
Dark Slayer (Sword Art Online X OC/Male Reader Insert)

Being the son of the most successful and famous animation CEO companies and the descendant of the famous samurai during the 12th century, Shiro Miyamoto grew up with a strong interest in anime and swordsmanship. In 2022, Shiro will take his first step in realizing his dream and later be known as the hero that cleared the death game that robbed many lives, SAO.

HiroPendragon · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 06: Lost & Found

<<Date: July 8th, 2023>>

It was the next day after the Tanabata Event. Currently, Vergil is on his way to his home after clearing the Elimination quest on Floor 24th. All Vergil needs to do now turned them in and the quest will be complete.

Vergil: It took longer than I expected.

On queue, Vergil's stomach growled in hunger as he doesn't eat anything before he comes here since he promised Koharu to have lunch. Vergil opened the clock on his main menu and widened his eyes in fear when saw it now at 12:30 AM.

Vergil: Oh no! Koharu must wait for me!

Vergil then made his way toward Floor 27th where he and Koharu promised to meet. What Vergil didn't know is there is a group of players looked at him with an evil grin. Since they are far from Vergil's location, the white-haired boy can't detect their presence with <<Detection>>.

???: I hope you like your present, Dark Slayer...




<<Location: Floor 27th, Aincrad>>

Vergil arrived at the cafe on Floor 27th, taking less than 10 minutes but was confused when doesn't saw a glimpse of Koharu here. Knowing Koharu, she usually kept her promise and never come late, one of the good things about her.

Vergil: That's weird. Koharu never late even a minute. Well, maybe she took a quest or something. I just wait for her.

Vergil took a seat at the empty table and begin to wait for Koharu.

10 minutes...

20 minutes...

30 minutes...

The minutes then turned into an hour and Koharu still hasn't arrived. Vergil began to worry about his friend's safety.

Vergil: Koharu usually took an easy quest if she was by herself and it usually took her 30 minutes to clear it. I have a bad feeling about this...

Vergil opened his friend list and tried to contact Koharu but she doesn't answer it for an odd reason.

Vergil: (Come on, Koharu... Answer the call...)

After 10 times trying, Koharu finally the call, much to the white-haired boy delighted.

Vergil: Finally, Koharu! You know how worried I am. Where are you at the moment?

Instead of Koharu's voice, someone else voice can be heard from the call.

???: Too bad, Dark Slayer. I'm not the person you trying to call.

Vergil: !? Who are you!? Where is Koharu!?

???: Calm down, Dark Slayer. Your friend is... safe at the moment.

Vergil: What are you talking about, you bastard!? If you try to hurt her, I'll kill you! Don't you dare challenge me!

???: Oh no, Dark Slayer is coming for my head. I'm so scared...

He said in sarcasm before let out an evil chuckle.

???: So what? Here comes the challenge, Mr. Hero. Come to Floor 25th if you want your friend back. Try to arrive here as fast as you can because if not... your friend will die.

Before Vergil can argue, the unknown person ends the call. Vergil then received a message and when he opened it, it was a location where Koharu was being held along with a picture of her fighting monsters which were much higher in level than her. Her HP is in the yellow zone.

Vergil quietly stood up from his seat and pay for the drink he ordered before heading to the alleyway. Seeing no one was there, Vergil took out a blue rectangular crystal cube from his inventory. This crystal was Teleport Crystal, it allows the user to a chosen main town's Teleport Gate plaza.

Vergil: (Just wait for me, Koharu. I'm coming to save you!)

Vergil chose Floor 25th as his destination choice. Vergil's body glowed in blue and instantly, he disappeared from where he standing.




<<Location: Floor 25th>>

After arriving in front of the teleport gate of Floor 25th, Vergil hurriedly made his way through the floor while avoiding pitfall traps throughout the floor leading to poisonous swamps. Vergil ran at full speed, ignoring most of the monsters as his primary focus was saving Koharu.


Vergil's heart sank when he saw Koharu was lying on the ground with her HP hit zero. Behind Koharu weren't the monsters that he saw in the picture because there is only one monster stood in front of him.

The monster was 5 meters tall with a bristly, crimson red pelt. Its waist was covered with a luxurious golden cloth, but his upper half was bare. The monster wielded a golden battle hammer that shone with dazzling brilliance.

