
Dark nituria (remaking)

A 30-year-old woman dying of lung cancer decided to finally act on her obsession with mice since she didn't have long to live. and Within a year of collecting over 25 species of mice, and traveling she was told she only had a week left. During her last week, she decided to go back home with her mice and spend as much time as she could Before he did She discovered a strange black mouse of an unknown breed she had never seen before. At first, she thought it was a Nonagouti, but it had a purple tail, and eyes . She didn't have time to research such a rare breed of mice, so she took them in and treated them like she did all her mice well She treated all her mice like her children, and on her last day, as she was dying, all her mice strangely seemed as if they were mourning her. As she laid on the floor dying, they embraced her body along with the strange colored mouse she found Strangely, physically shedding tears on her face before it started to glow a luminous blue color, which began to spread to her and the other mice along with her body. As she was dying, as soon as she closed her eyes, as if she blinked, she found herself opening them again... "Where the hell am I?" I post every Thursday and sunday

Gothicthewitch · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
13 Chs

10: a ritual in a death chasm part 1

After Adore passed the exam at the guild, she made her way home and went over her spells. She had actually received a ranked badge that indicated what ranked adventurer she was. Her rank color was yellow, which was a stage higher than the lowest rank, green. So, lucky for her, she could actually do 2nd tier quests if she wanted, which she definitely did in order to find something within her level of mana.

It was the last day of the month, and she had remembered every rune and activation word to a tee. She was now ready to go on one of the 2nd tier undead quests. She had been going over and learning a lot about undead the past 4 weeks. When she wasn't practicing magic, she had learned that undead were usually found in places where tragedies and a lot of death occurred.

She thought that maybe learning about this sooner could have kept her from becoming an adventurer, but she quickly debunked that since she wasn't from this world and wouldn't know where anything like that would be. Although she could have just asked around, she thought it would be strange for her to go around asking people if they knew a place where a lot of deaths had occurred, especially being a 12-year-old little girl asking for something like that.

Adore also learned that where there is one undead, there will always be more. In order for undead to exist outside of dark magic, a cluster of vengeful souls needs to be in one space, causing the mana in the area to become black and cursed, thus causing the phenomenon of undead to happen. This phenomenon is called a death chasm. all the dead in the death chasm turn into undead, whether or not they were affected by trumma, but the ones with the most emotional baggage and mana become the strongest of the undead in that death chasm. This phenomenon also creates a heart. This heart is usually the most powerful undead in that area and reigns over the undead created by whatever tragedy that created the death chasm,.

It could be mistaken as a lich due to its level of intelligence, but the only difference is that liches choose to be undead, while hearts do not. Another difference is that this undead only feels one emotion, and that is whatever emotion they were feeling when they died. Once the heart is destroyed, or taken control of the mana in the space no longer keeps those undead souls, they are released from their undead host. However, they are not reverted back to their states before the tragedy unless healed by light magic.

Adore felt kinda bad for undead once she learned this but she still was willing to do what she needed in order to succeed in her goal. but she wolud note to self that further on in the futuer she would just contract undead insead of destroying them. she learned that once undead are contracted they become free of their torment and are able to exist with out constantly experiening the feeling the felt when killled by whatever killed them.

Now that Adore was done with all her training for the month, she took a day for herself to chill out. She spent time with her mice, fed them, and also made meals for herself.

She fully enjoyed the feeling of taking a break. It was something she only really experienced in her last life after she was diagnosed which, believe it or not, was the best experience for her outside the pain and discomfort. But she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy working hard in this life.

She just knew it wasn't healthy to overwork herself, so that's why she decided to make that day her time to slow down for a second. But now that day was over and it was now the next month; it was time to finish the last step she needed to take to reach her main objective. So, she woke up early, fixed breakfast for herself and her mice and made her way out the door at exactly 10.


Adore was now in town, making her way to the guild to finally get a black soul to perform her ritual to become a dark magus. She was so ready to get this over with and finally get on with the process, so much so that she was outwardly talking to her mice in her soul space about exactly that.

"This is it finaly I'm almost there." said Adore

"Yes master where so proud of you, you worked so hard to get to this point." said twyla.

"Yes master i can't believe how amazing you are ...sniff...sniff." Said Alice while crying.

"Aww you don't have to cry for me alice but thank you, you all are so sweet." said Adore

"I'm proud of you to master. Said Robby with a pouty face."

