
__DARK SIDE OF ME : Reborn as evil __

This story is based on a girl whose name is Bellatrix which mean a warriors who has a special powers and her some of friends want her power so they try to kill her and her special peoplea but they don't know she is immortal after they kill her she get rebirth in other universe and now she is ready to take a revenge of her.

Nabira_Mahreen · Fantasie
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3 Chs

At mansion

Three of them enter to the mansion

They enter to the mansion when they enter to the mansion enter to the mansion the heard a voice " Bellatrix my child your finally there " they followed the voice and they were shocked that they are standing in front of goddess ariela .

Goddess Ariela asked " are you guys shocked to met me " they replied y...y...yes

Bellatrix was shocked .

Bellatrix why are you so quiet did you want to ask me anything

(Bellatrix with full of nervousness )

yes I have a lots of questions but can't understand from where I should start.

Everyone started laughing on her answers

You can start from anywhere.

Then tell me who are you (she said it with a innocent face) .

I'm your guardian angel and I'm waiting for you billion of years since zenrac kingdom has made and finally you are here I'm here to give you the power which belongs to you.

What is kingdom is zenrac which type of people's lives there.

Zenrac is a kingdom made by your grandest grandpa they made this kingdom for peace of others creatures.

Other creatures ?.

There are lots of creatures in which humans are also ane billion of years ago all creatures lives together but then something unexpected happened and they started fighting and that Time other creatures are were weak so and that time your grandest grandpa was king they have lost of power so they make a kingdom which humans don't no about and your grandest grandpa separat there power in eight part and the eight power choses there owner and yourgrandest grandpa gives them a area's which they will protect and one day your grandest grandpa had a dream that the kingdom is going to ruined and one girl will came and with all super natural power and she will protect all and rules the kingdom and her name will be zenrac a warrior so the kingdom has given name on her.


So I'm that girl who will rule the kingdom .

Yes .

So the how they if there are only eight power so how I will be nine and how cetrix and azer get powers (she said with full of confusion)

So your grandest grandpa made a community of all power thy called as Eberle they discussed on this topic and they gives all power to me and that's how zenra has made and they disused that a when a 50 year will complete the power will rechosse the owner.

Oohhh so is zenrac the owner of zenra .

Yess, so give me my power.

Goddess ariela started praying some word cuz of that prying the whole thing was stopped Bellatrix start flying in air and suddenly everything being as it is and goddess ariela said my work is done and from now everything goes to you my child Bella asked can you tell me what is going on here goddess replied they guys will tell you everything in detail and a brilliance shine and goddess ariela get disappear .

Her last word was

when when hardship came she will also come she will always protect you she will die for you she will fight for you and at the end she rules to you she will gone .

I told you azer she is that girl whose mentioned in that .

So I'm your queen yu should boow to me.

What we bow to you ?

Don't you think you should bow to me I'm the queen.

Okay queen.

They both bow to her then came from mansion .

Hey we should tell this to Eberle.

Yeah your right.

They teleport them to Alef Ullia.

Alef ullai is area of alef .