
Dark Lord Wins

After losing 746 times against the hero demon king is reincarnated as a human prince, with his memory intact of all the lives he had lived.

Ancalogon · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: Departure II

I waited for my mother in the carriage. I leaned towards the window resting my head on the glass. All my six months progress is going to be held up by this stupid human procession. I can't even evaluate what is the extent of my magic powers.

I read about that Sea King poison about which that Count person told me. It seems that they have lost the technology to use Sea King poison because back in those days Sea King could annihilate a whole region by just burning a small quantity of it. Also, Sea King poison was a smoke-type poison, not a solution type.

What these humans call sea king poison is nothing but a concentrated poison from an average sea snake. Almost all normal snake poisons are solution type, so it means that these have just copied the name of Sea King, not its abilities. Well, that was a huge disappointment.

I am so bored with this. Why is this carriage not moving? I am so tired of these human formalities. After I complete my soul Crystallisation I am going to do what I please.

I am not taking any risk with this golden opportunity. But even so, it's getting on my nerves, all those rules, of how to sit, how to eat, how to walk.

Like, don't these creatures have something better to do other than making another stupid Rule about whether one should blink his eyes or what. That might be the reason they are so behind in magic.





"Let's move quickly, we have already wasted so much time," my mother said as moved into the carriage.

"Yes, Your Highness," the knights said. The front Rode first our carriage and then the luggage carriage and then, at last, were the rear knights.

The knights were not carrying the banner of the Imperial House of Vernac but the banners of the Kingdom of Glauisburg. Now that I have noticed the knights that escorted me did have different armor designs than usual Imperial Knights. My mother sat in my carriage rather than her own.

Our carriage moved out of the Imperial Palace and by the time I noticed we were already in the Main Capital city. I looked outside and the streets were empty. I have read in a book that whenever a Human Royal move, roads are always cleared. I never clearly understood what's the difference between a human and a human royal they both are pretty weak. Except for that hero, of course.

For the whole journey from Palace to the port. My mother was quietly reading a book I too didn't do anything and sat there doing nothing.

The outside view was also nothing special, just the same old buildings like that of the Palace, and since the streets were also empty it made it look more boring.

We reached the port at noon when the sun was just above our head. The harbor was divided into three parts and laid in a straight horizontal manner. Big wooden ships were docked at it. We arrived at the passenger port in the private section.

A Large wooden ship was anchored there. It seems to be new compared to other ships in the dock.

An old man who seemed to be in his sixties came down from the ship. He walked toward my mother and bowed before her.

"Good Afternoon Your Highness. I am the Captain of the ship Perez Aborac," he said.

"Are all the preparation done?" my mother asked.

"Yes, Your Highness it's all according to your wishes," he replied.

"That's good" she replied.

He then walked toward me and crouched to be at my height.

"Good Afternoon Your Highness I guess it would be your first journey through the sea?" the Captain asked.

" Yes," I replied even though it wasn't the first sea journey that I am going to experience. But I think it would be true for this reincarnation.

"If you have any problems come to the deck I will be there," he said.

"Ok," I said.

He stood up

"Ferin!!" he shouted looking sideways.

A young man came forward from the crew.

"Yes, captain!" he answered in the same manner.

"Ferrin take Your Highness The Prince to his Room. I would be coming in a few moments" the captain and walked toward my mother.

Ferrin came and stood before and they bowed

"Ferrin Hamilton 23rd division at your service," he said nervously looking downwards. Some of his crew members were laughing without getting noticed.

"I will be in your care," I said.

I climbed the stairs and walked to the quarter chamber accompanied by Ferrin then with a few stairs down we cross a wooden door.

"This will be your room for the journey your highness. Please make yourself comfortable. If you need something I would be there outside" he said.

"Ok," I replied.

I entered the room. It was made out of wood and was about one-fourth the size of my original room. Two windows on the opposite side of the doors that open at the back of the ship.

A double bed was on the left side of the door while a sofa and a table were on the other side. I was also given a small cupboard on side of the bed. I took out my boots and sat on the sofa.

The ship left the port at dusk. It sailed through the waves accompanied by some ups and downs. With each passing the Port was vanishing through the horizon as the water replaced it.

The light became dimmer and dimmer as the stars started filling the skies, with Two Moons shining over the sea, glittering its surface with their light, as the sun sets

Servants accompanying me put my clothes and other belongings in my room. As the night approaches sea became quieter and quieter. I changed my clothes and lay down on the bed.

I heard from a few of the crew members that it would take one week to reach Glauisburg. That means I am trapped in this wooden cage in the middle of the Summer Sea. Looks like I have to wait a few months more to finally start my experiments.