"Awww don't worry Robby I'm am very appreciative of you to."

"Really thank you master!" Said Robby excitedly.

"Master that red headed girl seems to be makeing her way in our direction" said Twyla.

"Really?" said Adore while turning to see if the girl was behind her.

When Adore turned around, she made direct eye contact with the girl heading in her direction. However, the girl didn't seem to mind one bit; if anything, she seemed excited. Adore didn't feel like she was in any danger, but she was a little curious to know why the girl was walking towards her.

"Umm, hey. Did you want something?" said Adore to the little redheaded girl.

"Yeah, hey. Didn't mean to bother you, I just thought I'd introduce myself since it seems we have the same instructor." said the red head girl.

"Well, that's fine. My name is Adore. I'm a yellow-ranked adventure, and I'm kinda new to this guild stuff, so I don't really know much about formalities in that regard."

"Oh, sorry, forgot to tell you my name. Nice to meet you, Adore. I'm Elizabeth, but people call me Blaze. I honestly prefer that more. I'm also a yellow-ranked adventure, and you're not missing out on anything formality-wise. Other adventurers don't really care to talk to newcomers unless they believe they could benefit by adding them to their party," said Blaze.

"Oh, really? Well, thank you, Blaze. Mind me asking if you have any objectives in regards to your introduction?" said Adore with an eyebrow raised.

"No no no, none at all. I just never see many people my age at the guild. Most kids my age would rather go to a magic or knight school. I'm no different in that regard, but I need a letter of recommendation to make it to the one I would like to go to, and being an adventurer is the only way I can find that," said Blaze.

"I'm sorry; I was joking. That may have been a little cruel, but do you mind me asking how becoming an adventurer will get you into the school you're looking for?" asked Adore.

"It's fine; I kinda walked into that one. And of course, well, for starters, this is no normal guild. This particular guild is run by the top knight in the city. Every year around this time, he chooses the top blue, red, and white ranked adventurers to give a letter of recommendation to. I'm currently the strongest yellow ranked adventurer in this guild, and in a week, I'll be a blue-ranked adventurer." said blaze proudly.

"Wow, I didn't know I was talking to someone so important," said Adore.

"Me? No, I'm not important. I'm just a yellow-ranked adventurer," replied Blaze with a blush on her face.

"Don't sell yourself short. Yellow-ranked adventurers are not weak," said Adore.

"Aww, thank you, really. You know, I really like talking to you. What do you think about, I don't know, being friends? You don't have to. I just think you're really nice and pretty, and I wouldn't mind spending time with you here and there," said Blaze.

 Adore replied, "Oh, well, I wouldn't mind. I honestly don't know anyone, so a friend definitely wouldn't hurt."

"Really?" asked Blaze.

"Really. Also, thank you for the compliments. I think you're really pretty as well," teased Adore, making Blaze's cheeks turn even redder.

 When Adore said this, Blaze's face turned bright red, and she cupped her cheeks while thanking Adore for the compliment. Adore and Blaze made their way to the guild while immersed in conversation and enjoying each other's company. Adore enjoyed talking to Blaze, and she was also astonished by Blaze's maturity. She wondered if all 12-year-olds acted this way in this world or if something happened to Blaze causing her to grow up so young.


Adore and blaze had finally made it to the guild and was having and nice convo before they where rudely interrupted by a boy,with and impressive jawline he was no taller then them and he had what seemed to be enchanted clothes on they where silky and color just a tad darker then his own skin with black ingravments on it here and there.

"Oh look who made a friend! Aren't you two cute?" said the boy.

"Ugh, can you go? You already took my quest. What else could you possibly want from me?" said Blaze.

"Oh, please! You're still angry over something so petty, I guess your name isn't just there because of your blessing. Please, I only took it because something of use to me happened to be attached to that specific quest. It's not like you truly needed it," said the boy.

"Ryan, you ass hole! That quest wasn't just something I was doing to go up in rank. Something I've been looking for, for a while could have been in that very place that quest took place in. You think I would really cause such a seen for something like going up in rank?" said Blaze.

"Oh, wow, they seem to really not like each other." Said Alice to Adore telepathically.

"Yeah, I guess, so this is a totally different person than the flush, outgoing girl we saw just a moment ago." Said Adore responding back to Alice.

"How am I supposed to know what dose and doesn't make you angry, you're not the only one that needs and is looking for something, if you cared about the quest that much, you should have paid for the quest instead of asking for a free favor from the guild." said Ryan.

