
The Press Conference

Rong Fu took a cab to the Pheonix Group in a hurry. He wanted to meet that angel that kick his father out. Now, Rong Fu lost all his love for his father, after all, he had sex with his fiancee. The only one that he truly loved through the years.

He arrived at the company and saw his mother enraged. He knew that it was because of his father. It wouldn't be the first time that he cheated on her.

"Mom, calm down. There's no need to waste your time on him."

Mrs. Rong was surprised by her son's comment. She had expected him to stop her and defend his father. Maybe the video made him lose all his admiration for him.

Mrs Rong nodded and clean her dress without even looking at Rong Hu who was laying on the ground. He suddenly grabbed his son's ankle.

"Please, son, please forgive me. I just..."

That's when Wang Yiling arrived and stepped on Rong Hu's hand. He let out a loud scream who made jumped everyone. "Mr Rong, I think it's better if you leave the building and never come back. The group is in my hand now."

Mrs Rong smiled to Wang Yiling, deeply touched by her words but she was still worried. "Miss Wang, what will happened to our family? Our status?"

Wang Yiling really wanted to punch that woman. Your husband just cheated on you with your daughter-in-law and you just ask what will happened to your status. How greedy!

"Mrs Rong, it won't have any repercussions on your status. My family organised a press conference. I would be happy if you could participate."

Wang Yiling waved her hand and two men arrived by her side. She glanced at Rong Hu then the bodyguards nodded. They got Rong Hu up and throw him out on the sidewalk.

Wang Yiling smiled to Rong Fu. "Mr Rong Jr, now that you are here, I want to offer you the place of Project President. You'll assign tasks and select the new employees. Of course, there's more than that."

Mrs Rong and Rong Fu's eyes were sparkling. One saw the money they could make and the other one a chance to work with Wang Yiling.

"Just, remember that I am the boss. Do something illegal and you are fired. I don't think your mother or you want to lose this job, so watch out."

Rong Fu nodded and smiled to her widely. He looked at his mother who was also smiling. As for his father, he still tried to enter the building and explain himself.

Rong Hu was really trying to pass the security. He wanted to be forgiven and also to expose the truth. He saw between two men, Wang Yiling and his son discuss. His son smiled to Wang Yiling like he used to smile to his fiancee. He fell for Wang Yiling instantly.

Rong Hu clenched his fist and punched the nearest wall. "Wang Yiling!! You took already my company. Shouldn't that be enough?! The Pheonix was so important."

Rong Hu heard a laugh, a laugh that he heard many times in his life. " So me and mother aren't as important as your company? "

"Son, that's not what I meant..."

Rong Hu never finished his sentence since his son punched him in the face. Rong Fu smiled to him and left with Wang Yiling. They were going to clear thing up.


Wang Yiling took a deep breath before walking elegantly on the stage. The people clapped their hands and many people screamed like fangirls. She looked more like a superstar than anything.

"Welcome everyone!! I am like you must know I am Wang Yiling. I am here to explain myself but not to apologize to Rong Hu!"

A reporter screamed. "Why not?! Cheating on his wife isn't your business!"

Wang Yiling smiled. Any one who was human wouldn't have smiled when they were accused. "True, but illegal investment that could have a terrible influence on the Wang Agglomeration is my business."

"Illegal investment? You mean that your companny do that too?"

There were gasps in the crowd but they all disappeared when Wang Yiling burst in laugher. "What a silly question. I believe in transparency, so I'll tell that we invested in a new founded company overseas called Giving Going. Feel free to check their website."

The crowd was suddenly quiet. Most of the guest were checking their phones and found the company. It was a small one but it truly had potential, it was normal to invest.

"Can Miss Wang give us detail on the illegal investment made by Rong Hu? We need to be sure."

Once again, Wang Yiling smiled which always surprised the audience. "The invested in a illegal company in a poor country in Africa. It gave then millions of yens that were used in the construction of many illegal factories overseas. The employees aren't paid enough and work too much. This isn't human."


I didn't update, I was focus on my other novel...

T-T Love you all

Shishi_Frcreators' thoughts