
Darkest Matter: As above, so below

As the Dark comes, the chaos comes as well, yet, as He arrives, Darkness fears him, as he enrages for more with vengeance. As She continues her journey, the world is in great danger, more to the apocalypse. Hatred the powers, Her husband will never stop until he finishes his task once and for all. Until the end of his life https://www.royalroad.com/profile/348604/fictions

AntiHero874 · Fantasie
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41 Chs

The Councils of Shagua

"Akira...Akira...Akira..." The voice of a long-lost love enters Akira's ears as he is sleeping. Next to him is Anastasia, which is his cousin. If a normal person sees them hugging, they might think that they are a couple. Then, he closed his eyes again for the rest. It was late at night, They rested at a nearby beach. They built a small but temporary. Max and Melania sleep in the other hut that they built.

"M...mo...more powder... More..." Anastasia said as she is dreaming.

Akira looked closer at her face, mouth kisses without any tongue used. "Naughty husband..." she said. Akira immediately slams her face with his hand and wakes her up all of a sudden. "AKIRA!! YOU RUIN MY DREAM!!"

"Yeah, with that apostle," Akira said.


"Just say it,"

She refuses and goes back to sleep. After a while until dusk, they didn't each other.


After Amelie and Lisa bring their daughters to sleep, Amelie asks a few questions to her about their relationship and how it feels to be in polygamy. "Well, to make this straight, it's quite tough at first. But I am thankful that our husband is fair to us. So I didn't see any bias or hatred around us." Lisa said.

"That's good. So, how's your condition?"

"Thanks to my sister, anything goes well with my persona entity. It's like both of us are 'one' like I used to." Lisa is grateful.

After they talked for hours, they decided to go for their slumber. As Lisa goes into her room, she sits in front of the make-up mirror. Then, Elyssa appears in her mirror with a kind smile. "So how is it?" Lisa said.


"I know. Even Amelia and Hinata said the same thing too,"

Elyssa laughed a bit. Then, she put her finger on the mirror and said, "It looks like, our daughters weren't that different from us. Akira might hate to love them more than the Queen,"

"But, they're very kind as well. We should say that we need to be more of a lower expectation for them." Lisa said.

"Trust no one. You might get into it." voice from the halls.

"Who is there?" both Elyssa and Lisa said. As she opens the door, the hall is dark. And as she realized the entity in front of her, it was Takeshi. "Takeshi?"

"Stay with my daughter. She knows better," said Takeshi. Then, he vanished into the darkness.

Meanwhile, Amelia, Hinata, Mika, Hanna, and Emilia sat together in the same room. "Just do like this, Ame," said Mika as she teaches Amelia how to change her appearance. "Skeiese coureco skoaw crie ngeiene shoa scraenefdedo, crie doaghoagifr." (Angelic Lingo)

Amelia is fascinated with Mika's look. Her white hair turns black, and her eyes turn red. Then, Amelia repeats what Mika said and thinks of her appearance. But it didn't work. "What do you think of it?" said Mika.

"I was thinking of having a pair of wings," Amelia said. Mika laughed and told her that the only thing that changed is what was available in the body. Meaning, no-nonsense appearance will happen.

"Try something like this," Mika said and whispered to Amelia's ear. Then, Amelia chants, and her eyes turn blue and her hair turns black.


"Yeah, 'woah',"

As both were excited for a moment, both of them stared at each other eye-on-eye. Their laugh slowly fades and blinks. Their hands slowly move to each other. They interlocked their finger very slightly, their heart beating faster. "Amelia? Are you alright?" Hinata said, and both Mika and Amelia snapped out.

"Owh nothing. I was just training."


A beautiful crystal chandelier above the ceiling shines below the dance event, everyone wears a fancy and gothic mask with black diamonds, and a black and red dress ladies and gentlemen, gently dancing, whirling everyone. All of the Councils dance elegantly. Then, the High Elites known as Supremes enter the hall. Everyone bows down and continues dancing as they pass by. Soon, out of a sudden, Takeru enters the Hall uninvited. "Halt Elden Apostle. Who invites you in?" said Jane II, the high Supreme.

"I've got a really bad mood right now. Or should I say, I'm bored," he said. Takeru walks to the pyramid champagne glass and picks one, and it falls and breaks. Everyone was shocked by Takeru's attitude. "By the way, have you heard..."

"Akira is coming? Yes, and we invited him."

Takeru laughed and smirked sarcastically. "The "Dark Knight" is coming. Uu~ How pathetic."

"But, I have also felt that you come in my expectation. Please, treat him like us," Jane II said.

"It's my f**king pleasure to have you, b*tch,"

Everyone provoked Takeru but Jane II said that it was his habit to call her.

As Takeru enjoys the party, his ears are entered by the same voice that makes him go numb. "It's been a while since you saved me. And you have become their hero, Takeru..." it said.

Takeru looks at Jane II and smiles at him, he walks towards her. He moves the Councils of Shagua for him to get her. As he goes closer to her, he takes a chair at her back and sits next to her. "I'm here not to give you my gratitude, but I was asking you for your sister's diary," he said.

"So, you were looking for a holy book that my sister wrote before her demise," Jane II whispered. "Why do you ask me a favor about it?"


"Spit it out, dear."

Takeru went withdrawn from her question, he felt uncomfortable, yet he kept his smile like nothing happened to him.

"Spit... It... Out!!!!!" a man Takeru shouts at him. As Takeru turns his back, the man disappears. He turns back to her, and he finds a man, holding a knife, wearing a good with his fading appearance. "You deserve to say it."

Takeru began to mumble. "Is anything okay?" said Jane II.

"Hahaha, it's nothing, milady," he said. But, he still sees the man and says the same words, over and over again. The man's eyes become brighter with fire and walk towards him.

As he wanted to say a word, he got choked by cursed chains and pulled down to the floor. As he stands, Takeru laughed and said, "Akira...Akira...Akira..." he saw Akira slowly appear with his black hair turned back to white and his blue eyes turned red again.

"Stop...calling me like that... You're disrespecting our sister."

"Unless you told me where the f**king hell the Diary of Jane!!" And they clashed.