"Why would I pay for a free service, you're the only weird one here who pays five golds for a low-level blue ranked quest? You're a high blue ranked adventure. I'm sure whatever dumb ingredient you were looking for, for whatever impossible concoction you're making could have been found elsewhere, this is why no one likes you, you just do things with no regard for what your actions may cause." Said blaze. 

Well your just uh.... Said ryan.

"Excuse me, I'm still very much here I would let you to continue arguing, but i have a few questions for you to.

First what is a blessing? is all it takes to become a Blue rank adventure is doing one blue ranked mission? and what was your reason of you coming over here mr ryan? Said adore.

"You don't know what a blessing is wow what type of Country bunkin did you pick up blaze. But to answer your question regarding me I came over her to introduce myself, I'm under the same instructor as you and blaze, also those artifacts you have are hard to come by I wanted to know where you got them. Said ryan.

"Oh well well hello ryan I'm Adore and i made to of these artifacts the others came from a dungeon i expolred not long ago." Said Adore.

"Wow your a crafter Adore. Also to answer your question about blessing. Knights or born with a special ability said to be given to us by the gods. Allowing us to be Able to do a what ever we where blessed with, mines is the coat of blaze." Said blaze.

"I wouldn't call myself that i just got lucky with making these. I had a very detailed book to help me, and thank you for the information blaze." Said Adore.

"Regardless of how detailed a book is, crafting is no easy job especially for the level these craft are on, you have to be a genius to do this well on your first try.who exactly are you even i struggled on my first try." Said Ryan.

"Oh really I had know idea it was supposed to be so hard, and to also I'm no one special just you regular old country bunkin." Said Adore

"Wow Adore, are you some kinda prodigy our somthing." Said blaze

"No nothing like that and you to still haven't answered my question about the rakings." Said Adore.

"Oh i can answer that. To go up in rank you have to complete a specific quota of 20 quest in your own rank and 2 in a rank higher then yours, but only after you have completed the 20 quest in your rank. You also need to be approved for it by you instructor." Said blaze

"Ok that makes sense." Said Adore

"Well now that I've done what i needed I'm off to complete A quest. I'm on the search for another impossible ingredient as blaze would say." Said ryan as he walked off.

"Wow that's a interesting individual, I take it his a crafter of some sourts right." said Adore.

"Yeah he also makes potions so his a all around Alchemist, but he dosn't make traditional concoction his some what of a mad scientist. He uses strange ingredients to create debuffs and extreme boosts in ones abilities, but it's always at some strange cost, like losing a sense for as long as the buff last, and sometimes weird side effects that last a little wow after it's usage. one time he hade blue polka dots all over his skin for a week." said blaze.

"Oh wow isn't that strange, well I'll talk to you later blaze. I need to talk to the receptionist so i can get my first mission." Said Adore.

"No problem hope we can talk again some time." Said blaze with a flushed face.

"Yeah for sure" said Adore.


Adore made her way to the reception and collected a second-tiered yellow-ranked quest, then she headed to a village thad had become a deat chasm three hours away from the guild city. She decided to ride Twyla on her way there since she believed it would be faster than walking. She didn't want to walk for three hours straight, that sounded tiring, and she would most likely need to fight hordes of undead because there was a village full of undead that she would need to fight. She was excited for it, though. She had found a weird soul-sucking artifact in her basement over the course of her training and going over spells for a month.

It seemed to be made for sucking up black souls after their host was destroyed, and she believed this would help her greatly once she became a dark magus. She read that consuming black souls actually helped cultivate and strengthen black mana, making the curses she casted stronger and more potent, and it also helped her progress in her magic journey. So, she decided to store it in a spatial bag and bring it along with her.


Adore was now right outside of the the vakend village that was now a death chasm riddled with undead. It wasn't hordes of them like she expected, but the village wasn't that large for there to be that many. However, it was still a significant amount of them. The air was polluted with the stench of death, and the black mana infesting the village was so thick that it warped the air around it. Adore knew this would be the perfect place to hold the ritual. She decided that instead of killing the heart, she would use the souls she collected to do the ritual. She only needed two or three high 1-tiered undead to curse her soul and bleach it along with her mana, and the dense black mana around her would also help with the process. She actually wanted to contract the heart to add it to her arsenal.


