
Dark Lord Wins

After losing 746 times against the hero demon king is reincarnated as a human prince, with his memory intact of all the lives he had lived.

Ancalogon · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: Repeat

"It's over Demon King you are powerless now. No tricks can save you your army has been slain. And I Anir Verac son of Bernlac Verac will put an end to your evil." As Amir said he was towards the Demon King who was sitting on his throne.


He He

Haaa Haa


Demon King Laughed while sitting on His Throne.

"Congratulations young warrior for coming up here it's truly a magnificent feat," he said.

Anger Anir charged his aura toward his sword. "You have no place here Demon. Now peace will prevail upon the land."

"Your words fascinate me a young hero but what do you think would happen if you kill me here," Demon King asked.

"All races will finally be at peace and wars will end," Anir replied.

"Looks my experimentations were all not in vain." the king replied.

"Enough of the talk you Demon. Now leave this world. You can't escape my wrath" he yelled charging straight toward the king with his sword in hand.

Seeing this the Demon king stood up from his Throne and started walking towards Anir.

Anir Verac thrust his sword and pierced through the demon king.

"Cough..." as blood came from the king's mouth, and collapsed on the floor. With the sword still in his chest.

As he lies down on the floor, Anir pulled out the sword with a stream of blood and a cluster of inner tissues.

With this Anir raised his sword and a bright light dispersed through its blade.




Ha, not again. Not again. This is the 768 time I had died I died as a demon King.

Dammn that Hero always ruining my plans.

Well, now I again am a kind of Demon and have to start from scratch to work to conquer the world.





As usual, I am again in this void. Falling into this useless pit, with nobody. Anyways what can I do about this?

But still, am I that stupid that I always get killed by some of that heroes?

Whenever I tried to conquer the world, that hero guy comes and defeats me using some broken ability. And it's not like the first time I was defeated by him.

I don't how much time had passed since I died. According to some of my estimates, time passes very slowly in the void, compared to the normal world. Whatever like that anyways.

Anytime I think I am going to get reincarnated. Let's see what I am going to become this time. Some kind of shadow demon, a fire demon, or some kind of undead.

My favorite choice here would become a dragon in this life, as don't have to work on creating any kind of minions or something. I could simply use my strength to dominate the land. But still, I somehow need to find a way to control its powers. I reincarnated as dragon thirty-six times and even though I nearly annihilated the world. I was still defeated every time.

Still, it was better than being a demon. The only thing that I need to do is find a way to control its power and I would be ready to go.

Even though I don't believe in some kind of higher power but if it exists, I want it to please grant me only one request. Please reincarnate me as a dragon.





Wait why does it feel weird, have I been reincarnated? But why does so soft and warm? Ok, let's try open eyes.

Wait! what? This doesn't look like a volcano or a graveyard. Where am I? Why do my hands feel so soft and why does this place smell so fragrant?




This is unexpected but it looks like have been reincarnated as some kind of human child.

The color of my hands is similar to the color of human skin and this room's decor looks like what a human would have.

Wait wait.

Aren't most humans weak with only a few lucky ones to become powerful?

If there are a billion humans in this world then also there would be only a few thousand that can come close to posing any threat to the demon army let alone defeating me.

That means my probability of being powerful is very less. What a waste looks like it's going to be very hard from here.





"I don't think his highness Prince Arnoir is going to survive," a maid said.

"Yes, but how are we going to tell his Majesty The Third Prince" the other maid replied.

"Count Abel was quite optimistic yesterday when there was a moment in prince's hand but today when he came for a checkup he said that there was no hope." the maid said.

"Emma, Amilia quit talking about it. If anybody hears you your tongue might be cut off" a sharp voice declared behind them.

"Sorry, Madam Rose" both replied bowing their head.

"Isn't one of you required to be in his highness's room every time? And I think don't need to remind you what your duties are" Rose added.

"Yes Madam" they again replied

"Now what are you looking at, go to his highness" Rose declared.

"Yes madam," they said.

"Where are you going Amillia aren't you supposed to go to the kitchen," Rose said.

"Sorry Madam" Amillia apologized

"Now Move," Rose said in a loud voice.




"That old hag what does she think she is?

Some kind of Queen that she can boss me around" Emma thought as she went back to the prince's chambers

As she came before his chambers she knocked on them and asked.

"May I come in your highness," she said.

"It's completely unnecessary to ask someone who is completely unconscious," she thought.

As she thought of asking for a second time to complete imperial formalities, an unexpected voice came from inside the chambers.

"Yes, you may come" the unexpected voice replied.

She asked again to confirm

"May I come in your highness"

" Yes you may" the voice replied again.





She opened the door and saw a small pale boy with black hair sitting on a couch beside the window.

"Your Highness

but wait

how? " She exclaimed as she had something unexpected. Emma ran towards him and put her hand on his forehead.

"It's not cold as before," she pondered.

"Wait why are you touching me" the boy replied removing the hand from his forehead.

"I am sorry Your Highness," she said after moving a few steps backward.

"Who are you ? " the boy asked.

"Don't you remember? I am your highness's maid Emma of House Gilwin." Emma answered

"Wait, then who am I? " the boy asked.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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