
Dark Lord Wins

After losing 746 times against the hero demon king is reincarnated as a human prince, with his memory intact of all the lives he had lived.

Ancalogon · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: Decision

It has been half a month since have regained my memories. Things are quite nice here.

This room is spacious and airy with a large glass window on the left side of the bed. The bedroom is divided into two parts separated by a wall that has a fireplace.

The front part is a living space with a sofa and an easy chair while the interior part has the bedroom. The front has a door that opens in the hallway.

While it may seem that the interior portion doesn't have any openings beside windows and chimney it's not true.

The interior room has a secret passage located behind my bed. From the outside, it may seem that the wall behind me is completely solid but it is very thin where the wall meets the floor.

The area of secrecy passage is very narrow but is enough to fit an average size human. I didn't try to open the wall to access the secret passage but did not do it as it might lead to suspicion. Also, I think that the staff that works here also don't know any of this.

Both of the rooms have many vases and paintings which I don't know what purpose they serve.

The staff here is great, I have two personal maids, one nanny, and a chef. Also, there is this Doctor Count person who frequently visits me.

The garden outside is also beautiful. It is snowing outside but that doctor person has prohibited me to go outside.





Amillia was walking through the hallway carrying a tray with some kind of cake and a cup of warm soup. She reached the prince's room and called out for the prince. "Your Highness can you please open the door"

The got up from his chair putting down his book on the table. He opened the door with his small hands that couldn't even get hold of all of the knobs.

"Thank You, Your Highness may I ask you where should I keep this? " she asked while holding the tray.

"Just put it on that table" The Prince replied.

"As you wish your highness" she added.

Prince sat down on the sofa crossing his legs and putting his palm above the cup to sense its warmth.

"Please be careful Your Highness it might be hot" Amillia said

"Can I ask you something Amillia?" The prince asked

"Yes," she said.

"Amilia where do you think I can find books as you have seen I have finished most of these " Prince said

After thinking for a while she replied.

"I think you can find a great collection of books either in Imperial Library or Grangian Public Library"





Let me see Imperial Library, a library with a large collection of rare books that can be only accessed by members of the Imperial Family. That means if I have to access that library I have to go there personally. If I go there personally it might raise suspicion. And if only imperial family members can go there that means I can also encounter someone dangerous. So that's a big no-no.

Grangian Public Library it's a large public library located in the center of the city. If I also go there that would also lead to suspicion. But I can send someone else on my behalf that would solve everything. But who should send it?

"Amilia Can you do me a favor? " I asked.

"Yes Your Highness"

"Could you possibly bring a copy the of catalog from the Public Library tomorrow and please don't tell anyone about this?" I said.

"I understand Your Highness" she replied again.

"Do you want anything else, your highness?"

"No, it's fine. You can go now." I replied.

Then she bowed and leaves the room while I closed the door again.





She is a great servant. I can ask her for anything and she would do it. If she was in the army during the Demon days would be a great service that could loyal.

I have heard that she is from a fallen noble family and is working hard to get her parents out of dept. Also, I have heard that her family takes great pride in their honesty and loyalty to their respective service.

This makes her a perfect tool for this purpose,






Amillia POV

What the hell I just witnessed?

Is it the same child?

Is sky father playing with me?

That crybaby brat that used insult servants, throw things.

Throw Tantrums about being a member of the Imperial family and how people should worship him for it.

How? How has that demon child changed so much?

Yeah like, that concerns me in the slightest. The only I am concerned about is my salt.

If I get a raise for it then I am up for it.

But still, it is baffling to me how a person or even a child can change after an illness. Well as they say pain can teach anyone, anything.

Her pain has taught a demon child, discipline.

Good for him if could put up a fight against his cousins.

Now let's go to the library this evening when I would be on my break. I was planning to market anyways.





Arnoir's POV

Now let's review my position here. I am the only son of the Third prince Ranvel and my Grandson of Greggory who is currently the Emperor, my mother Princess Erina is a princess of some small but rich kingdom.

Both my parents are out on some kind of mission. My father is in the north and is slaying monsters on a winter expedition while my mother is on a diplomatic mission in some foreign kingdom.

My Father has a total of nine siblings and is sixth in the line of the throne. This means he has no chance of becoming the emperor and I being his son have an even lesser chance of getting it.

Do I want to become an Emperor? Didn't I decide to live a peaceful life this time and resume my conqueror lifestyle after this life?

But still, I just can't get over my habit of this.

Anyways I can't blame this on me as anyone would be uncomfortable doing something else if they have been doing the same for hundreds of lives

Let's not worry about this in any way. It's not like I am going on conquest the next day.

Let's try to do it. If things work out without harming me it would be great otherwise, I am out.