much difficult since he couldn't see anything. He realized that unless he deactivated his technique, he wouldn't be able to use the phone.

There was a problem with doing that, his cloak had a cool down of fifteen minutes. He couldn't afford that much time.

'She came late so she would probably be given the last room. Room 100 it is then.'

Cody decided to enter through the window. Walking right to her door seemed to easy a task for him. He wanted something challenging, it wasn't much of a challenge though. It wasn't everyday he was asked to break into a half-vampire's room.

The window was wide open when Cody reached the last room. He slipped inside.

"The girls' room sure are different" he muttered to himself.

He deactivated his cloak. He set a timer for fifteen minutes on his wrist watch. He had fifteen minutes to get as much info as he could from her room.

Ter had told him not to dig too deep or his presence in her room would be noticed.

He noticed a picture on the table. He picked it up,

"Is she a twin? It can't be. This one has red eyes." He said staring at the picture of Tulip's mother.

He pulled out his phone, took some pics before placing the picture at the exact spot he had taken it from.

Cody opened one of the drawers, a wrapped parcel laid there. He decided against touching that. It seemed unopened. It was far too risky to handle it.

When he opened the other drawer on the cabinet he found a stack of capsules.

He looked at them closely. They looked like ICC's but Cody had never seen one like these. Something wasn't right here.

He took a few pics of the ICC's but decided he would take a few with him, 'She probably wouldn't noticed.' he concluded.

Five minutes since he deactivated his technique, ten more minutes before he could use it again.

He found a book with the word 'Diary' written on it in another drawer.

"I shouldn't." He said to himself.

"But I must!" He took hold of the book.

"Huh?!" He exclaimed. The book was completely empty. Not a stain of ink on its White pages.


The sound of a phone ringing almost gave Cody a heart attack. His phone was right in his hand so whose phone was ringing? It definitely wasn't his.

The phone continued to ring on a chair by the bed. He hadn't even noticed it.

"I think I can hear it ringing." He heard a voice from outside.

By this time, Cody's heart rate had tripled.

"It's in here." The voices were getting closer.

Cody looked around for a suitable place to hide. He still had three more minutes before he could use his cloak.

He entered the closet just when the door opened.

Tulip entered with Olive trailing behind her.

"I knew your phone wasn't missing." Olive said smiling to herself. Tulip had rushed back to her room to search for her missing phone.

"It's your fault to begin with. You were to hasty."

Cody stood absolutely still inside the closet, praying to every god who could hear him to not let the girls anywhere near the closet.


Cody's eyes widened as his phone buzzed. It was a text from Leonard.

"Did you hear something?" Tulip asked Olive.

Olive shook her head,

"Must have been my imagination." Tulip concluded.

~Buzz Buzz~

Cody felt like screaming when Leonard sent two more texs.

Tulip turned towards the closet, the very same on that Cody was hiding.

"Did you~"

Olive was already nodding. She had heard the buzz this time.

Cody swallowed hard, would he get caught here?


Leonard placed his phone back on the table, he wondered if Cody had read his text.

A small playful smile on his face.

'That would be payback'

Alexander shifted his gaze from his phone, wondering why Leo was suddenly smiling.

Terra had left to class a few minutes ago. Being the teacher's pet, Terra had to at least show up.

She promised she would be back around the time Cody would arrive.

Leonard took a sip from the can of blood Cody had gotten for him.

The library was literally empty except for the two of them.

"Where is Hiva?" Leo questioned. He hadn't seen the blue haired vampiress in sometime. The last time he saw her was a week ago.

Alexander thought for a while, "She's probably out of compus."

Leo nodded,"You shouldn't have given her a motorcycle for her birthday, now she's never gonna stay put."

"I know." Alexander uttered calmly.

Since Alex had gifted Hiva a motorcycle, she rarely was seen on compus.

"You should call her, it's only logical. You're the reason she's acting like this."

Alexander sighed, he was indeed responsible for how she was acting.

"Where are you?" Was the first thing Alex said when Hiva answered his call.

"Geez, not even a good morning?"


Hiva's hair danced in the wind, the edges of her black hair were dyed blue.

"Where are you, Hiva?" Alexander asked again, his voice still patient.

"I'm at.... Hey what is this place called?" Hiva called out to the man that was walking by.

Leo who heard what Hiva said couldn't help but facepalm. She didn't even know where she was.

"Nevermind that, how long will it take you to get back." Alexander questioned. Where she was didn't matter, all that he needed was her on compus.

"Maybe an hour." Hiva said.

"You have forty-five minutes to get here." She heard Alex from the other side of the line.

"I'm sorry but I gotta get going." Hiva said to the vampire leaning on her bike.

"That's okay, I'm done anyways." He said looking at the bike.

"Thanks again, I owe you one." She said before hopping onto the motorcycle.

"Becareful on your way back."The man said as he placed the spray cans away.

"Safe those words for someone else."

The man smiled at her words, watching as she rode away.

Forty-five minutes, Hiva grinned under the helmet she wore. She'd make it in thirty minutes.

The blue bike shimmered under the sun. 'Another half-vampire?' she smiled to herself, 'Things ought to get interesting.'


Tulip walked towards the closet. Her hand held the handle, Leo swallowed again.

Still two minutes before his cloak would come on again. He didn't have two minutes. He was going to get caught if he didn't do anything.

'What a bad first impression.' he thought.

Something fell to the ground, making a clinking sound. Tulip turned towards it. Cody had left the window open and the wind outside was strong enough to push the lamp down.

Tulip made her way to the shards of glass on the floor.

"I have to clean this up, before someone gets injured."

Olive came to help. Tulip heard the closet door squeak, she stood up from her crouching position.

This time she didn't wait, she immediately opened the closet.

Tulip took a step back, "what's it?" Olive asked also coming to stand before the opened closet.

"It's empty." Olive observed. There was nothing in the closet.

Cody heaved a sigh of relief, he had escaped by hair's breadth, using the distraction the wind caused to slip out through the window. Thankfully, his cool down period was up too.

Code stared at his phone, a vein popping on his forehead. The only words in the text Leonard had sent were,

'You are forgiven : )'

Like he cared about Leo forgiveness right now!


"You look like you ran a marathon. What happened" Leonard commented.

Cody was still panting. He had ran half way back.

"You!" He said, his sandy blonde hair sticking to his forehead.

"I was almost caught, thanks to you."

"What do you mean?" Leo asked, feigning ignoring.

Cody's lips twitched.

"You're back." someone said.

It was Terra.

"Why do you look so tired? Did you run a marathon?"

"I asked the same question." Leo said folding his arms over his chest.

"Here take this," Terra handed handed Cody a can of blood.

"Thanks I really needed this." He opened the can before gulping down it's content.

Some of the blood stained Cody's chin,

"So clumsy." Terra said wiping the stain with her handkerchief.

Cody held the hand cleaning his chin.

"I'd be clumsy all day, if it mezans you'd get this close to me."

Finally realized how close they were, Terra pushed the kerchief into Cody's face, creating some distance between them,

"You can the rest yourself." She said.

Cody smiled noticed the tint of pink on her ears.