
Dark Strange With a Chat Group

A Chinese Translated Fanfic Read it at Your Own Risk It's not Edited.If you Have Nothing to Read Them Only Read This Crap. Anhe traveled through time and came to the daily world of Zongman, but he had no choice but to load the [Xeon Template]Starting from the multiverse level, the Dark Doctor Strange template, the most powerful Thanos template, the Ultra God Noah template, the God-killer Iron Man template, etc…..To this.An He, who wants to live a peaceful life, naturally chooses to ignore it. After all, how does this thing, Taima, look like something that should be part of daily life in a variety show? ? ?It’s just that God doesn’t fulfill people’s wishes.An He was still pulled into a group chat called Wanjie Chat Group.…God Killer – Athena: “No! Your God Killer Iron Man armor can destroy a million gods in one blow??? Is this the same thing as the God Killer I understand???”Stealth Chaos – Nayako: “Wait! How come your dark Doctor Strange template can even swallow the evil god?! Wait! I can’t eat it!”Beng Tie – Silver Wolf: “All things are united by Thanos? Can he wipe out the Star God and edit the existence of the entire universe at will? Is this really the kind of combat power that an everyday world should have???”

Ron_Blackwood · Anime und Comics
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106 Chs


[Slash the red world over the bone, upgrade the dark and strange template, it will end soon!]


How do you evaluate the food of the night raid?

If it was An He, who had not obtained the luminous level of explosive cooking skills before, and had personally eaten this kind of cooking to make dishes.

That's all unpalatable!

Can you believe that this barbecue is just a random sprinkling of salt, and some cheap seasonings that seem to be a specialty of the world, and casually softened and went straight to the test!

The fishy smell of the barbecue has not been removed in the slightest, and even when I just ate it, there was blood on the horse!

That's it!

I'm afraid that if you give it to a normal modern person, it is estimated that it will be difficult to swallow!

Not to mention.

Or to An He, who already has and has eaten Xeon cooking.- …..

That's simply …..


The taste of desolation…..

"Guys in the chat group, give me some normal condiments and ingredients. "

"The food here, that's not what normal people eat!"

An He rinsed his mouth several times with the help of clean water from the kitchen, and only then did he ease up slightly.

It's really not his hypocrisy or anything, it's really outrageous!

Should it be said or not.

It's a dry killer.

Sure enough, I don't care much about eating and other trivial things!

Nadutong Courier (Level 0.5) [Administrator]: "Yes! That's how it feels!"

The courier of Nadutong (level 0.5) [Administrator]: "What kind of expression is it, the sauerkraut fish rice bowl in my hand is suddenly comparable to a state banquet!

The empty nest old bone is lonely and lonely and cold (level 1.8): "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! An He, who used to devour galaxies without blinking an eye, turned out to be planted on a plate of barbecue today!"

The first working girl in Tianhe City (level 7.9): "Okay, okay! I've already bought condiments!

Tu Shan's contemporary eldest lady (level 1.3): "Well….. I also have some fresh beast ingredients here, but they haven't used it yet, so I'll send them to you too!"


After seeing two red envelopes.

An He remembered Shen Xiaoxiao and Suzuki Satoru for the first time, these two beasts who fell into the well.


While taking out the condiments and meat contained in the red envelope.

On the other hand, he didn't forget to say as if talking to himself.

"Shen Xiaoxiao, Suzuki Satoru, it's really a pity. "

"Originally, I thought that I had just obtained the top cooking skills of the little master and the spirit of the halberd, so as to benefit all the friends. "

"As a result….. Hey!"

"It seems that you are blessed~"

In the chat group.

Nado Courier (Level 0.5) [Administrator]: "Who?!Wait?!You said you gained the cooking skills of that world???"

Nadutong's Courier (Level 0.5) [Administrator]: "The Little Master and the Spirit of the Halberd???"

Nadu Courier (Level 0.5) [Administrator]: "Ahem….. That, I'll admit it was a little too loud just now….."

The courier of Nadu Tong (level 0.5) [Administrator]: "I…..!! you brute are still turning off the live broadcast?!"

Empty nest old bones lonely and lonely and cold (level 1.8): [Nose picking.ing]

Empty nest old bones are lonely and lonely (level 1.8): "Isn't it just cooking?

The courier of Nadutong (level 0.5) [Administrator]: "Heh, have you ever seen a glowing cook?" and does An He's beast have weak abilities in his hands?

Empty Nest Old Bone Lonely and Lonely Cold (Level 1.8): "??? will glow?!"

Empty nest old bones are lonely and lonely (level 1.8): "Bah! Dog day administrator, you took me to laugh at my dear Anhe father!"