Vergil ignored the monster and ran at Koharu then put her head on his lap.

Vergil: Koharu! Koharu! Please answer me, Koharu!

Hearing someone calling her name, Koharu weakly looked up and a smile formed on her face when she saw Vergil.

Koharu: Vergil... Is that you...?

Vergil: Yes, it's me so don't worry Koharu, everything will be fine! Just stay with me!

Koharu weakly lifted her right hand and saw it was glowing. She knew what this means then placed her hand on Vergil's cheek and wiped the tear that forming in his eyes.

Koharu: Don't cry, Vergil... It's alright... I knew that one way or another... I'll die...

Vergil: I'm sorry... I'm sorry for not staying at your side... I'm sorry...

Vergil can't control his emotion began crying at the thought of living without Koharu. After stay with him for a month, Koharu knew that Vergil will blame himself for her death.

Koharu: Vergil... It wasn't your fault... So don't blame yourself... Please, do your best to live on... I'm sure you will find someone better than me... I love you, my hero...

After saying that, Koharu turned to blue glass and shattered, die in both game and real life, leaving only her daggers. Vergil lowered his head as the words Koharu said keep replaying in his mind. The girl he fell in love with died because of him but she told him it wasn't his fault.

It seems like the monster finally took notice of Vergil and lunged at him. The monster swung its huge hammer downward at the white-haired boy and it hit.

The monster grin at the thought that it already won but its face turned into confusion when it saw Vergil was there anymore. When the monster looks around, trying to find the white-haired boy, its right hand that held the hammer got cut by someone.

The monster staggered to its feet, swaying a little, and tried to find the culprit but the monster doesn't have time to think when a white blur come from behind it at unbelievable speed and cut its left hand.

When the monster finally got a good look at the culprit, it was none other than the Dark Slayer, Vergil. He now wielding Koharu's twin dagger instead of his katana. He glared at the monster full of hatred as his blue iris shining menacingly, causing the monster to step back in fear.

Before the monster can make a run, Vergil rushed at it and began to brutally cut the monster from all directions at high speed. First, Vergil cut the monster's eye, blocking its sight then cut its legs, leaving it in a hopeless situation.

Cut, cut, cut...

Vergil continued to cut every part of the monster before finally cut the monster head, killing it as the monster started to shining before it shattered into million pieces, died.

[CONGRATULATION! You just defeated the ultra-rare hidden boss of Floor 25th.]

Even though Vergil level up three times making him level 55, he doesn't care because he just lost something more important than that. Vergil stood still with his hair shadowing his eyes but we can see tears streamed down his face.





<<December 24th, 2023 | Floor 49: Myugen>>

Christmas is when people usually celebrate with their friends, family, or loved ones, and the players inside the SAO weren't an exemption. Some players hang out with their friends, exchanged gifts, and have a meal.

Sitting inside a cafe full of couples, Vergil wore a long brown hooded cloak to conceal his identity currently checking his friend list and thought about what happened to Kirito. A few months ago, Vergil found out that Kirito was no longer in the guild. Vergil tried to ask Klein but the red-haired man also doesn't know what happens to him.

Worry about his friend, Vergil contact an Information Breaker to tried to ask him or her what happens to Kirito and the guild he was in. Vergil looked outside of the window and remember his life after losing Koharu.

Vergil took Koharu's advice to heart and decided to continue to live on. Although it was hard, slowly but surely, Vergil went back to his old persona. Vergil also promises himself that when found the bastard who took Koharu's life, Vergil will kill him in this game and real life for sure.

Vergil snapped out of his thought when he heard a sound of a chair being pulled in front of him, meaning that someone is here. Vergil looked at the person who can't be identified as a girl or boy due to it has a hooded cloak that covered its face but Vergil can saw a whisker on its face.

???: Sorry to keep you waiting, Ver-bou. I just met with a 'certain' customer before arriving here. So, looks like you are still alive?

Vergil: Shut your trap, Argo. Do you have the information I told you about before? Also, don't call me "Ver-bou", it doesn't suit me at all.

