
Dark world: Noctem

A misfit, an abomination of sorts, Nox ráu vlad ( Theodore Crowe ) was born to the crescent moon pack, a pack filled with wolves who rebelled against the wolf monarch led by a wolf noble, Elijah smith. Born as the son of ava ráu vlad (a noble vampire who eloped with Elijah), people were scared of him, usually the child born with parents of different races hardly survive, and if they did they were considered disasters as an hybrid born with genes of both strong races could singlehandedly wipe out an entire race off the face of the universe if they wanted. But for Theodore it was different, at the age of awakening he was considered a norm, not even a vampire or a wolf as his gene suggested much more an hybrid. Despite being a norm, his parents still loved him and he was happy even being a norm, but that happiness was short lived as an incident changed his entire life, the humans massacred his pack and his parents lost their lives trying to protect him. With no choice but to flee as his parents wished, he ended up staying in the earth realm with his aunt and her family, slowly adaptating to the life of an earthrealmer while the urge for revenge intensified daily. Soon a strange phenomenon occured throughout the realms connecting them to one another as orchestrated by some Monarchs of the mystic realm, as a last minute effort from the resistant monarchs, Noctem was created substituting as a temporary replacement for the earth realm where monsters, gates, towers and ruins appeared. Amidst this chaos a deadly encounter with a mystic realmer awakens Theodore's sealed powers as an hybrid. As the realms fall deeper into chaos he must protect the things dear to him while getting his revenge on the one responsible for the massacre of his pack side note: The mc isn't a hero and doesn't have an heroic mindset, rather he's closer to something like a villian as he won't hesitate to use anyone as a pawn to achieve his goals.

Regis_ · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
21 Chs


It was night time in the earth realm, the city was filled with people carrying out various activities, some stores were still open and the sound of various vehicles could be heard.

Inside a mordern house, a woman with black long hair flowing down her back and red coloured eyes was setting the dinner table for her family.

A man with brown coloured hair was seated opposite a young kid who bore a notable resemblance to his mother.

As she dropped the meals on the table the kid took a whiff of the meal in front of him and pinched his nose.

"Adrian stop sniffing your food it's improper." The lady complained.

The kid looked at his mother with a disgusted look on his face " mom, you used garlic again, it's disgusting I can't eat this."

"Adrian, what's going on with you, you used to eat the foods we prepared with garlic, are you alright? Do we need to visit the doctor?" The dad asked with a worried look on his face.

"I'm fine dad, I'll just take some leftover chicken from the fridge."

"Oh, add veggies to the chicken then!" His mom told as he was walking towards the fridge.

"Eww, gross, no! Mom, don't ruin dinner completely for me!"

"But you have to eat healt...



"Huh? Someone's at the door"

"I'll get it!" Adrian yelled before rushing towards the door!

"Adrian edgan crowe!! How many times have I told you not to answer the door for strangers." Adrian's mother scolded but that didn't stop him from answering the door.

Adrian opened the door and was met face to face with a kid who looked exactly the same age as him, the kid was wearing a traditional witch robe which was a little bit longer than him, having a strange hair pattern with black edges on top and along his silver hair which covered his face completely.

"Mom, there's a strange girl outside our house" Adrian called out as both his parents rushed to the door.

Adrian's dad looked at the kid and then his wife, " someone you know? Amelia? "

"No Richard, I wasn't expecting any guest today!" Amelia responded then focused her attention to the kid outside their house.

" Um.. hello little girl are you lost?" Amelia asked, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

The little kid looked up at her with his bright green eyes, " Are you Amelia Crowe? " he questioned.

'So he was a boy!' She thought, but it was a simple mistake anyone would make, The kid with his hair covering his face could pass as a female because of his unusually long hair for a boy even his looks were effeminate.

Amelia looked at the kid with a puzzled look on her face, she was wary of him, his eyes as he stared at her were lifeless, it didn't have emotions in them.