Narto's courier (level 0.5) [Administrator]: "…"

The courier of Nadu Pass (level 0.5) [Administrator]: "Pinch grandma's! forbidden !!"


On the other side, An He was already closing the chat group at the same time.

At an unbelievable speed, he completed six or seven pure meat dishes on the kitchen table in front of him!

But in order not to be so shocking.

He also eliminated the LED lighting effect on the dishes.

"Not bad. "

An He nodded with satisfaction.


It was to hold up these dishes at random and put them in front of Red Hitomi, Leona, Hill, and Mayne.

And Ma Yin had just seen that after An He ate a bite of barbecue, he ran away as if he was constipated.

I'm getting ready to get angry.

After all.

As a killer from the revolutionary army, he generally has a very low appetite!


After seeing this dish with all the colors and aromas.

Ma Yin was silent.

It's not just her.

Even Hill, who is naturally stupid, and Leonay, who is also ready to follow Ma Yin to criticize and criticize An He, are silent!

Even because of some of Leonay's properties, he didn't even notice that he left saliva.

And as for the red pupils?


Red Hitomi has already gotten started!

Ma Yin et al.: "!!"



The people who were originally going to be reserved and reserved immediately changed their faces and joined in the process of grabbing vegetables.

And An He silently picked up a small plate of specially prepared portions.

And with a smile on her aunt's face, she looked at the scramble of several girls in front of her.


I have to say.

As a cook, seeing the stranger across the street likes his own dishes.

It's really quite pleasant in my heart~


Wait for An He to finish reading.

only to find that there were three or four little hands, secretly sandwiching his side dish!

Anhe: "!!"

"No! This one has my saliva! You still eat this?!"

"And Ciel, that piece of meat is what I've eaten! don't lick it!"

"Red Hitomi, why are you staring at me?! I can't eat it!"

"And Mayne, you're blushing with a bubble teapot!"


An He was also stunned to join the ranks of scramble~


After a meal.

An He began to count down silently.




On the other side, Chi Tong and the others were originally satisfied with sitting on the chair to rest because it was rare to eat such a delicious and filling meal.


But suddenly I felt a strong energy, and suddenly it poured out from all over my body without warning!

The next moment!

"Bang Bang Bang !!"

A few subtle popping sounds, mixed with the sound of clothes being torn!

Naturally, the Anhe River will not be excluded.


He is currently a man here, so the old beast of An He has nothing to say at all~


An He calmly took out a set of spare clothes that had been prepared a long time ago, quickly put them on, and appreciated them silently again.


Ma Yin is still too peaceful, but Lori is very cute~

Wow! Hill is really a bad woman~

Leona deserves to be a chic royal sister type, this is really powerful!

Red pupils—

It can only be said that the long black straight and red pupils, as well as the well-proportioned figure, are perfect!

Night Raid on Women: "!!"


At the moment when I realized that my clothes were torn!

Ma Yin was the first to let out a high-pitched pop!

Although Hill's face is a little red, he is still in a natural state, and his head is down!

Leonay has escaped!

As for the red pupil …..


The red pupil was very calm, and even glanced at An He's frank meeting.

After that, he ran towards his room.

Not much.

Ma Yin was the first to get dressed and rush out of the room!

His little face was still red, and he grabbed An He's collar with a look of shame, and you and you were stuck for a long time.

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That's when a complete sentence is spoken!

"You added something to the dish you just made?!!!"

"Despicable !!"

"Perverted !!"


The rest of the girls also walked out one after another at this time, and they all looked at An He with suspicious eyes. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

on this.

An He could only shrug his shoulders.

"Tsk. "

"My cuisine is a little special, and it's usually so delicious that it bursts into clothes~" []

"Also, I wanted to remind me just now, but you didn't give me a chance to remind me at all, so I just grabbed it. "

"I didn't even eat two bites in the end!"

An He does a full set of plays.

Even the more he said this, the more excited he became, and he almost believed what he said!

That expression, that slightly aggrieved look!


Anyway, Ma Yin is a little numb when he looks at it.

At the same time, the attitude and tone of questioning just now also weakened immediately!

After all…

They didn't seem to have a chance to speak to An He just now….


"That's… Forget it! Anyway, don't spread the word about this incident! Otherwise! Hmph!!


Tsundere Ma Yin compromised.

"No, isn't it written in Anhe's profile that you can only use some basic martial arts and assassination techniques?

"What the hell did you do before?"

Ma Yin retreated in defeat.

It was Leonay's turn to ask the question in his heart with a skeptical expression.


Her question was also a question for everyone present.