Argo: Hai, hai. Anyway, I have the information you wanted. Moonlit Black Cats guild, right? All of their members are dead aside for Kiri-bou. I don't know the exact reason but it seems like they trigger a trap and got killed as their level is low.

Vergil nodded before shot Argo another question.

Vergil: So, do you know where Kirito is now?

Argo: I know where he is but...

Vergil understood what Argo wants, glared at the information broker before sending her 1,000 Cor. Argo smiled under her clock before continue speaking.

Argo: I told him there are rumors of a rare item drop that can revive dead players on Christmas Eve which was tonight. I don't know the exact location but it seems Kiri-bou knows where it is. I placed a tracking item on him before he leaves.

Argo then send Vergil Kirito's whereabouts, much to the white-haired boy delighted knowing he doesn't have to find the black-haired boy.

Vergil: Thanks for the information.

Argo: You're welcome. It's my job, after all.

After Argo leave the cafe, Vergil checks Kirito's whereabout and to his luck, Kirito still hasn't left and on the same floor as him, just a few meters from him.

Vergil: (Kirito, whatever you're planning, don't kill yourself.)




At the same time and on the same floor, inside the inn he stays at, Kirito sitting on his bed opened his menu, searching for something in his inventory.

Kirito: (In this world, the dead won't return. But, there's a rumor that Nicholas the Renegade drops an item that can revive the dead.)

Kirito changed his normal black coat into a warmer version of his coat with white fur and equipping a new sword with high stats, as he is now ready to take on the special boss.

Kirito: (If I try and fight him alone, I'll probably die. I'll die in a place where no one will see me, leaving nothing behind. I'm sorry, Vergil.)

Kirito closed his eyes as he remembered the "event" which took almost all members of Moonlit Black Cats' life. The next day, Kirito informed Keita, the leader of the guild about the demise of the other members, and told him that he had known about the possible trap since he was at a higher level due to being one of the beta testers.

Keita looked at Kirito with a shocked and angered expression but mostly angered since he basically lied to them. The brown-haired boy dropped the house keys he bought for his guild.

Keita: You were a beta tester… You never had any right to be with us!

Kirito's eyes widen in fear when Keita slowly climbed up onto the railing stand and leaped off the Aincrad's edge into the endless sky, killing himself. Kirito wanted to catch him but it was too late as he could only watch him fall.

Kirito: (That's right. I… My arrogance… killed all of them. If I hadn't hidden my level…)

Kirito opened his eye, stood up, and left the inn as he heads off to a 35th Floor dungeon, the Forest of Wandering but what Kirito doesn't know was Vergil following behind him.




<<Location: Floor 35th, Forest of Wandering>>

Once Kirito arrived at floor 35, he immediately headed off to the boss location but stopped walking through the snowy forest area, looking one more time on his map. Then, he looked up towards a giant fir tree in the middle of the area.

Kirito: (If I can defeat Nicholas, Sachi's soul will return, and I'll be able to hear her last words. No matter what words she uses to curse me, I must accept them.)

Kirito put the map in his pocket and made a run towards the giant fir tree that was standing out amongst the rest, as that was where he will defeat Nicholas the Renegade.

Halfway through the location, Kirito stopped as his sensor skill sensed someone and when he looked at his right, a light appeared there, and when it disappeared, Klein and his 5 guildmates appeared.

Klein: Yo.

Kirito: You followed me?

Klein: Yeah. Where is Vergil? I thought you and him probably celebrate Christmas together.

Kirito: I don't know. Probably enjoy the Christmas event or anything? Also, don't make it sound like he and I are a couple. We are not like that. We are no more than a close friends.

Klein: Sorry, sorry. Anyway, You're after the revival item?

Kirito: Yeah...

Klein: Don't risk your life on a stupid rumor. If you die in the game, you die for real. The moment our Hp drops to zero, our brains in the real world--

Kirito: Shut up...

Klein was slightly taken back at Kirito's cold tone, devoid of any emotion. Klein recomposed himself and continue speaking.

Klein: Fighting solo is crazy. Cut it out! Join us… Whoever gets the revival item drop keeps it, without any hard feelings either way. That's fair, right?

Kirito: Then, there'd be no point. I have to do it myself.

