
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime und Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 10

Akira's waiting wasn't long, neither was the need to make a move.

It all ended with the bandits killing everyone and looting everything while forcing themselves into some women.

And from the look of things they seem to be recruiting children and younger men into the band.

Since the bandits told the report that everyone is dead, hardly will anyone look for the men.

And even if some of these new captives informed someone, no one will take it seriously.

After all the number of missing persons has always been high, and every one of them has a different fate, such as dying in the wild, being enslaved, dying of thirst and hunger...

Akira looked at the past and found out that the number of misery in the elemental lands has never been low.

Unfortunately, she also has her fair share of problems.

Casting all these distracting thoughts aside, Akira waited till all the bandits have gone before returning to the closed cell that she made for the five villagers, checking on their status and making sure that they are still knocked out.

Once that was over, she summoned three Shadow clones, two to help her bring people over to her rabbit nest and one for scouts to ensure that the path is clear and no trace of her existence is found.

As her good luck had it, for the next thirty minutes she didn't have any problems guaranteeing that no trace have been left.

Akira is now in her secret nest with five innocent people whom she prepared for experiments, with enough food to last her and them two months, with no one to stop her.

She realized that this act will truly mark her as a monster, a heartless woman, a devil, and all the bad things about humanity.

Akira has killed villagers before, and a lot of them, but in most cases she did it under the order of the village all for peace.

Now she knew that was a lie, everything else is a lie, as Akira remembers the lies, she also remembers the reason that she deserted the village, and the image of gruesome death flashed in her mind.

Seconds later she got up to take one of the prisoners from the cell to the special room that she built for human experiments.

Her face is cold and expressionless, her heart is calm and collected, her eyes are focused. Her goal is clear, to be able to know the limits of the cell and understand the stage that may exist before the cell collapse on itself.

In Akira's heart, a whirlwind of emotions collides as she prepares to carry out her sinister plan. There is a sense of anticipation mixed with a tinge of excitement, knowing that she is about to embark on an experiment that could unravel the mysteries of the cell and potentially push the boundaries of her understanding. There is also a subtle undercurrent of apprehension, as she contemplates the consequences of her actions and the label she will earn as a result.

Beneath the surface, a cold detachment masks her true feelings. She has learned to suppress her emotions, numbing herself to the suffering she inflicts and the moral implications of her deeds. It is as if her heart has become a frozen void, devoid of empathy or remorse. Her resolve, however, remains unyielding, fueled by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a drive to gain power at any cost.

As Akira gazes upon the five innocent prisoners, she sees them as mere pawns in her quest for understanding. They are now objects of her experimentation, stripped of their humanity in her eyes. They represent a means to an end, a necessary sacrifice for the sake of progress. She views them with clinical detachment, their lives reduced to variables in her pursuit of knowledge.

The prisoners themselves are a mix of fear, confusion, and desperation. Bound by their restraints, their eyes betray a deep-rooted terror, not knowing what awaits them in this secret room of horrors. Their bodies bear the marks of their recent ordeal, the trauma etched onto their faces and trembling limbs. They are helpless, vulnerable, and completely at the mercy of Akira's cold determination.

Each prisoner carries a unique story of their own—children torn from their mother, husbands separated from their wives, and individuals caught in the cruel grasp of fate. Their hopes and dreams have been shattered, replaced by a grim existence where survival is their only focus. They are victims of a world plagued by misery and suffering, now subject to the cruel machinations of a woman who has forsaken her humanity.

As Akira proceeds to her specially constructed room, she remains resolute, pushing aside any fleeting doubts or hesitations. The prisoners' fate has already been sealed, and their suffering will serve a purpose in her relentless pursuit of knowledge. In this pivotal moment, her emotions lie dormant, buried deep within the recesses of her cold heart, as she prepares to cross the threshold into the abyss of her dark experimentations.