
Darkened Daylight [MOVED]

[I died more than once, but I never reached heaven. Nor did I reach hell. Who is tampering with my destiny? Everytime I die, I am reborn elsewhere. Even then, I remained second to none. Just who is reincarnating me?] ... "We finally meet, young lad!" "!!!!" The sudden voice that altered the turn of events made Adrona spellbound. "No need to be afraid my dear young lad. Cause you are now about to inherit 'Darkened Daylight', a power that is feared by both life and afterlife!" ... Adrona was freed from his misfortune by the 'Dark Reigner' who is known to be an origin entity and thus began his new journey in succeeding the 'Darkened Daylight', a power that reigns over the abyss. ____________________ NOTICE ____________________ Disclaimer: Dear readers, this is to inform all of you that Darkened Daylight has entered into paid mode. There this book will be available only upto chapter 36. __________ To read furthermore, please click onto the link given below: https://www.webnovel.com/book/darkened-daylight_24153502106613305

ArtDisk · Fantasie
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37 Chs

The Beginning (2)

"I am in for the succession, master!"

It was my first time addressing someone as a master. Until now, I only remembered being swindled by many people when I was a scholar in every life. Even the teachers never supported or atleast encouraged me. I don't know what kind of surprises my new master had in store for me.

[Let's start our sixth life of an unfathomable journey.]

"Umm... Young lad, you are over exaggerating. The thing is, you are still in your fifth life!", said the dark reigner.


"Huh... ?"

;;;;... I became puzzled.

[What is he saying? I definitely remember falling from a cliff of three kilometres altitude. There is no way I am still alive.]

I attempted, "Haha... You are joking, right? How can I be alive after falling from a three kilometres altitude. I am not a Demon god but a fragile human in this life!"

The dark reigner interpreted, "Since, you are a vessel for Darkened Daylight, your body won't explode or suffer any backlashes. So, no need to over exaggerate for everything!"

[That's reassuring.]

He then interpreted again, "But, you are to not use any of my sovereignties until your body becomes strong enough to control it!"

I didn't get him and asked, "Not strong enough to control it??!!"

He then exclaimed, "The Darkened Daylight is not as complex as 'Aftermath Monarchy' and also not as simple as 'Reigning Supreme Star'. If you used my sovereignty while your body is still unable to hold the pressure, the power of abyss would emit from your body endlessly and you would end up going berserk!"

[Aftermath Monarchy and Reigning Supreme Star? What are they?]

I attempted, "I get that I should not mess with the power of abyss. But, what is Aftermath Monarchy and Reigning Reigning Star? This is my first time hearing those two terms in our conversation!"

"Aftermath Monarchy is the power of the origin of aftermath, Kraissilis. And, Reigning Supreme Star is the power of the origin of light, Grey Martha!", said the dark reigner.

[The name Aftermath Monarchy somehow suits the origin of aftermath. But, the name Reigning Supreme Star is way too cringey for the origin of light. Well, fantasy worlds are always cringey. So, there is no need to exaggerate over it.]

I asked, "But, where should I go to right now. I am dead as per the people of my homeland. It will be troublesome if such a miracle attracts the whole world that I am alive even after falling from a cliff!"

The dark reigner responded, "You are exaggerating again. And we explained everything to the gods of your homeland. They agreed to co-operate with us this one time. So, you grand laws can stay at your homeland while travelling to other worlds and growing stronger.

Just go and say your goodbyes to everyone for now. Cause you are going to start your first drill within two days. You might have to stay in the absolute abyss more than a month for your first drill!"

[If my hunch is correct, then him emphasizing the term grand law in plural means the other two chosen ones are also from my homeland. And my first drill to begin is going to be a tough trail for my new destination.]

I replied, "Okay, I have nothing else to say!"

The dark reigner sighed, "Then go and give your salutations to all your friends and peers!"

He pointed his index finger towards me and said, "You should get going!"


Darkened crimson aura emanated from the tip of his index finger and wrapped me around.


Everything became dark and tranquil. My vision was full of black.


"Huaak... Haah... Haah... Haah... Where is this place?"

I woke up in a hospital room. There was nobody in the room, but only me. It felt like a nightmare staying in that dark pit.


The door was slammed open and some familiar faces entered the hospital room. I got chuckles looking at those faces.

"Boss... Boss, are you okay? We were so worried about you. It's good that the accident wasn't any major!", it was Sam, one of my two assistants who overlooked my planning schedules.

I responded, "Relax Sam. And what do you mean the accident isn't any major?"

Sam replied, "While you were on your way to the cliff, a lightning struck a tree in between the journey and that tree fell on the car you were in!"