Kirito gripped the sword on his back, making Klein's guildmates alert and about to draw their weapon but Klein stopped them as he looked at Kirito with worry expression, and tried to convince him again.

Klein: I can't let you die here, Kirito!

As Kirito went to draw his sword, all of sudden, multiple portals of lights appeared behind Klein and his guildmates. Once the light died down, a group of players wearing heavy metal armor with silver and blue as the base appeared.

At the unexpected guest, Klein and his guildmates instantly went to Kirito's side and spun around putting a defensive formation.

Kirito: You were being followed, too, Klein.

Klein: Looks that way.

Fuurinkazan Member #1: Gah! The Holy Dragon Alliance?

Fuurinkazan Member #2: They'll do anything for a rare item.

Fuurinkazan Member #3: What do we do?

Kirito: I...

As Kirito along with Klein and his guild members about to draw their weapons, a new but familiar voice called out behind the Holy Dragon Alliance guild.

???: Kirito. Klein. Seems like you two are in pinch. Need help?

Kirito and Klein's eyes widened, recognizing the owner of the voice. The Holy Dragon Alliance turned around and smirked when they saw Vergil in a hooded cloak came out of the tree.

HDA Member #1: Who the hell are you!? You think you can take all of us by yourself, keep dreaming!

Vergil smirked before throwing his cover, showing his identity and scaring the Holy Dragon Alliance once they recognized who they mess up with.

HDA Member #2: D-Dark Slayer!?

HDA Member #3: Why are SAO number 1 players do here at this hour!?

Vergil: What I do or where I go is none of your problems.

Ignoring the looks they gave him, Vergil nonchalantly looked over at Kirito and Klein.

Vergil: Go, Kirito. I'll come after you after I finish this trash.

Kirito: I...

Klein: Kirito, just go! We'll hold them off!

Kirito looked at Vergil as he nodded at him. Kirito put back the sword on the scabbard, turned back, and started to sprint towards the biggest fir tree.

Vergil: Yo, Klein, ready to kick their ass?

Klein: Yeah. I'm born to be ready. Let's go!

With Vergil's help, Klein and his guild started to fight the Holy Dragon Alliance, confident that they'll win since the number 1 player in Aincrad at the moment are with them. Vergil just smirked at the upcoming attack, lowered his knees, put his hand on his katana handle.

Vergil: I won't lose to the likes of you... trash.


//Time Skip//

Vergil sighed as he sheathed his katana on the scabbard after he finishes the last enemy. He turned to his right at Klein and his guildmates who now rested from the fight. It's been 3 hours since Kirito handled the special boss but the black-haired boy is still nowhere in sight.

Vergil: Are you still alive, Klein?

Klein: Barely... Thank you for backing us up. I don't know what happens if we are by ourselves.

Vergil: You're welcome. Friends always help each other, right?

Klein smiled and nodded but then a sound of walking got their attention as they turned to their left and saw Kirito walking towards them.

Klein: Kirito!

Klein then saw Kirito looked at him with eyes void of emotion, making him worried at what happens to the black-haired boy. Vergil also saw that and worried for his best friend. Kirito then threw something towards Klein as he catches it.

Klein: H-Hey…

Kirito: That's the revival item.

Klein immediately checks the rare item and reads its description.

Klein: Let me see. "The target player… within ten seconds?"

Kirito: Use it on the next person you see die.

Kirito then started to walks away, but Klein grabbed the back of Kirito's coat, stopped him in his track.

Klein: Kirito…


Klein: Kirito!

Finally, Kirito responded to the calling by looking at Klein over his shoulder as his eyes are still devoid of any emotion.

Klein: You... You have to survive! Survive until the end, please…

Tears appeared in Klein's eyes as he let go of Kirito. Without giving a second glance, Kirito continues to walking off into the distance, leaving Klein and his guild, and Vergil who looked at Kirito with a sad frown.

After Kirito leaves, Klein is about to fall on his knees but Vergil grabbed him by his shoulder. Vergil looked at Klein and smiled at the samurai.

Vergil: Don't worry, Klein. I know what to do with Kirito. I'm his best friend after all.

Klein smiled and nodded, leaving Kirito in Vergil's hands. Klein wiped his tears and looked at Vergil with a grateful expression.

Klein: Yeah! Vergil, you also need to survive until the end!

