
Crimson Moon University

Tulip didn't mind too much. Yes, she was a human but not totally. She was a lot stronger than it appeared.

The university she was attending was strategically placed at the cross-section of all five nations, so that it would be accessible to both races. It administration was however controlled by the king of the largest and most powerful nation, The king of Fang.

The King of fang was rumored to be as ruthless as they came. It was also said that his thirst for blood knew no bounds. He was known for having the largest female harem in all five nations.

Many of these females were spoils of the numerous wars he had fought and won during the warring periods.

Tulip knew better than to follow blindly, as was the way of humans. She would under normal circumstances, think that all these rumors were false, but then again, it wasn't baseless. It must have stemmed from something the king did.

"I heard there are two princes at the university you'll be attending. Take care. Both are vampires." The driver suddenly said breaking her train of thought. His voice held so much distaste.

She nodded to his caution. She knew two princes attend the university, but she just didn't know which nation they were from.

Now that she thought about it, Mr. Forson was worried about her safety only because he didn't know she was a half-vampire. The most powerful creatures of the land. Her identity was kept from everybody, even trustworthy people like Mr. Forson because of the dangers it brought about. Anybody who knew what she truly was, was at constant risk of being tortured into revealing her identity.

Throughout the lands, there were only twelve known half-vampires. There were more than that number but who would boldly step out that he or she was a half-vampire? Half-vampires were generally seen as tools or ways to increase military might. Which was why The king of Fangs had six half-vampires under his control.

Information exchange among the nations was rare so Tulip didn't know how true these claims were. What she definitely knew was that if not for her sake, she had to stay safe for her father's.

"Mr. Forson?" 


"How old were you when your sister was killed?" Tulip knew she was being somewhat wicked for opening up an old wound, but she just felt like she had to ask. She needed to know where his hatred came from and how great it was.

Mr. Forson's squeezed the steering wheel before they relaxed. He opened his mouth to speak but suddenly closed it, not sure where to start from.

"I was five years older than she was and she was just about to join me in university. She was around your age I think."

"We are still far from our destination. You should take a nap, you'll need every ounce of energy you can get.." Mr. Forson proposed, trying to change the subject.

Respecting his privacy Tulip kept shut. She tilted her head, looking outside through the tinted glass. Tulip kept quiet only letting the soothing hum of the engine of the car be heard. She noticed They had reached a part that was surrounded by forest. The trees on both sides of the road seem to go on and on, with no sign of stopping.

The trees moved along quickly creating the illusion that they were moving away from the car and not the other way around. I must be getting closer.

According to the map she had obtained, the school was surrounded by a lot of greenery. So much so, that it could be called a forest.

All this talk about vampires made Tulip wonder what Mr. Forson's reaction would be if he found out that she was born as a result of the coexistence of two very different races. One that he thought was perfect while the other belonged to the race that he loathed with every amber of his soul.

He would probably throw me out, she joked to herself.

The entire university looked like a city on its own and was isolated from the rest of the world. It was an entire world on its own. A world Tulip intended to explore to her heart's content.

Tulip jerked forward as Mr. Forson suddenly hit the brakes, the scent of burning rubber filled the air. Tulip looked up only to see an gazelle in the middle of the road. It stood majestically in the middle of the road doing only God knows what.

The car honked noisily, but the gazelle just raised its head and stared at them for some seconds before looking away. It almost seemed it had something better to do than bother itself with them.

Mr. Forson was about to get out of the car but Tulip held his shoulders before he could step out of the car,

"Someone's coming," Tulip said in a low voice.

The gazelle suddenly lifted its head and looked around, almost as if it could hear something they couldn't. Just as Mr. Forson was about to get out again, It ran to a man at the side of the road.

When did he come there? Tulip asked herself as she never noticed any one around.

The man in uniform tilted his hat apologetically from where he stood, before he waved them good bye.

Tulip let out a sigh of relief when the car slowly moved away. Mr. Forson continued to drive as he softly hummed a tune.

Tulip felt something slip from her lap, catching it, she brought the wrapped present her mother had made for her. She fought the urge to shake it, afraid that its content was extremely fragile. She couldn't wait to open it. She made a mental note to open it immediately after she had settled down in the room she would be given at the university.

"We are here." Mr. Forson announced.

Tulip looked straight ahead, true to Mr. Forson's words, the front gate of the university was already in view.

Written in bold block letters were the words;