Adore then made her way inside the village, and boy did it stink. The undead took no time to rush at her as soon as she set foot in the village. The undead were all screaming a plethora of different things as they charged at her. "Please don't take my daughter," "It hurts," "My eyes," "Please no."

Adore assumed these were their last words before they died. It was quite obvious what happened to these individuals before they were killed. She felt bad for what she was about to do to them, but it wasn't like she believed it was necessary. So she pushed down her guilt and pulled out a sword from her spatial bag, along with the artifact that would help her collect the black soul, named Black Pond. She pricked her finger with the tip of her sword and placed it on the runic patterns on the artifact.

The patterns were all over the artifact, all intertwined and connected. Her blood weaved and moved through the runic pattern before the Black Pond glowed with a red hue and elevated above her head, about 2 meters above her.

Once that was done, she slashed her sword at the first incoming undead zombie-like humanoid figure, slashing it in half. All the undead were similar in appearance, but despite them resembling zombies, they were quite fast to keep up with. She enveloped her body in mana armament.

"aqua control"

 Speed 10+

Defense 10+

Strength 10+

She then began hacking and slashing her sword at all the incoming undead. Quite expertly, she slashed at her foes with good form and swift and quick movements. Adore was well-versed in using swords, although not to an expert degree. When she was younger, she took a lot of different self-defense and martial arts classes, including kendo, which she practiced for three years before stopping. She was actually forced to do these classes by her parents but stopped doing them once she was old enough to be on her own. However, during her time practicing new spells, she brushed up on the various martial arts she learned when she was younger, specifically the ones that involved swords and things of that nature since she had collected a sword with some decent stats.

So as she slashed away at her foes, her understanding of the sword became better and more technical. When There were no more undead attacking her . the souls of the undead were sucked into the black pond, making the red glow it gave off even brighter

. Adore knew that she was nowhere near done with the undead since she still sensed the mana signatures of some and heard the horrid screams of pain and agony, along with the pleading of the undead. She had an idea that most of the undead were in the village homes and she wasn't planning on going in them to fight them either, so she made her way further into the village.

Soon, she ran into a few mid-ranked undead. These undead had less flesh and more bones exposed than flesh. As soon as Adore's presence was known, they attacked. A total of four mid-ranked undead charged at her, screaming various pleas and words of anguish. The undead were fast and attacked collaboratively, moving in unison, and pouncing on any openings she left for them to bypass. One came at her from the side and swiped its sharp bony fingers at her. She quickly parried that attack, but as she did, one came at her from behind her while the other two came from each side of her.

"Frost bite"

A large burst of cold air smashed into all four of the undead, sending them flying several feet away from her. She enveloped her sword in cold icy energy and slashed a huge crescent-shaped, cold energy slash at the two undead to the left of her. While one was able to dodge the incoming attack, the other was slammed with the full brunt of the attack and was frozen solid.


The frozen undead shattered into thousands of flakes of snow and left the ground it stood on with a light cast of white before one of the undead cast a fireball that came dashing in Adore's direction. Adore quickly slammed her sword into the fireball and sent it hurtling back in the undead's direction, smashing into it and setting it on fire. The undead screamed, "My baby! Please, someone, save my baby!" until nothing but ash was left, and the black soul was sucked into the black pond.

The past two undead decided change up there tactics. One undead stood far away while it shot a unslaught of black arows made from shadow magic. While the other one fought her head on with two daggers in hand, Adore slashed and Parryed there attacks as efficiently as she could while also fending of the barrage of arrows being aimed at her. 

"Cold touch"

Adore sword became cold to the touch and vissible signs of frosing was slowly apearing all over the sword every time her sword clashed with the dagger the undead was fighting her with the dagger could be seen to be showing similar effect too her sword but worse the more the dagger clashed with Adores sword the worst the danger condition got till falkes of the dagger could be seen chiping of and fling all over the place till the undead was left with nothing but to hilts and as soon as the undead lost it's weapon Adore slashed the undead down the middle, two have of now frozen undead went crashing to the floor leaving big chunks of skeleton and frozen flesh all over the floor.



Adore speed increase ten fold and she rushed at the the undead shoting arrow at her ans sliced at it was cuting into frezzing both half of of the undead and leaving it crashing to the ground only to be left in a similar state as the undead with the daggers she destroyed once she finished she pulled out a vile of mana and healing potion and gulped them both down before hearing, 

"Why!!" "why!!"

A stronge presents was now rushing in her direction Adore took a stands and ready herself for what was coming.