
First blood

She sat on Alexander's laps facing him, making him cradle her.

Alexander facial expression didn't change, neither did his heart rate increase nor decrease.

Hiva came so close to his face it was like the were about to kiss.

She pulled out two tickets from her back pocket. Alexander frowned,

"You should know me better."

"No, silly! These..." She started, twirling the tickets in her hands,

"Are for a show a month from now. Hopefully, you will have someone to go with by then."

Alexander frowned even more.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked, Hiva still on his laps.

Hiva sniffed him,"See?" She began," I can't smell a female on you. You've been sleeping all alone for the last month, haven't you?"

For some reason, Leo started to shift in his seat. He didn't like where the conversation was heading.

"You should learn from Leo." Leo gulped unconsciously. He moved away from Hiva when she tried to sniff the air around him.

"Six?" She muttered but everyone on the table heard her.

Cody turned towards Leo with an unbelievable look on his face,

"Six?" He repeated.

Leonard wished people wouldn't keep repeating the number of girls he had slept with. He knew the number himself, no need to keep repeating it!

"Six?" Cody once again said, this time more to himself that to the others.

"Ouch!" Cody whimpered when Terra kicked his foot under the table.

"Don't be so insensitive." Terra whispered to Cody, nodding towards Olive who had stopped eating.

Hiva tried to sniff Cody but he jumped back so quickly, everyone stared at him. His reaction speed was like that of a cat that had water splashed on it.

All eyes on table were focused on Cody. He scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Hehe, no need to know all that." he said with his voice laced with nervousness

"Looks like someone's been abstaining. Why though?" Hiva pretended to be deep in thought. Terra ears turned red when Hiva sent a wink her way.

Tulip rubbed her nape, that searing pain had began again, but this time it was more intense.

The people in the cafeteria felt a sensation sweep over them. One they were familiar with because of Leonard and Alexander. It felt like a bucket of ice cold water had been splashed on them during winter. This sensation, they felt it every time Alexander or Leonard entered their half-vampire state.

Terra turned to Alexander, wondering why he had suddenly entered his half-vampire state.

Alexander red eyes were fixed on Tulip. Moments ago, he had felt that same throbbing in his fang. That strong desire to sink his teeth into something. It was an odd sensation to him since he never drunk directly from anybody.

The pain in her neck became so intense that a tear slipped down Tulip's cheek.

In the state Alexander was in, he heard it clearly when Tulip's tear slid down from her cheek and fell on her hand. The scent of salt was too obvious.

"Excuse me." Tulip almost sobbed as she said that. She couldn't afford to have them see her crying.

She could feel it deep down, she was about to enter into her half-vampire state because of the intensity of the pain she was feeling. It was instinct.

Half way out of the cafeteria, for reasons she didn't know, Tulip looked behind her. Red eyes connected with red eyes. Both were in their vampire state.

Tulip ran through the exit.

The table was quiet after Tulip left. Everyone had stared at Tulip as she was going but now all gazes were focused on Alexander.

Hiva who was still on his lap could clearly see that his fangs were much much longer that she remembered. And what was that strong thirst she could see in his eyes?

This wasn't the Alexander they knew. Alexander would never succumb to his thirst like this.

Olive stood up to go after Tulip but Leonard held her hand.

"You don't have to go after her."

"What do you know?!"

Olive yanked her hand away from his grip, stunning him.

Leo: "_"

It was when she turned that Leo noticed her teary eyes.

'What have I done?'

"Get off me." Those were very simple words but Hiva felt a chill run down her spine. She stood up from him and watched on as he also left the cafeteria.

Terra could only facepalm herself. She looked at Alexander's retreating figure and the stunned Leo.

Alexander took a deep breath while outside. He had seen her in her half-vampire state but he wasn't certain those in the cafeteria had noticed. Her aura, even in her half-vampire state was subtle.

He let the air fill his lungs, taking in her scent. He had to get to her quickly or else any vampires lurking around would notice her presence.

He made his way towards the park. That was were her scent was coming from.

He found her crouching under a tree. When she lifted her face, something in his heart cracked when he saw her tear stricken face.

"What are you doing here?" She sobbed, her eyes still red.

"I came looking for you." He moved closer then crouched in front of her. Finally close enough, he noticed the bite mark on her neck. It was glowing in a dull Amber hue.

"Is this the reason you're crying?" His hands reached out for the mark. He retracted his fingers almost immediately.

He now understood why a half-vampire like herself had been brought to tears. The mark was so hot even he couldn't bare it.

The throb in his fangs was still there but for now, he had something more important to attend to.

"When was the last time you fed."

"Huh?" Despite the pain she was feeling she managed to say that much.

By the confusion on her face, he guessed she didn't know what he was talking about.

"When was the last time you drunk blood?"

Her eyes widened for a couple of seconds before she shook her head vigorously.


"Never." She whimpered.

Alexander sighed, to think she would be the first person to drink from him.

"Here." He said, rolling his jacket over to expose his arm. With his fang, he scrapped his skin. Red blood dripped to the ground.

Tulip had never been attracted to blood from humans. The scent of blood didn't make her salivate or anything of that sort. You couldn't be addicted to something you've never tried before.

Then why did the blood of the person before her smell so alluring? Why were her fangs throbbing in her mouth?

Alexander noticed the thirst in Tulip's eyes that wasn't there seconds ago. He believed her when she said she had never drunk blood before. That could explain why her presence as a vampire was so subtle, almost unnoticeable.

The blood continue to drip onto the floor. 'We wouldn't get anywhere like this.'

Alexander pushed his bloodied arm closer to Tulip's mouth, a small amount of the blood staining her lips.

It smelt so good, yet she couldn't help but feel this was wrong.

"I don't have all day, you know." Alexander said before closing the distance between his arm and her mouth.

The last string of restraint snapped in her and she bit into his arm. The warm blood flowed into her mouth, her tongue savouring the flavour of his rich blood.

'This is wrong. This is wrong.' her mind kept repeating, yet she couldn't seem to stop herself. Why was this so difficult?

Through out her life, Tulip regarded herself as someone who had control over her actions and desires. But this dark prince just proved her wrong. She felt absolutely powerless right now. Like prey caught in the web of a spider.

Alexander could feel his arm weaken. She was consuming more blood than he anticipated but he couldn't bring himself to stop her. This felt too right.

Tulip finally stopped, a little control coming back to her. Her eyes widened when she noticed how pale and cold his arm had become.

"I'm sorry." She muttered.

"No worries." He said and brought his arm to his mouth, licking the remaining blood on his arm with his tongue.

Tulip held her breath when Alexander brought his face so close to hers. Only an inch of space was between them.

"You have something here." Alexander said before he licked the blood that had stained the side of her lips.

His coarse tongue on her skin made her shudder.

Alexander quickly retreated. He stood up looking at the sky, both his eyes closed and and his ears colored red. He open one eye staring at the girl below him.

Tulip blinked innocently, did she just witness the dark prince blushing.

"Meet me here after dinner."

"Wa~." Alexander left before she could complete nher sentence. Tulip sighed. Her speed was nothing compared to his.

"I finally found you!" Olive said panting.

"Are you alright?"

Tulip nodded. Her eye was back to normal and the pain was gone.

"I feel great!"

"Thank goodness." Olive said before crouching next to Tulip.