'How could a young kid look like that! He's not a human, that I'm sure of.. the faint trace of mana is still lingering off him.' She thought but decided to answer eventually

" Yes, I'm Amelia Crowe, is there a problem?" Amelia asked in a wary tone. "Also may I know who you are?"

" I'm Theodore smith, son of ava ráu Vlad and Elijah smith" the kid answered with a cold tone handing her a letter immediately after his sentence.

Amelia was a bit surprised upon hearing the name ava ráu Vlad. Amelia and ava were sisters... They also had other siblings but Amelia and ava were the only ones closest to each other, but they haven't seen themselves since ava ran away with an alpha wolf from the lycan monarch family.

"Ava? You mean my sister? Where is she? Did she come with you?" Amelia questioned with excitement but it quickly faded when she saw the look on Theodore's face.

Theodore bit down his lips, his face down and his hands clenched with a shaky voice he uttered " m..my mother... Is dead!"

Amelia eyes grew wide, she asked Richard and Adrian to go back into the house, Richard saw the look on his wife's face and was a bit hesitant but decided to obey when a tear fell off her face. He knew his wife wouldn't want their son to see her in a vulnerable state so he took Adrian inside and left Amelia with Theodore.

Amelia looked at Theodore with tears flowing from her eyes, " what do you mean dead! My sister won't just die that way! My... S..sis.ter isn't weak s..she w.won't just...."

" You're right.. my mom isn't weak, the only reason she died was because she was protecting me." Theodore responded his voice cold but shaky.

Amelia looked into his eyes again and this time it wasn't lifeless, his eyes were full of rage as small streams of tears formed under his eyes.

Something about him screamed danger even if she couldn't feel his mana perfectly she could feel the mana of someone on par with the monarchs binding him.

'They sealed his mana' Amelia thought to herself, she knew her sister and her sister wouldn't seal her child's mana except she was trying to hide him from someone the only exception to that would be if his mana pool was so large that it could kill him.

Amelia proceeded to read the contents of the letter, a blood seal was placed on the letter which indicated that her sister wrote the letter and it was meant for only her to see.

She bit the tip of her thumb and dropped her blood on the blood seal. A faint red glow could be seen on the on the letter as the contents began registering in her mind.

After a few minutes of staring into blank space, she drew a long gasp as she suddenly became self conscious.

" What in the name of dracula is going on!" She muttered before returning her gaze to Theodore.

" You'll be living with us now... This was your parents last wish, you are aware you're being hunted right?" She asked as Theodore nodded.

" You'll have to be careful, I'll protect you to the best of my abilities, you just have to live normally while you're here and lastly do something about your hair it stands out too much."

" I cannot change or dye my hair! " He told with a serious look on his face which left no room for negotiation.

" Fine then, but at least you'll have to cut your hair, it's messy." Amelia replied mirroring the same look as Theodore.

"Alright.. may I come in now?" Theodore asked with a bit of tiredness in his tone.

"Ah.. yes where are my manners, let's go you'll choose a room from the ones which hasn't been occupied yet." Amelia smacked the tip of her head and led Theodore in.


In the middle of the night Amelia stood outside her balcony gazing at the moon while emiting a blood thirsty killing intent.

"Sister, I promise you I'll find the ones responsible for your death, the ones who attacked you I'll find them and make them pay, I won't stop until I bath in the blood of every single one of them, till i present the head of their leader to your grave I'll hunt them all. " she muttered with a half smile which slowly turned into her gritting her teeth.

" you gave birth to a good looking child and I could tell he grew up being loved despite the criticism he might have gone through. He wants to take revenge for you... For his parents, honestly I fear for him, he might die if he lets his emotions overwhelm him and he ends up making a wrong choice but I'll be damned if I let that happen so I'll kill them, I'll kill them all before he comes in contact with any of them... They dared to mess with the ráu Vlad family?! they won't escape with their lives as death would be the least of their worries."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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