
Darkest Matter: As above, so below

As the Dark comes, the chaos comes as well, yet, as He arrives, Darkness fears him, as he enrages for more with vengeance. As She continues her journey, the world is in great danger, more to the apocalypse. Hatred the powers, Her husband will never stop until he finishes his task once and for all. Until the end of his life https://www.royalroad.com/profile/348604/fictions

AntiHero874 · Fantasie
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41 Chs

Life's end

At hypersonic speed, as Lisa ran towards them, she closed her eyes. That was the time when Mikael and Kazumi attempted to stop her. Kazumi orders Mikael to manipulate Lisa's mind. But everything doesn't work and each time he tries to manipulate her, Lisa alters herself with Elyssa and then turns back. That's how Mikael can't manipulate her properly because of the confusion and loss focused on Lisa.

"I can't let Akira die, not with this Skin Torn appraisal," said Kazumi. He immediately ran off and went after them.

Meanwhile, Satoshi was ahead of them as well, yet the book refused to go straight to them. So it flows above the air and lands on the ground. He stops and tries to pick it up but it runs distance to him. Satoshi in his mind tries to understand what's wrong with the book. After a while of trying to catch it and soon he captures it, the book immediately opens a page where it should not be given to Takeru. As he looked at it, Satoshi realized it hadn't ripped off. "I thought Kazumi destroyed it," he said.

"He didn't..." the book said to his head and gave him a vision of what the page Kazumi destroyed. "It's a reversal, to the convergence, to redo and unravel the chaos... but you didn't realize, and Kazumi has manipulated you,"

Satoshi's leg trembled and soon he sat down. "What have I done?! Why am I didn't realize that?" he said. "What am I gonna do now,"

"Save Amelia and her sister, Hinata, and Akira's other daughters, Emilia and Hanna," the book said.


Amelia, walks in between the ruins, sensing something coming towards her. She secretly readies her blade on her forearm. "Come out, you f**king Legions".

Soon, Satoshi raised his hand as he approached her. Amelia breathed out with relief. "You almost made me kill you, Satoshi," she said. As Satoshi noticed something, more like hoards, he immediately gestured his fingers with sign language to her, indicating there was something at her back. She turned to it and saw a group of Chimeras charged towards them in starvation. "Run!" 

Soon, Satoshi and Amelia ran off, searching for a safe place so they did not get stepped on or get eaten by the hoards. Then, hope comes as there's a shot from the building afar and six chimera shots over Satoshi and Amelia's back. 

"Max!" She shouts as felt lifted as hope sides them. 

"Max?" Satoshi said. 

Amelia's eyes widened as she heard the first voice from him. "You can talk?!" she said in disbelief.

"I'll explain later," Satoshi said and quickly headed to the building where Max and the others were.


"Max, they're arriving," said Melania. 

"I give the hoards time, you go and save them," Max said.

Soon, Melania went to them by attaching the harness to one of the pillars and went down. "Melania!!" Amelia said. As they arrived, Melania soon held both Satoshi and Amelia's arms and told Max to pull them up.

Max then put down his rifle and pulled them up as fast as possible. As they reached safely, Amelia and Satoshi panting hard. Then, Amelia saw Hinata sitting next to the pillar. She quickly went near to Hinata who almost seemed lifeless. "Hinata? Are you okay?" Amelia said.

"Ma...ma..." Hinata consistently said the same word.

Then, Amelia closed her eyes, and under her breath, she called out her spirit sister, Aurora, and she appeared. Hinata stares at Aurora like saw an angel. Her hand raises and attempts to reach Aurora's hand, but everything she touches is like touching a cloud of flying dust. "Aurora...keep her...alive," Amelia said. Soon, Aurora nodded and went closer to her. This time, her touch felt upon Hinata's skin. 

"Havekh...ghaula faultsat's shagu lakhuas fhalhu...." Aurora recites her mantra, and the healing is starting to make Hinata feel alive again.

"Ame-chan..." Hinata whispers.

"I know...we're Fujiwara's after all."

Then, both Amelia and Aurora kissed Hinata's forehead simultaneously, making Hinata feel the warmth from both physical and spiritual.


Takeru with his deceitful smile, breathes heavily as Lisa attacks him violently. He has no idea how desperate she is, from the time she got molested, to her mind completely unstable from both entities in one body, to her anger that shares the same traits to his brother, Akira.

As the three of them, Lisa, Akira, and Takeru on their stance, their awaiting who's going to make their next move. 

Then after a long silence, Akira went closer to Takeru by performing a tornado kick from above, aimed at his head. Takeru carefully dodged as he knew Lisa would interfere, and his thought was right as Lisa threw the rusted rod to his torso. As he fixes his composure, he punches his brother's tummy very hard, making Akira spit blood. And he flew off.

As Akira lands on the ground, he tries to stand up, but his body protests him to stand. "I'm near, my brother. I...am...near..." Akira said.

"Near?" Takeru said but still smiled despite his brother's agony. "Why would you say that?"

Akira smiled back but smiled warmly. The way he responded shook Takeru and made him wonder about the meaning of his own brother. As that, Takeru saw Lisa immediately beheaded Akira. Akira's head rolls off from his body, soon it lands on the ground. For ten seconds, he still got a chance to hear and see his own wife, charging towards Takeru in full berserk, her cybernetic yellow eyes brightened, her hair began to change multiple times, and her cybernetic wings spread off and her cybernetic halo appeared on her head, floating around.

"Nersagh..." she begins to recite, followed by Akira's moving mouth without a voice.

Takeru stepped back as Lisa went closer to him in full rage.


"No...No....NO!?" Kazumi said as he arrived late.

"Beriolna... Teghlober..." Her body begins to build up, turning into a white cybernetic body.

"It's....Fusion Angelica," Mikael said.


Slowly, Akira's eyes went blurry, and as he saw enough, his own wife became 'Shin Okaa'. And as he closed his eyes, with a final warm smile for the first time in his lifetime with her, he died.