
Chapter one

Metropolis hospital, 2:45pm a man was seen taking an elevator to the top floor humming a pleasant song and carrying a bunch of flowers, abruptly he heard a scream from the ward he was going to admist ckly rushed into ward dropping the flower and holding his pregnant wife hand, he said sweetie please hold on and don't die he begged admits sobs, Mr James please step out of the ward we are going to perform an operation on the mother because of some complications one of the nurse said to him, reluctantly he stepped out of the ward. Twenty minutes later suddenly the sky became dark, tunder rumbled in the sky threatening to tear it apart, all the animals bowed, the time stopped and all the humans we're panicking it lasted for about five minutes but in the ward where the operation was going on nobody knew what was going on outside, everyone was unusually calm immediately the doctors operating Mrs James took the child from her stomach, the place suddenly became hot, the next moment it became cold all the doctors and nurses we're forced to bow down to the child, outside the ward everything had returned to normal, nobody knew the cause of what had just happened, Mr James was still waiting anxiously for the news of his wife when he heard a baby cry coming from the ward he tried to rush in but the nurses held him back as the operation was not yet finished. Twenty minutes later he was told to come in, he quickly rushed to his wife and held her hand, then his wife said have given birth to a boy as handsome as you, I want his name to be Alex, immediately she said the name tunder mysteriously flashed in the sky writing the name Alex on the sky, a tattoo started forming on the baby's back writing the name alex and then suddenly it went invisible.

Mr James went and picked the baby up and noticed he has blue eyed, he was excited and started rocking the baby in his arms, soon enough he fell asleep in his father's arms, after making sure he was asleep Mr James went up to his wife and started discussing which type of powers their son would possess. Unexpectedly the ward door was pushed open and a young girl around the age of nine was seen running in shouting where is my younger brother? Where us my younger brother? I want to see him she said Mr James smiled and put his fingers on his lips indicating that she should keep quiet he then said with a smile keep your voice down your brother is sleeping and you won't want to wake him up, hearing this the little girl was pleased and rushed timo his cradle and started caressing his hair then she said I Lydia promise to protect you with my life and also love you, Mr James was very impressed with his daughter and gently patted her hair and then said don't worry your brother would be stronger than you so he would be able to protect you. The baby then opened his bright blue eyes, surprised Lydia said in awe dad he also has the same type of eyes as mine. Then she asked her dad what was his name, mr James said his name is Alex.

Soon the doctors came in to check Mrs James condition then they noticed all her Gods power has left her body leaving only the one she needs, next they checked the baby's body and the saw that all Mrs James Gods power was actually inside his body, they then told the couple about the incident. Two days later Mrs James and Alex we're discharged from the hospital, their house was located in No. 2 Amex street, and it was one of the most luxurious houses on that street. After getting home Mr James rushed and took a black like stone and said dear wife let us determine our son powers. If the stone glows white it represent ice, fair blue for water, red for fire, dark brown for earth and deep blue for lightning and many others normally individuals have one element and some other powers like with earth comes superstrength, lighting comes superagility, with fire comes superspeed although its normal to see people with different know kinds of power and more than one elements some may even have power over all the elements and other powers that comes without the elements like seeing the future, superhearing, stopping of the time, growing of wings and others. Subsequently when the stone was place on Alex hand no light was reflected، The couple we're surprised, the mother started weeping and Mr James consoled his wife and promise to teach Alex all sorts of marital arts so he would be be able to protect himself. Subsequently in the house next to theirs the couple were satisfied with the bluish and reddish glow on the stone and the amount of the glow. In a place very far away a man wearing a mask entered into a place resembling that of a palace and bowed before a figure sitting on a throne the figure raised his head and looked lazily at him and said what brings you here he then said my lord the key to the gate of hell has been born and has no powers the figure chuckled and then said the Gods are so wise sealing his powers in his body to protect him so he would not be harmed the it would be unsealed when he's fifteen that is when he would be able to control it, find the boy and unseal his powers at all cost. In an organization far away from the palace a group of people sitting around a conference table with their face looking grim, one of then said he has been given birth to one then ask who s that they all looked at the one who asked the question with contempt and said the key to the gate of hell another one chipped in but he has no powers so we are safe but their leader then issued out a command and said we must find the boy before the supreme lord should lay his hands in him