
Darkest Matter: As above, so below

As the Dark comes, the chaos comes as well, yet, as He arrives, Darkness fears him, as he enrages for more with vengeance. As She continues her journey, the world is in great danger, more to the apocalypse. Hatred the powers, Her husband will never stop until he finishes his task once and for all. Until the end of his life https://www.royalroad.com/profile/348604/fictions

AntiHero874 · Fantasie
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41 Chs

The Branches......

Therishki, a farm is peaceful like nothing has happened to it. All the farmers gather their places to sort all of their crops. Their sweats and laughs remind me of the nostalgic times. Yet soon, something was out of the norm, as their crop suddenly dried too quickly, the heat waves around the farm, including the farmers. They felt their skin melt and it's burning them from the inside.

The same thing happens to the other region, almost a whole land and sea. Their lives begin to be shaken, as the heat embraces them. Soon, one of the farmers sought the shaman to ask about the climate's drastic change. "Carruum sguso, farruumsh a jughu u," the shaman said.

The farmer doesn't understand the shaman's language, but he finally understands as one of its assistants appears and tells him the translation with a few words. "You are in grave danger, mere human,"

"What danger, shaman?!"

"Etinati Coshingaru, Darukghu Matta," 

As its assistant was about to translate for the farmer, the farmer knew what the shaman said and halted the assistant's words. "Eternal...Convergence?" his voice shakes.

The shaman nods slowly. Then the assistant continued the last statement. "The Darkest Matter..." he said to the farmer. The farmer glances at the assistant with a fearful face, like this, could be the end of all.

"U...Sguso nanafakhsha?" (You....mere human, name?)


"Anita? Are you okay?" Amelia said as her sister acted weird. Hinata's eyes rolled around in a circular motion, her mouth consistently said the same word, "Alirion".

"Melania, go after our sister," said Max while killing the legions. "Satoshi, need a hand. I'm out of these f**king bullets,"

Satoshi went to assist Max. Meanwhile, Melania went to Amelia and Hinata. "Ame...what the hell is just going on here?" Melania said.

Amelia paused for a while, all the nightmares she had seen previously. "I...don't want to tell you."

"Where's your papa? Lisa? Where are they?"

"I DON'T KNOW!!! I JUST LEFT MAMA!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!!!" Amelia screamed. Both of her hands cover her face to hide her tears. "She begins to be aggressive at me...She's been...like Papa ever since this happened."

Then, Hinata softly holds Amelia's hand and looks at her. "It's not mama that you saw, not our 'mama'," she said.

"What do you mean?"

"The mama you saw, her eyes changed, not Mama Lisa...but her Elaiyara, Elyssa..." Hinata whispered.

"You mean..." Amelia's eyes widened slightly and she glared at Aurora.

Hinata nods slowly. "Like your Elaiyara...Aurora."

Amelia's heart dropped as she realized the real truth about their mother. 

"Soon, mama will be the same...like Papa. She can't hold herself," Hinata said.

"I have to go back."

Then, Melania grabs her hand with a worried expression. "You won't survive there. It's like a wildfire heading us. Come with us,"

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? THAT'S OUR FAMILY MEMBER!!! I HAVE TO...SHE'S MY MOTHER!!!" Amelia shouted, roughly releasing Melania's grip, teleported back to them.

"Amelia!!!" Melania screamed.

"Don't worry, lemme handle her," Satoshi said, and soon he found her after jumping off the building.

"Uhm..Max?" Melania said as she glanced at Hinata's body start to pale and her body slowly dried out.

"Hanovrhonin...Etinati Coshingaru," Hinata said.


As Amelia sprints off to her mother, the others, The Queen's sister, Hanna, Emilia, and Mika Itta, with Melissa and Tomioka, see her. Soon, they after her, and as for Satoshi, he runs faster to get Amelia. "Amelia!!"

Amelia didn't turn her head once, she kept forward to her mother, which soon the world would be their last breath. Tears run down on her cheeks, the guilt of her for leaving her mother, facing their greatest nightmare. "Mama!!!"


Eyes open

Lisa, snaps out of her consciousness, as she realizes it's not herself. She slowly glares at her back, staring at her husband's head, lying on the ground, smiling softly despite his demise. Her hands shook, her mind tangled and tight, as the blood drooling on the ground from her hands, and it wasn't hers. 

"Lisa...Lisa...Lisa," Takeru said with a smile on his face.

Lisa's eyes brightly widened and felt the sudden rage running through her veins. "Ta...ke...ru..." she whispered. "How...do you call...your sister-in-law again?"

Takeru giggled and repeated how he called her. This increases her rage, but she remains calm. Then she asked again, and Takeru answered repeatedly. He even plays around her name like it's a play-song to him. Yet, Lisa remains calm as always, she takes her few breaths and exhales slowly. "No wonder my Akira hates you a lot," she whispers above her breath.

Takeru's lips smile almost touches his ear. Soon, he slowly shifted his body to white armor, his head skin pilled off and his white helmet revealed. "Dra' ur gur, (show me your blade)" he said in Dark Angelic lingo. He swings his arm right arm and his blade appears on his hand.

Lisa Fujiwara bites her tongue, and her skin begins to shatter and pulled off, exposing her cybernetic body, she sorts her hair into a ponytail, and finally, as she becomes quiet, she immediately screams as a million agonized angels and her eight wings appeared. Soon, her first berserk form, "Seraphim". Her beauty and her rage transit to a much angelic appearance who seeks vengeance. "Vehmedtalgraph..." (Come...)

Takeru smiles more wider and creepy, he pulls his two blades out from both hands. And as Lisa saw, the familiar opening ritual blade dual, as what she saw from her husband. The swing and dance nostalgically trigger her memories with Akira. As she realizes that the whole movement of the blade dual is identical to what Akira told her, she pulls out only her one blade. As she witnessed Takeru's ritual blade, she felt it was a tradition of a deathmatch before the fight. A 'Death's Jester'.




Elden Apostle-02

Death's Jester

Takeru Itto




As he finishes the ritual he bows to her with his blades spread on both sides, Lisa replies with a blade ritual deathmatch. Flames and sparks dance along her, as she is bound with the fire. With every swing and swirl, Takeru stuns with her ritual. Every movement she makes, makes Takeru feel that his older brother isn't dead yet.

But with every movement of her haunting beauty, her heart fell, her eyes held her tears welling up, and a melancholy expression appeared on her face. There's one sentence that Akira has told her after their first child was born. "After my death, all of the children of cinders will soon gone, but with you, the flames will always lid until our last generation...our last cinder...our last...Itto," the words of Akira replayed in her mind, and as soon she finished her ritual, her eyes with tears stared at Takeru, with a pure psycho smile.

Finally, both of them walked each other, face-to-face in the circle 7 times. In milliseconds, both clashes. The blades spark, the sound of the metal, and the dance-like fight. A theater of the sacrifice.