
The Noctis Clan

Raze and both Dame had continued to go down the mountain slope, and as they did, they noticed that the number of beasts that were coming towards them was increasing. 

Because of this, Raze had to change his tactic with how he dealt with the beasts. For one, he started to use more of his Qi like skills. He fought them with his sword, and added the wind magic at the end while getting closer and attacking them more physically. 

Fighting this way allowed him to use less mana, and he had perfected it in such a way, where he would gain enough mana from killing the beast back to what he used. This would allow him to carry on hunting without taking a break.

In turn, it allowed him to increase his wind affinity along with all his other attributes. From time to time, two beasts would come towards him and fighting the way Raze was fighting, he needed a little help.