"Ah, as a killer, maybe I'll die one day, so I must be kind to myself~"

"So I'm going to treat myself to cooking, right?"

"Besides. "

"It doesn't seem necessary to include a trivial matter like cooking in the introduction, right?"

An He spread his hands helplessly.

He's not afraid of exposure or anything, so he'll leave when he comes to this world to do a mission anyway.

If you're lucky, you'll be able to cool it off~

"As for who was before?"


"You must be an ordinary magician, right?"

An He silently added a sentence in his heart.


A magician who can conjure up a planet to smash people, that's also a magician~


"Is it the kind of person who can breathe fire and swallow swords raw?"

"That's amazing!"

Hill, who is naturally stupid, said that he was very good and applauded very cutely.


"Almost, right? You'll definitely have a chance to meet you later~"

An He touched his chin, and it seemed that it was not too much.

Although he can't breathe fire, the scorching stellar celestial body in the universe in his palm is ah~

It's just that the temperature is a little hotter.

As for swallowing the sword alive?


At present, even the planet can be swallowed, what other sword of the scooper is he can't swallow?!


Maybe it's because of the meal, and the shame of being honest with each other.

An He really gradually got closer to the women who attacked at night.


When the two arrived at night, they went back to their rooms to rest.

Early the next morning.

Since An He was a newcomer, he was taken to the imperial capital by the red pupil.

Conduct eye-opening, as well as observe the next mission objective.


In the Wanjie chat group.

Chelsea also messaged him separately.

I can change whatever wife you want: "Big guy, big guy, I should be there tonight!"

I can change whatever wife you want: "Anyway, how are you going to suppress the empire, big guy?"

I can change whatever wife you want:" Or….. Boss, if you think this reward is not enough, then….. We can still meet and talk…"

For this kind of message, it is almost a message that directly says the meaning.

An He didn't pretend he didn't understand.

A traverser who wants to live a salted fish: "Hmm… In the case of this empire, the simplest thing is that I will directly let him disappear on the continental plate. "

Traversers who want to live a salted fish: "Of course, this is the most time-saving and labor-saving method, but… I don't care about that right now. "

A traveler who wants to live a salted fish life: "I really care, your Gaia foundation can really be conjured up with anything?"

I can change whatever wife you want:"… The more detailed you know, the more accurate you become. "

The traverser who wants to live a salted fish: "Hey! Then I'm interested!"

I can change whatever wife you want: "Ah! This kind !!of thing, the big guy still waits for me to arrive, let's talk when we meet!"

Chelsea was still a little girl after all.

In terms of the speed of driving, it is not comparable to the old beast of An He.

See here.

An He also closed the private chat interface of the Wanjie chat group.

began to concentrate on following the red pupil around the imperial capital.

As for.

The nine Emperor Illustrated Books to be collected?

It's easy.

After the fall of the Admiral's empire, he slowly picked up garbage in the ruins

It's not trouble~

Time flies.

Maybe it's because of being by the side of the beautiful girl.,An He feels almost a blink of an eye..

The sun hanging high above the empire was slowly setting.

time to dusk.

And by the time An He and Chi Tong returned to the base, it had already reached the middle of the night.


In the base this time, only the green-haired Lubbo was sleeping, and the rest of Hilmayne, as well as Leonay and the muscular man Brand.

But they were all gone.

"Is this the newcomer?"

"Hello, just call me Lubbock. "

Lubbo also sat up immediately when he heard someone coming in.

And after seeing An He, he didn't forget to say hello with a smile.

"What about the Maynes?"

Red Hitomi may be a little tired, but she also found a place to sit down and asked casually.

Ma Yin and the others are not at the base, so they are most likely going on a mission.


"Leonay and the eldest brother went to the flower street to gather some information. "

"As for Main and Ciel…"

"Looks like you're going to accomplish a goal of killing Zibble?"

"I should be back soon, right?"

Lubbo yawned.

A simple assassination mission like this can still be easily solved by Ma Yin and Ciel.


An He heard the three words "Qibul".

Immediately frowned.

If his memory is correct, he will kill Hill, the first to die in the protagonist group of the Red World.

It seems that when I went to complete this Zibul mission, I was eaten by the hundred-armed giant Xiaobi who was carried by the crazy batch Sailu!

Get it today?!

Come to think of this.

"Forget it, just today. "

"It's just right, from this time period on, the planet will wash the ground and destroy this empire!"

Ahn muttered.

A circle of pitch-black flames began to slowly appear in front of him!

The Dark Dimension Gate Opens!

Ask for customization.

Keep updating!

Let's put Hill on this one!

Punch punch punch!

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