Vergil: Who do you think you're talking with? I'm the number 1 player in Aincrad, if I'm dying here, then who gonna clear this shitty game?

Klein snickered before looked at his guild as they nodded and then turned back at Vergil.

Klein: Later.

Vergil smiled and nodded as Klein and his guild started to leave the area. After everyone had left, Vergil took out his teleport crystal and was about to teleport to floor 49th and confronted Kirito, suddenly, he received two new messages.

Vergil raised an eyebrow before check the first message. Vergil's eyes widen in shock when he saw the sender was...

Vergil: Koharu!?

It seems like she sent him a recorded message that was timed to appear on Christmas Day. Vergil cautiously tapped the message record crystal as Koharu's voice can be heard within it.

Koharu's message: Merry Christmas, Vergil! How are you doing? Who am I kidding, it's you so I'm sure you're fine.

Vergil smiled and snickered at the comment.

Vergil: Cheeky as always...

Koharu's message: Anyway, if you received this message then that means I'm no longer here. Vergil, don't blame yourself just because I'm dead. It's my own fault and not yours. I can't predict whether you'll be depressed or not but in case you're depressed, I decided to record this. I just want you to know that I love you. I want to stay by your side forever. I want to have a child with you. I want to grow old with you. But it seems fate was against us. Even so, I'm happy. Happy to stay with you even for a while.

Vergil started to tear up a bit, knowing his love for the girl wasn't one-sided and sad that she longer with him. Vergil then holds his tear, continues to listen to Koharu's message.

Koharu's message: Vergil... Please survive till the end. Find the reason why it was created. If you do so, I'm sure you can move on and I'm sure you gonna find someone else that loves you the way I do. Bye, Vergil. I'm truly happy to meet you... Thank you. Also, you should get another message at the same moment you received this. That was my present for you. Once again, Merry Christmas!

The crystal stopped glowing as it fell on the snow. Vergil lifted his head, looked at the snow falling from the sky.

Vergil: Goodbye, Koharu...

After wiped the tears from his eyes, Vergil checked the gift he got from Koharu. The first item was a set of clothes that were similar to his old ones. Vergil smiled and immediately equip the new clothes.

His coat is now black with light neon blue serpentine patterns and three separated coattails with slightly tattered edges. Vergil is no longer wearing an ascot tie as he was seen wearing a black sleeveless zippered turtleneck beneath his midnight blue formal vest. He also wears charcoal gray fingerless gloves, black pants, and dark boots covered by teal gaiters.

Vergil was shocked when he read the clothes description, it was made from the rarest dragon leather. It was resistant to any type of natural phenomena, has a very strong resistance to any types of physical attacks, and has a very strong resistance to any type of abnormal condition.

Vergil: That was one intense bonus...

Vergil then checked the next item and it was a katana. It has the traditional gold wrapping, with black ornaments, and the guard is octagonal. Vergil curiously looked at Katana and read its description.

Vergil: Demon Sword, Yamato... The sword will become stronger according to the wielder's status...!

If what he read is true, Vergil can confidently say that this sword is the most broken item in the game at the moment. A sword that can grow stronger. It wasn't even in the information broker list. Vergil then smiled and looked at the sky with a grateful expression.

Vergil: Thank you, Koharu for these amazing items. I'll treasure it.

After finished changing into his new and better equipment, Vergil teleports to floor 49 and went to the inn where Kirito stays at. When Vergil arrived in front of Kirito's room, he knocks on the door and after a minute, Kirito finally opens the door.

Vergil saw that Kirito's eyes were swollen and he knew that Kirito must be crying. Vergil then decides to ask what is happening. Since Kirito is mentally unstable, Vergil spoke to him in a soft tone.

Vergil: Hey, tell me about it, Kirito. What happened to you and the guild you are in. The good. The bad. Everything. After you let out everything, I want you to join my party. I won't take no for an answer.

Kirito looked at his best friend, smiled, and let him in before told him everything that happens a few months ago. Vergil listened carefully and after Kirito finish told his story, the two went to sleep with Kirito sleep on the bed while Vergil sleeps on the extra mattress on the floor.

///To Be Continued///

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

HiroPendragoncreators' thoughts