
Dark Lord Wins

After losing 746 times against the hero demon king is reincarnated as a human prince, with his memory intact of all the lives he had lived.

Ancalogon · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Departure I

As the months passed days became shorter and nights longer and longer. Snow became thicker and thicker outside. I became used to this royal, it's fun it's relaxing no need to use mana pressure to assert any authority. All servants work without making any ruckus. They're weak but they seem loyal.

During these whole four months, I completed my notes on pyromancy and started working in necromancy. The Books that Amillia brought from the library were elementary but contained necessary formulas.

I also read some history books in the meantime and it seems that this Empire was established by the fifth descendant of that hero two thousand years ago. It also seems that the war between me and that hero is a glorified fairy tail.

During that two thousand years, it seems that the mages in this era mainly focus on combat magic, leaving the scholarly works. That may be the reason why there are no complex magic circuits here. Most mages only use basic mana manipulation to fight.

They use only five primary and two secondary elements.

Also in this era, people have found some kind of magic orb that detects magic affinity to one's element and people use their magic according to that

I mean how come someone believes bullshit. This is just pseudo-magic. Like how back in the day, shady witches used some kind of orb to tell someone their future.

Also Rose told me that my fifth birthday is in two months and for that, I have to go to my mother's home Kingdom of Ignis, at this time to do some kind of celebration or something. And that trip would take a whole month. I don't know if that celebration is important but I don't think that would be more important than my research.

Rose also told me that I would be transferred to some Noble's domain after my ninth birthday and would learn under his guidance about the ruling or something.

That means I would have to complete my memory crystallization and mana crystallization in just four years.

I still don't know about the limitations of this body. That I have to also find.





"Your Highness please hurry up your mother would arrive at any moment," Emma said

"I know I know," I said.

"Aren't you happy meeting your mother after so many months?" she asked.

"Yes, " I replied.

"Let's go to the living room your highness we will wait there," she said


"Do you want me to pack anything else?" Emma asked.

"No," I said

"Sadly, you don't get to explore the capital after you woke up and now you are going to Glauisburg in the spring," she remarked.

"Yes, it's a shame.

Anyways what kind of Kingdom is Glauisburg?" I asked.

"It's a small kingdom of wealthy merchants, even though they don't have that much military they have the largest port on the whole continent It's quite warm unlike here in the capital," she replied.

"A kingdom of merchants. I see that means would be able to see many rare things from the distant parts of the world" I added.

"You are right your highness. Let's hurry up otherwise we might get late" she said.

We left the bedroom and moved downstairs to the living room. I never really explored my Palace even though I was living for almost half a year. Also, I never explore the whole Imperial Palace.

All the snow on the outside had melted away and the Sun was shining brightly but the air was still cold.

The living room is almost two times the size of the Bedroom. It had a large fireplace and almost six different types of sofa. A large set of windows that open in the garden and walls that were decorated with weird paintings.

I also came to know that most humans live with their parents, unlike me. Most of the human Royalty live like me. The possible explanation I have got from Rose of this is that the Royals don't want to develop close attachments with their family members as it may lead to attachments that would lead to a lapse of judgment.

Every time I hear or read some kind some explanation by these humans, I always think how much they get for coming up with these crazy explanations.

After waiting for an hour and a half my mother finally arrived. She looked exactly like the princesses that I read about in these human books. Bright skin, shiny white hair, wearing a long elaborate yet light dress, with a small crown on her head and a diamond necklace. She was accompanied by two heavily armored knights.

The way she seems to carry herself is really dramatic for me, but I guess I can't dictate, to others what to do.

I got up myself and put my left leg ahead and bowed down.

"Good Morning Mother I hope you are well," I said.

With a movement of eyes, Rose signaled to me that she and the other servants should move out. I replied with an eye movement saying no.

"What's with your greeting do you think you call yourself a member of the Imperial family? You took out your left leg doesn't that brain of yours have any memory or is it just empty all there's?

Every time it's the same story on repeat. When will you learn? My mouth gets tired every time I talk to you." she shouted.

"Sorry mother" I replied.

She then looked toward Rose a said.

"Hey, You what are you looking at? Have you loaded his luggage in the carriages" she asked?

"No, Your Highness His Highness.." she replied keeping her head low.

Interrupting her my mother said.

"Then what are you doing here, seeing my face, then go and do what you are supposed to do."

"Yes, Your High Highness" she answered and ran towards the corridor leaving the room.

"Wimark, Gervios escort Prince to the carriage, I am coming" she ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness" they replied.

"Arnoir go and sit in the carriage quietly. I am coming after meeting His Majesty," she instructed.





So this is how these Human Royals behave. It was quiet for a leader but I would say that her actions didn't look that great. It was neat

at some parts like ordering subordinates and all but I personally think it fell apart when she was scolding me.