[The dark reigner came up with a good story. He manipulated everything pretty well.]

I looked at the other assistant. He was standing silent. I attempted, "Ram? What kind of thoughts are you having in your mind. Your staying way too silent for someone who never stops talking!"

Both Ram and Sam are twin brothers. Sam is a sensitive person who gets emotional for everything. And, Ram is a talkative person who would never shut his mouth once opened.

Sam replied, "He cried all night yesterday after seeing you bleed. He had no one to talk to at that time!"

Ram responded while blushing, "Sam, why would you say such a thing?"

[Phew... These both are as energetic as always.]



It was Sam who was trying to say something. I responded, "What is it, Sam? Spit it out!"

Sam began to talk, "Miss Grey contacted you while you were unconscious. So, I lifted the call in your stead. Well... She said that she wanted to meet you tomorrow at the same cafe where you two use to go. The way she said it was somehow sorrowful. I was unable to figure out what was going on?"

Ram interrupted, "Was there any inner turmoil between you two?"


Grey Aanya, she is the only one who supported and encouraged me out of all my lives. I considered her the most unique figure out of everyone. I didn't know who my father was. My mother died right after she gave birth to me. From that moment, everyone treated me like some kind of misfortune. They thought that I brought misfortune to them. I never even had any companions or acquaintance in my orphanage. Aanya was the first person who have become my acquaintance, then companion and later a life partner. But we still didn't get married. She must have something in her mind to talk to me about.

I commanded Sam and Ram, "Let's go guys. You guys stay out of the cafe while I and Aanya talk inside. Got it?"

Both of them replied in sync, "Yes, sir!"


[Phew, I travelled through out the whole night to come here. Dark reigner told me to say goodbye to everyone. I guess Aanya is the first person to receive my goodbye.]

There was no one in the cafe. Accept the waiter and chef. Sam and Ram were standing outside.

[Today sure is a busy day for everyone, huh? I am glad that she asked to meet me on working days instead of weekends.]


The cafe door was opened and later event followed a beautiful woman stepping inside the cafe.


This beautiful figure was none other than Aanya. She greeted me with a pleasant voice, "How is your health now? I heard you were caught in an accident!"

Her face was filled with worry and not happiness. I thought I would see her smile. She sat down beside me while placing her lefthand on my right cheek.

[Because of me, she came worrying all the way to here. I am an idiot.]

"Well, thankfully nothing happened to me. Look, I am completely fine. You don't need to worry about me!", I said.

She took her hands off my cheek and placed them on the table. She downed her head in grief. I didn't get what she was thinking. But, I took the initiative to talk, "Aanya, I am going on a long-term vacation to accomplish something new. I might not be able to contact you for a month or so!"

Her expression didn't change. She then spoke, "Dray, let's break up!"


"Huh... ???", I didn't get what she was saying.

She then continued, "When we started to date, we both were so close. But as time passed, we both kept on getting far and far away from eachother... Do you remember how many times we met eachother last year?"

I replied, "Well... !"

[I don't remember anything. I always gave priority only to my venturing schedules.]

Then she replied, "Ten times... And this year, we have by far met only two times. This would make our third time and New Year's Eve is next month. You are an adventurer whereas I am an oncologist. I don't like it that our carriers are splitting us apart. But, that doesn't mean we should sacrifice our life ambitions either. Breaking up is the only way I can find for this situation... !"

[... She is right. With my new journey, I might not be able protect her in the future all the times.]

I asked in grief, "Is this what your heart is telling you?"

She looked at me while widening her eyes as if she wasn't sure of her decision. I continued, "While I was in life and death situations during my adventures, it was you who gave me a meaning to come back alive. The thought that you were waiting for me is what kept me alive. But, if you want to erase that thought from my mind, I might as well enjoy my death!"

I got up from my seat and walked towards the cafe exit. I was able to hear her crying on the seat where she sat. I gave my final salutations, "This journey might be the death of me. And now, I am back to being an orphan. Might as well die by myself!"


I slammed the door and looked back once again to get a final glimpse of my former beloved one. She laid her hands on the eyes while tears fell on the floor. She is clearly regretting her decision. But I can't persuade her since my purpose of living was more than some two-bit adventures. I can't get her involved in my problems.

[I am sorry, Aanya. But, this is for your own good.]

I held my tears. Both Sam and Ram stayed silent. Sam began to talk, "Where are we heading to for our next venturing, sir!"

I raised my head facing towards the sky and said, "Huh... the 'Absolute Abyss'... !"

My assistants didn't get me. I took a look at the weeping Aanya once again and got into the car. But, that wasn't the last time I saw her. I failed to understand the fact that she too was the same kind as me, a 'Grand Law'.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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